In recent years, forged lanterns have been a symbol of respectability and we alth. Despite the fact that today's construction markets and supermarkets are filled with various cheap options for cast lanterns, forged examples are still in high demand. They are ordered and purchased by people with a delicate taste and sufficient means. Located on the territory of the site or on the pillars of a wrought-iron fence, they successfully emphasize the architecture of the house, create a beautiful and mysterious lighting, and ennoble the entire territory.

Forged lanterns are exclusive products, they are made by hand. That is why their cost is much higher than the cast counterparts that are now common. Usually such a lantern is a hexagon, expanding upwards. The lid completes the design. Forged lanterns are glazed or not. But a model with glass, especially if a matte version with stains is used, gives diffused light that does not tire. In addition, the glasses in the lanterns protect the electric lamps from the effects of atmospheric factors,because of which they can quickly fail.
The production of forged products is a complex process. It would seem that what is easier - they cut the metal, welded the template and collect the lanterns! But in the process of work, it happens that the geometry is broken, the frame of the lantern can lead, as a result, the glass will not fit tightly to the base. In the end, it will just crack.
Forged lanterns are made of steel cut into strips, thin corners,

rolled wire, etc.
Forged products will fit harmoniously into the interior of a summer house, a country house, a restaurant. Due to the durability of the metal, forged lanterns can be used outdoors. Quite often they are used in the interior of residential premises, but only if the chosen style needs such an addition.
Currently, forged lanterns (photos you see in this article) play an important role in the life of a country dweller. From primitive lighting fixtures, they have turned into luxurious design elements. The primary task of lamps, of course, is to illuminate the area in the dark. After all, you often want to take a walk in the evening garden or arrange a fun party with close friends on the site! Lanterns create a special mysterious atmosphere, allow you to enjoy being outdoors in the evening or at night.

In our time, landscape designers have begun to use a variety of types of forged lanterns and lamps for decorationhousehold plot. They help to place light accents - you can highlight the original gazebo, fountain, garden paths, the house itself.
It is important that street lights are installed by experts. All wires must be insulated and connected in compliance with all rules. This ensures uninterrupted and reliable operation of the fixtures.
It is quite natural that any customer is interested in the question of how much a forged lantern will cost him. The price of this product depends on many factors. It is impossible to create a clear price list for artistic forging. We can only talk about the approximate cost, but the simplest model will cost you no less than 4000 rubles for one lamp.