Interior doors made of solid pine

Interior doors made of solid pine
Interior doors made of solid pine

Today, more and more owners of city apartments and country houses are installing solid pine wooden doors in their homes. Products made from this wood have practically no competitors in their price segment, because they are distinguished not only by their beautiful appearance, but also by their high quality.

solid pine doors
solid pine doors

Main features of wood

It should be understood that pine is not an exotic or rare species. It grows freely on the territory of our state, so many domestic producers are engaged in its harvesting. The relatively low price at which you can buy interior doors made of solid pine is due to the availability of raw materials. The significant disadvantages of this material include the low density of dried wood. Therefore, after some time, the door leaf may begin to dry out.

pine interior doors
pine interior doors

What technology is used to make solid pine doors?

Forto obtain the necessary structure of the finished product, relatively soft wood must be carefully processed. The wear resistance and durability of the finished door largely depends on what technology was used to produce it. All modern solid pine interior doors are made using two different methods:

  • using a glued array;
  • using whole pieces of wood.

The first technology is considered less costly and more in demand. This method is beneficial not only from a financial, but also from a design point of view. With such canvases, you can experiment and select the most original color schemes. The quality of finished products produced by this technique is largely dependent on the pressure and temperature during the application of a special adhesive.

The strength of a solid pine door is determined by the quality of the paints and varnishes applied to the canvas. A good composition reliably protects the product from exposure to high temperatures and high levels of humidity. During production, wood slightly changes its original shade. To give the finished product a natural light color, it is very often dyed.

pine wood doors
pine wood doors

Benefits of pine doors

Products made from this wood are considered one of the most popular building materials on the modern market. This is due to the fact that solid pine doors have a number of undeniable advantages. To the main advantages of such doorblocks can be counted:

  • environmental safety of products;
  • natural texture and shade;
  • comparatively good performance, including a high level of sound absorption.
solid pine doors photo
solid pine doors photo

What is the difference between unpainted solid pine doors?

Such products have a lower price compared to painted door leafs. Therefore, this is a great option for those who want to save money. Unpainted pine doors showcase the beauty and naturalness of the wood structure. Therefore, such products are distinguished by their excellent appearance. One of the main advantages of such doors is that they fit well into almost any interior.

In addition, unpainted interior pine doors begin to emit phytoncides during operation. The air filled with these special substances endowed with healing properties has a beneficial effect on the human body. That is why products, the surface of which is not treated with coloring compositions, can be considered as products with an antiseptic effect.

solid pine doors unpainted
solid pine doors unpainted

What should I pay attention to when buying?

In order for solid pine doors, photos of which adorn the pages of many specialized publications, to retain their original appearance for as long as possible, they need to be able to choose the right one. When buying such products, it is necessary to give preference to doors,made from dried material. Such a product will be distinguished by high strength characteristics and a long service life.

For those who decide to install unpainted solid pine doors in their apartment, we can recommend options with a rigid structure. This category includes frame-panel and panel models. Pine blocks with glass inserts are not characterized by increased strength, so it is advisable to refuse such a purchase.

Which is better: solid or glued array?

The raw materials used for the production of solid wood doors are considered more prestigious and therefore more expensive. One of the main advantages of this material, which is thick massive boards that do not have eyes and knots, can be considered the minimum coefficient of linear expansion during sudden temperature changes. Simply put, doors made from such raw materials will not deform when the ambient temperature changes. Therefore, they will not need to be repaired after a sharp cold snap or warmer weather.

One of the most significant disadvantages of a solid array can be considered a relatively high hygroscopicity. Therefore, those who are often flooded by neighbors from above need to be prepared for the fact that with a sharp change in the level of humidity, pine solid doors can be deformed. Perhaps this is one of the most common reasons why there is a need to repair such doors. Therefore, when buying pine doors, it is necessary to give preference to models thatmade from seasoned wood. Unlike analogues made from raw solid wood, such products are characterized by the lowest possible hygroscopicity.

The doors are made from solid pine wood with a luxurious natural texture. It is from this material that most of the premium interior linens are made.

Cheaper products made of glued solid wood, made in compliance with all technological processes, are practically in no way inferior to expensive analogues. The only significant drawback of such doors can be considered the presence of visually distinguishable color transitions and a less spectacular structure.
