Transformer beds: reviews, review of models, choice

Transformer beds: reviews, review of models, choice
Transformer beds: reviews, review of models, choice

When choosing furniture, consumers want to choose the most practical, functional and effective fixtures. These are the three main nuances that everyone pays attention to.

Furniture that can transform is now quite popular. This is because it combines all three of the above qualities. Often acquire such furniture for a small apartment. A transforming bed is the best solution that allows you to save space as much as possible. Some models are able to "turn" into a table, wardrobe or sofa.

bed transformer for a small apartment
bed transformer for a small apartment


Described furniture is multifunctional, looks attractive. The consumer, paying attention to this device, can purchase a bed, sofa (wardrobe or table) at the same time. The installed lifting mechanism is simple, so even a child will understand its work. You can save space as much as possible, this has already been said above. It will turn out to combine several in one device at oncetypes of furniture. Due to the wide variety of designs, colors and materials, you can diversify your interior.

In addition, as described in the reviews of transforming beds, the process of folding and unfolding is carried out quickly. It should be noted: in order to “turn” the bed into another type of furniture, just press the handle. Most of these fixtures fit easily into the interior and will be a great addition to the bedroom.

Many say that the decision to use such a bed will have a great effect on lighting. The room will become more spacious and lighter.

children's bed table transformer
children's bed table transformer


Thanks to the reviews of transforming beds, we can highlight the main disadvantages of such furniture. Buyers mark the cost of the product with negative words. A family with an average income can afford such a design, but for some time before buying, you will have to accumulate the required amount. When buying a bed, you need to pay attention only to expensive options, since only they are 100% high-quality and reliable. You can install such furniture only on the main wall. This introduces some restrictions. The fact is that other walls will not be able to withstand the load. If the purchased transforming bed for a small apartment turns into a table or a closet, then there will be inconvenience. They are connected with the fact that you constantly have to fold and unfold furniture. If after a hard day's work you want to finally relax in bed, you will have to spend some time transforming it. In that case,if the furniture "turns" into a sofa, then this type of problem will not arise.

folding bed bedside table transformer
folding bed bedside table transformer

Types of mechanisms

Before buying, you need to consider what kind of transforming beds are. The sizes of some models may not be suitable for small apartments, so you need to take the selection of options seriously. It is necessary to determine exactly what function the room performs, for example, a person wants to combine a bedroom and an office, or a bedroom and a living room. In both cases, you will need different types of bed.

Lifting mechanisms are divided into two types. There are horizontal models, in which fastening is carried out on the longest side of the bed, and vertical ones. The latter have a special mechanism. It allows the bed to be raised from the side of the headboard.

wardrobe bed table transformer for a teenager
wardrobe bed table transformer for a teenager

Types of beds

There is a more specific classification of these beds. It is based on what the model "turns into" after transformation. For example, you can get it by having a transforming bed, a folding bed and a nightstand. Regarding the latter, there are many models that, after transformation, become a chest of drawers.

For small rooms, a mechanism that raises the bed to ceiling level is great. This option is called the BedUp bed. An excellent option for a transformer bed is a wardrobe-table. For a teenager, such furniture will be a great way to save space in the room. There are also models that combine a wardrobe and a sofa in one item.interior. Usually this option is used in small living rooms.

The most popular model is considered to be a bed that can "turn" into a closet. Due to the fact that the mechanism presses the bed against the wall, the passage is freed. This bed is perfect for any interior. There are options in which shelves are installed. They are not involved in the folding process.

A sofa bed is also a popular option. It is also often installed in the living room.

Often, parents try to save space in the nursery as much as possible. The bed-table transformer will help to do it in the best possible way. The child will be able to do homework and other tasks at the workplace, and after graduation - "turn" it into a bedroom. Many children like this kind of furniture.

bed transformer dimensions
bed transformer dimensions

Flip-down bed

We are talking about a model that can change from a bed to a closet. The design consists of two elements. Of course, this is a wardrobe and a bed. Often this option is installed in children's rooms.

This type of bed can be horizontal or vertical. The latter option can be used in rooms with a very small area. Thanks to this mechanism, the bed can be installed as a single or double bed. Such a transforming bed is ideal for two children.

Horizontal models are most often installed if it is possible to install a spacious storage system or a stationary table.


Thanks to thisproduct, you can combine the working and sleeping areas. You should pay attention to the fact that the size of the table should be optimal for comfortable work behind it. In reviews of transforming beds, they note that ideally the length of the tabletop should be 60 cm and the width 120 cm.

There are two types of beds depending on the folding mechanism.

The first one is called "table-down". In this case, the bed is above the countertop. To expand the bed, you need to raise the table up. The second option is table-up. Such a children's bed-table transformer is a huge success. The mechanism works completely opposite to that described above. At night, the table is closer to the table, and the bed is above it. To remove the bed in the morning, you need to pull the bed by the side and slide it into a niche. The main advantage of such a bed is that you can leave things on the table.

bed transformer for two children
bed transformer for two children

Sofa bed

Such a sleeping place at the necessary moment can be transformed into a sofa and vice versa. There are models of angular shape. In this case, the furniture is installed in the corner of the room, which saves space. Rectangular models available. This option is considered a classic. In reviews of transforming beds, it is advised to install a similar model in the center of the room. And one more option: irregular shape. These beds have rounded seats or a wave shape.

Such furniture is advised to be installed in a small apartment where there is no separate living room. Mechanisms can becompletely different. Consider the three most popular.

The book is a reliable mechanism. It works in this way: it is necessary to raise the seat of the sofa, recline the back. After that, the seat is lowered. Of the minuses of such a mechanism, it should be noted that the bed will be uneven. A similar option is the eurobook. The seat will slide forward and the backrest will drop down in its place. Thanks to this solution, the sofa bed does not have to be moved away from the wall. Many people prefer to install furniture with a roll-out mechanism. Of the advantages, it should be noted that in the state of the sofa the maximum amount of space is saved, and in the state of the bed - the sleeping place is quite spacious.

Comfortable bed
Comfortable bed


Many people prefer transforming furniture. A folding bed, a bed and a bedside table - all this can be only one product. These beds are expensive, but their cost is justified by the reliability and many other benefits.

Buying a cheap option is not worth it. Why? The manufacturer could save on the mechanism. In this case, after a minimum period of time, the bed will have to be repaired. It will cost a lot more.
