Do-it-yourself drywall seaming

Do-it-yourself drywall seaming
Do-it-yourself drywall seaming

Gypsum board is an excellent building material that installs quickly and with little or no difficulty. Thanks to its technical characteristics, it allows you to easily create any design of a unique shape. The installation of this material has one nuance that must be considered before starting repairs.

Special attention should be paid to sealing joints in drywall. If this work is done incorrectly, it can lead to cracks, as well as a reduction in the life of the structure.

Good qualities

In the process of interior decoration, various materials are used: plastic, wood, etc. But one of the most common options is plasterboard. Due to their properties and characteristics, they have many advantages over other materials.

Putty for sealing drywall joints
Putty for sealing drywall joints

When working with drywall, it does not matter at all what condition the wall is in and how many irregularities it has. The GKL installation process is such that all defectshe hides his reasons. One sheet is enough to cover a large wall area, saving time and resources.

Another indisputable plus is the fact that when sheathing a wall when using a profile, and not just glue for plasterboard, a small gap appears between the wall and the sheet. Here, if necessary, you can put a heater.

Any desired decorative finish can be applied to the surface without much difficulty. You can stick wallpaper, just paint the walls or apply textured plaster.

As a rule, there are no difficulties when working with drywall. A metal frame is mounted on the wall or special glue for plasterboard is used. A profile is more often used, as this makes it possible to lay a heater or soundproof material under the finish. The sheets are attached with self-tapping screws to the metal frame.

After the work done, there comes a moment that requires the special attention of the master. After installing the GKL, a seam is formed between the sheets. It can be of different thickness. Before proceeding with subsequent finishing work, it is worth sealing the drywall joints.

It is also worth considering that if you apply a layer of putty without pre-treatment of the joints, over time the finish will come off and crack. This will spoil the appearance of the walls and the entire interior. Therefore, when puttying the seams, you should adhere to the established recommendations.

Tool and material

Before starting work, you should prepare a special tool so that in the process of successive actions there will be nodifficulties.

Sealing drywall joints "Knauf"
Sealing drywall joints "Knauf"

When sealing drywall joints with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • bucket for mixing putty;
  • electric drill;
  • special nozzle;
  • spatula;
  • grater;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • stationery knife;
  • roller.

And you will also need to purchase the necessary material. You will need special putty for seams, paper tape and mesh for reinforcement.


The process of sealing seams is not particularly difficult, but it requires compliance with certain recommendations.

Do-it-yourself drywall seams
Do-it-yourself drywall seams

If you pay attention to the ends of the drywall sheet, you will notice that they are different. The factory seam is rounded and the used pieces are flat.

In some cases, the standard end may also be flat. However, you still need to process the slices. Gypsum is visible on these surfaces, as well as inside the GKL. For this, a clerical knife is used. It should be held at a 45° angle. This tool trims the top edges. A joint is formed, which is cut out. After that, you need to seal the drywall joints.

Embedding technology

Before starting work with drywall, it should be primed. This can be done with a roller or maklovitsy. After treatment with a primer, it should be allowed to dry, this takes about an hour. During this time, you can prepare putty forseams. Today, the range of such products is very diverse. The most popular and well-established brands are:

  • Knauf Fugenfuller;
  • SEMIN.

In principle, you can use any composition. They are all suitable for their characteristics and quality standards.

Seam tape
Seam tape

The selected putty mass should be poured into a working container and brought to the required consistency with the help of a mixer, adding water. The revolutions on the drill must be set to the minimum so that a destructive reaction of the reinforcing additives does not occur. This may affect the strength of the mixture. It is also not recommended to mix the old putty with the new mixture. The previously prepared composition must be used up or thrown away. Only then can you prepare a new mass. After preparing the putty, you can begin to seal the joints of the Knauf drywall (with the material of another company, work is carried out in a similar way).

The solution is applied across the seam and rubbed inward. It is necessary that the putty fill the joint throughout the entire thickness. Thus, the seam is filled along the entire length. If it is very large, then the termination is carried out in two stages.


It is worth remembering that you must use a special tape for sealing joints in drywall, which is made of paper, or fiberglass mesh for reinforcement. Otherwise, the putty will simply fall out or crack over time, because as it dries, it decreases in volume and lags behind the GKL.

Duringthe acquisition of a reinforcing mesh, you need to check its quality. This is within the power of even a novice master. The grid should be checked for stretching, to see how the cells behave. You need to bend it, and then run your hand over it. If, after such tests, the mesh did not burst or become disheveled, then this indicates the quality of the product.

Drywall Seam Tape
Drywall Seam Tape

For ease of use, the reinforcing mesh is made in rolls. It often has one self-adhesive side, as well as various lengths and widths. When sealing drywall joints, a mesh is applied on top of the abundantly applied layer of putty. Then, with a strong movement of the spatula, it is rubbed into the solution that has already been applied.

After that, the mesh is immersed in putty and reinforced. Because of this, it does not shrink when dried. Next, level the base with a spatula so that there are no tubercles. Then the work surface should dry completely. After that, you can make further puttying GKL.


The final step is sanding the plastered areas of drywall.

Sealing drywall seams with sickle
Sealing drywall seams with sickle

You can use sandpaper for this. But it will be more convenient to grind the surface with a special grater, in which a mesh with the desired cell size is installed. Then the work will be easy and of high quality. It must not be forgotten that the surface should be sanded after the solution has completely dried after sealing the drywall with a sickle. Grout should be done in a circular motion.


Experts recommend using the appropriate type of putty when using GKL to seal drywall joints. And also you need to adhere to the technology of consistent work to obtain a quality result for many years.
