How to make a sliding gate: design, installation

How to make a sliding gate: design, installation
How to make a sliding gate: design, installation

This article will tell you how to make a sliding gate with your own hands. Such structures have been used in industry for a long time, but they entered private households relatively recently. In recent years, a large number of technical solutions have appeared, and many components can be found on the market. Therefore, many owners of private houses install such structures. Moreover, all work can be done independently without the involvement of outside specialists.

Features of the gate device

The design is based on a panel that moves horizontally on rollers. Such structures are also called sliding or retractable. Installing the gate, you can rationally use the entire space of the yard. Firstly, there are no large sashes that require quite a lot of space to open. Secondly, rails are not needed for work - thanks to this, contact with the ground is completely excluded.

How to make slidinggates
How to make slidinggates

By default, such structures are opened manually, it is not difficult to make all the nodes and parts on your own. But if you wish, you can install an automatic drive - thanks to this you will get a functional and convenient gate. That's just the cost will increase, and significantly. The main advantage of the design is simplicity, durability and reliability. That is why the gate has gained wide popularity among the owners of private houses.

Details of construction

The right choice of components depends on how easy the installation will be, as well as indicators of durability and reliability. Main components of sliding gates (fire and entrance):

  1. Roller carriages.
  2. Traps and holders.
  3. Guide rail.

Before choosing fittings, you need to determine what space is needed to open the sash. The type of material used depends on the load. The load directly depends on the size and weight of the entire structure.

Gate classification

You can classify the gate according to two parameters - the mass and size of the opening:

  1. Large - have a mass of more than 600 kg and a length of 6 meters.
  2. Medium - the length of the leaf at such gates is 4-6 meters, weight 400-600 kg.
  3. And small structures - sashes no more than 4 m and weight does not exceed 400 kg.

In the event that the weight of the gate does not exceed 400 kg, light materials can be used in construction - siding, profiled sheet. There are no additional requirements for fittings.

Sliding gate installation
Sliding gate installation

If the design is more massive, then you will have to use reinforced elements. Be sure to make the frame rigid, as there is a high windage. To reduce the weight of the entire structure, it is allowed to use a profile pipe. The article contains photos of sliding gates made from such materials.

Stage 1. Installing the embedded element

When installing a sliding gate, it is required to make a foundation. First, mark the site for construction. To determine the length, it is necessary to measure half the length of the opening from the extreme point. The width of the foundation should be approximately 50 cm. If a capital fence is installed, then the use of pillars as supports is allowed. If your fence is not very strong, you will have to install a reciprocal support. The pit used for it should be adjacent to the inside of the fence, while reducing the width of the opening should not occur.

At the stage of excavation, it is necessary to take into account the laying of cables for automation. The wires must be placed in the pipe. The depth of the trench should be greater than the freezing of the soil. At the base, you will need to install an embedded part - this is channel No. 16 with reinforcement bars welded to it, the diameter of which is at least 12 mm. After that, it is necessary to weld a lattice made of reinforcement to the structure. When the embedded element is ready, immerse it in the pit so that the free edges of the reinforcement are directed downwards. The channel end should rest against the polefencing.

Stage 2. Installation of support pillars

Please note that if the gap between the posts and the embedded element is reduced, the fastening technology will be violated. If the width of the opening is more than 4.5 meters, it is necessary to install two support pillars - thanks to this, it will be possible to ensure the rigidity of the entire structure. And the gate will be able to function normally even if the windage of the canvas is high.

Sliding gate design
Sliding gate design

Pillars should have a height equal to the distance between the top of the gate and the foundation. Another 50 cm must be added to this value. To increase the stiffness index, it is necessary to connect the embedded element and the lower part of the supports by welding. Please also note that when pouring concrete with a mortar, the embedded element should not be completely covered. Concrete hardens for at least three weeks - it is during this period that it will be able to gain strength.

Stage 3. Designation of the trajectory of opening the sash

Before you make a sliding gate, you need to outline the path along which the sashes will subsequently move. Stretch a thin cord at a height of 20 cm above the roadway. About 3 cm must be retreated from the installation site of the return post. The cord will serve as a guide for the correct installation of the main carrier profile into which the rollers with carriages are installed.

The latter should be moved closer to the center of the gate structure. After that, it is necessary to install the sash and carriages in the embedded element. Next, the installation of supports is carried out and adjustment is carried out in such a wayso that they are in contact with the cord. Note that both surfaces are parallel.

Stage 4. Fastening the trolleys to the channel and adjustments

When installing the gate, it is necessary to properly fix the roller carriages. In this case, you must follow the order - first, the adjusting platform is connected by welding to the channel. Then roll out the sash into the opening and repeat the procedure for mounting the platform of the first roller support. Then you need to remove the carriages from the supports. The latter also need to be dismantled from the adjusting platforms.

DIY sliding gates
DIY sliding gates

Across the entire perimeter, it is necessary to weld the embedded element to the adjusting platforms. Only after these manipulations can the support be fixed on the canvas. To adjust the leveling, you will need to completely close the gate. The process is not very complicated - the key loosens or tightens the fastening of the site. This changes the position of the entire structure.

Sliding fire doors
Sliding fire doors

To adjust the free play, you need to loosen the nuts that connect the adjustment platform to the embedded part. After loosening, you need to move the sash to the extreme positions. In this way, the supports will find a position that will correspond to easy and unhindered movement. After making adjustments, the fasteners must be tightened.

Step 5. Installing End Caps and End Roller

An end roller is installed on the front side of the profile. It is fastened with bolts. Sliding gate kits includeplugs that are installed on the back of the profile. It is fixed by welding. With the help of a plug, the possibility of penetration of foreign objects into the profile is completely excluded. As a result, the whole mechanism works flawlessly.

To install the top rail, you need to loosen the fasteners of the rollers. Then install the bracket so that the rollers touch the top edge of the canvas. In this case, the holes for fastening should be turned towards the support column. The elements are bolted to each other, pressed tightly.

Stage 6. Sheathe with profiled sheet

After the installation of the gate is completed, you can start decorating, namely, installing the profiled sheet on the frame. To do this, it is enough to correctly mark and cut the sheets. The starting point for fastening the sheet is the leading edge. Fastening can be done with both rivets and self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself sliding gate designs
Do-it-yourself sliding gate designs

Better use rivets as they are less prone to corrosion. The sequence must be observed necessarily - the waves of the next sheet fit into the previous one. In this case, you will be able to provide the best view of the sliding gate design. Doing the right installation with your own hands is not difficult.

Stage 7. Installation of traps

The final stage is the installation of traps. The lower one is placed only after the gate is fully assembled. In other words, only if they are subjected to maximum force. On the trappart of the load passes, the roller bearings are relieved of significant weight. The fixing point can only be determined if the gate is fully closed. The end roller and catcher must be aligned.

Sliding gate photo
Sliding gate photo

The function of the catcher located on top is to get rid of vibrations that occur due to the influence of the wind. The element is installed near the protective corners. Pay attention to the fact that the staples on the catcher do not touch the corners. On this, the installation of sliding gates can be considered complete. If desired, you can install automation - an electric motor, sensors, a control unit. Such modernization can facilitate the use of the gate - you can easily open them even from the car.
