Repairing a house is always a chore. The main task is to choose high-quality materials and use them correctly. Plaster can rightfully be considered the main finishing material. Without its use, not a single repair takes place. Many experts will recommend paying special attention to sanitizing plaster.
Restoring plasters
This finishing material is often used in rooms with high humidity. Sanitizing plaster helps to protect against s alts and moisture that protrude from the foundation and load-bearing walls. Thanks to this, the remaining layers of finishing and leveling solutions will not be affected. But improperly executed waterproofing contributes to the fact that s alts and moisture rise from the soil and accumulate on the walls. This contributes to the slow destruction of the structure. Fungus, dampness and efflorescence appear, their development negatively affects human he alth. Therefore, a person's stay in such a room for a long time can cause the development of various diseases of the respiratory system or exacerbation of chronic ones.

The main property of sanitizing plaster is the drying of the outer surface of brick and stone walls. This material ensures even distribution of s alts. But the use of material for interior decoration enhances the waterproofing effect. This has a positive effect on increasing the service life of the structure itself and finishing materials applied over the sanitizing plaster.
Many buyers are deterred by the increased cost of this material. But it more than pays off by creating favorable conditions for living in the house.
Excessive moisture
There are many sources that can dampen structures. The most common are:
- condensate;
- poor ventilation;
- flood waters;
- leaky drainage and gutter systems;
- precipitation penetrating the foundation;
- groundwater.
As you know, excessive moisture can lead to serious problems. But if you constantly eliminate the consequences, and do not pay attention to the elimination of the causes themselves, then this will bring only short-term results. In this case, the use of special materials will help. For example, sanitizing plaster. It is sometimes called restoration. After all, this material is used in repair and restoration work with structures that are built from s alt-containing wall materials. Thanks to the amazing properties of this material, moisture is removed from the wall to the outside.

Hydrophobic sanitizing plaster has a number of positive properties.
- Prevent efflorescence on walls, plinths, foundations.
- Removes moisture from these structures into the atmosphere.
- Reliably protects the structure from precipitation.
- This is a good waterproofing layer.
- High vapor permeability.
- During the drying period, the surface does not crack even when applying a thick layer.
- Used for both indoor and outdoor use.
- Sustainable material.
Remember that this finishing material must not be applied to gypsum substrates. Also, this type of plaster cannot be used as a waterproofing layer to protect the basement, walls, foundation from groundwater.
Material features
All the positive properties of sanitizing plaster directly depend on its composition. It consists of two layers: porous and sanitizing. To protect the walls from efflorescence, you can apply the material in a layer of 2 cm.

Strong sulphate resistance and thick layer strength prevent cracking.
What is the principle of this material? Moisture from the bearing wall passes into the first - porous - layer. S alt lingers in it and accumulates in the pores of the plaster. But the moisture is removed, evaporates through the plaster. For this reason, s alts are not transferred to other finishing materials applied after such a mixture.
Preparatory work
Before applying the sanitizing plaster, you need to take care of a good base. It must be strong and firm. Particles should not crumble. If any, they should be removed and repaired. In addition, the base must be free of grease, dirt, oil, oil paint or varnish. Be sure to ensure that the surface is rough for better adhesion of the plaster to the base.
The seams on the brickwork should be embroidered. They go deep into them, expanding the space. Efflorescence must be cleaned with a metal brush. And if the affected area is large, the surface is cleaned with a grinder. In this case, a special nozzle with a metal brush is used. A day before applying the main layer of plaster, a spray should be applied to the base. It has a beneficial effect on the adhesion of the plaster to the base.

Material application sequence
Before work, you must carefully study the instructions for sanitizing plaster. The dry mixture must be diluted with clean water. It should be at room temperature (about + 15-20 degrees). From the bag, gradually pour the mixture into a container of water. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the resulting mixture with a construction mixer. Depending on the thickness of the future layer, the consistency of the mixture is also selected, adjusting by adding water.
Remember that ready, mixed plaster must be used within 15 minutes. If the solution is not used during this time, it will lose its quality. After all, porosity is significantly reduced withtime.
When applying mortar to a brick wall, you must first hammer the seams. And after that, the main layer of plaster is applied. Application can be done both manually and with the help of special tools. The chosen method directly depends on the required thickness of the future layer. It can be from 1 to 3 cm.
15 minutes after application and leveling, the sanitizing plaster should be rubbed off. Remember, the applied layer should dry gradually. Therefore, experts recommend protecting the finished surface from intense drying. Particular attention must be paid at least during the first 24 hours after application.

If an additional finishing layer is applied over the sanitizing plaster for the bathroom, then immediately after leveling, the surface must be treated with a stiff brush. The resulting scratches will contribute to improved adhesion of the next finishing layer. Please note that the next top coat should only be applied after 30 days.
Ceresit plaster
WTA sanitizing plaster systems are used in basements and semi-basements with high humidity. The main purpose is to create an optimal microclimate for life and a safe long-term stay of a person.
Experienced professionals know that the destruction of the lower part of structures is mainly due to the harmful effects of s alts and moisture on it. The use of special porous plasters will solve this problem.
Today there is a largeassortment of materials, but Ceresit sanitizing plaster receives more positive feedback.
Quality repair means reliability, durability and aesthetics. These requirements must be met during the restoration of old structures. For such objects, it is imperative to use plaster with the WTA index.

Wall decoration
In fact, sanitizing plaster is part of the finishing work that needs to be done during a bathroom renovation. After all, the final "pie" should consist of the following layers:
- adhesive (providing good adhesion between the surface and other layers);
- leveling (used for large surface irregularities and high salinity);
- restoration (layer up to 4 cm of plaster, in which s alt accumulates and crystallizes);
- finishing (various materials with high diffusion capacity).
Features of interior decoration of the bathroom
Restoring plaster - protection against moisture of structures not only outside, but also inside. As you know, this material is used in rooms with high humidity. Therefore, bathroom renovations should only be done with this plaster.
Remember, in order for the plaster to show all its qualities indicated by the manufacturer, it is necessary to properly finish. Therefore, having figured out how to plaster the walls in the bathroom, now consider the technology of applying the composition, which consists of several stages.
- Clean up the surface. You can use a blowtorch to remove paint. A solution of caustic soda and a lime mixture is also used.
- With the help of sandblasting, the base is mechanically released. The masonry joints expand.
- The surface of the walls is treated with a special primer.
- To improve adhesion, notches should be made on a smooth surface. Do a half-spray. This adhesive solution is applied in a grid pattern.
- If there are any irregularities on the surface, they must be repaired with leveling plaster.
- After 24 hours after spraying, the sanitizing plaster can be applied. Expert reviews recommend applying this material in the form of uniform layers over a thickness of more than 1 cm.
- After the mortar has set, it is necessary to roughen the surface by roughening it with a hard roller.
- If repairs are carried out during a hot period, care should be taken to moisten the surface, which prevents the formation of cracks.
It is better to choose a top coat with a diffuse resistance coefficient of no more than 1.2 points. But many experts argue that the sanitizing putty itself can act as a finishing material.
When choosing finishing materials, make sure that each next layer in the sanitizing system has a higher vapor permeability than the previous one.

Drying plaster
In the construction market, you can find drying plaster. Some people think that thissanitizing, but it is not. These two types of finishing materials have much in common in effect and purpose. But drying plaster does not have a layered structure, and the diameter of the capillaries is much smaller than that of sanitizing plaster. It is minimal, so that even s alt water molecules cannot pass through them. Thus, a filter is formed that allows water to pass through, and the s alt remains on the other side. Water comes out through the channels and is already evaporating from the surface of the finishing material.
And the s alt sinks down under its own weight, and then goes into the ground, before the crystallization process. This is the essence of drying plaster.
Restoring plaster is an indispensable finishing material during repair work in old buildings. It is used both indoors and outdoors. Due to the excellent properties of this plaster, excessive moisture, and later mold, will not be terrible for the structure. In addition, this finishing material is actively used in rooms with a high level of humidity. After all, the applied layer of sanitizing plaster is able to remove excess moisture to the outside, where it further evaporates.