Not so long ago, to replace the standard two-room apartments, we began to build "Euro-beds". Prices are lower, but this type of layout scares many buyers. It is difficult for us to imagine and understand how to properly equip such an apartment so that everyone would be comfortable there.
But fear not - this is actually a great option for families and singles alike. Proper arrangement of the interior design of the apartment (“Euro-room” is considered by us today) will increase the space, make it comfortable, beautiful and convenient.

What is a "euro girl"?
This type of apartment is marked “2E” on the diagram. "Evrodvushka" - housing with a size of 30-40 m². The kitchen and living room are not separated by a wall, there is a separate bedroom and bathroom, quite often - a balcony.
At first glance, this type of apartment is not very comfortable, but in fact they provide an opportunity to create additional living space. The kitchen room becomes a wonderful place for receiving guests orsleeping place, and from the second room you can make a nursery. In such housing there really is where to turn around.
Pros and cons of this type of apartments
- the cost of this type of apartments is 10-30% cheaper than that of standard two-room apartments;
- opportunity to create a custom design;
- ideal for young families;
- convenient location of rooms.

- often there is no window in the kitchen area, which requires a lot of artificial lighting;
- smells from the kitchen spread throughout the apartment;
- need for silent kitchen appliances;
- often - difficulties in selecting furniture of the required size.
Euro-two apartment: space planning
First of all, it is necessary to determine what will happen to the room adjacent to the kitchen. It can be made into a small enclosed bedroom or a full-fledged living room. If dimensions allow, then a small dining area can fit into this space. Each of the options needs to be thought out so as not to lose the functionality of the room.
It is important to immediately determine whether you will separate the room from the living room with a partition. This option will allow you to make a separate room, but visually reduce the space. The best option is to install a small hanging tabletop that can be used as a work surface or dining table.

Also separate the kitchen fromrooms can be a large aquarium, screen or curtain. In general, if you wish, you can make a full-fledged two-room apartment out of a “euro-vushka”.
How to properly zone space?
Whatever one may say, it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the room and the kitchen. This can be done in several ways:
- lighting;
- top that will "separate" the living room and the room;
- color.
The kitchen can be "raised" a little above the floor with the help of the so-called podium. This will also allow, without prejudice to the height of the room, to place the "warm floor" system there. But residents do not always like this option, since you can stumble on the “step”.
What other nuances does the “euro-vushka” imply? The layout should be for the kitchen and the room in the same style. To do this, you need to choose either the same lamps, or similar collections of furniture. If the zones contrast strongly with each other, it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room.
There are always a lot of smells in the kitchen, which spread very quickly in studio apartments. To avoid this, there must be a powerful hood above the stove.
The living room should have a powerful audio system or home theater. Sound travels a bit worse in rooms this size, so this is an important detail to consider.

If two or more people live in an apartment, then it is better to move the working area to a second room or make it from a glazed balcony.
In advancetake care of heating the room. The ideal option is underfloor heating. If this is not possible, then convectors should be in the kitchen and in the living room.
Design of a two-room studio apartment
The main thing for comfortable housing in the "evrodvushka" is the layout and design, thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, before you start changing something in your home, create a rough plan of what should be in the room.
Separate rooms in such apartments are quite small, so you should not overload this space with unnecessary furniture. If possible, it is better to move the closet to the corridor. The colors in the room (usually the bedroom) should be light. To visually increase the space, you can install mirrors.
The size of the kitchen room allows you to put a large sofa there. The ideal option is leather, as it absorbs odors worse. On the opposite side of the kitchen, a small armchair and a floor lamp would be appropriate so that you can comfortably retire with a book.
The color scheme of the room can be any, as well as the style. But classic living rooms with such a layout do not look as good as modern ones.
Don't use the space completely - leave some free space at least between the kitchen and living areas. This way, an already large room will look fresh and comfortable.
Fresh flowers, mirrors, glass panels will look good in the living area. This will refresh the space and make it visually even larger. There is no place for heavy large structures.
It is also important not to focus on any of the zones -they should look similar. Only in this case you will get a real studio apartment, and not a room and a kitchen without a wall.

In conclusion
The most difficult thing in an apartment like "evrodvushka" - planning. Customer reviews of this type of housing are mixed, as not everyone managed to create a cozy space on their own. Therefore, quite often, residents of studio apartments turn to interior designers for help to properly organize all the details.
If there is a choice between a two-room apartment and an euro-room apartment, then choose housing according to your needs. "Evrodvushki" are ideal for young families, but older people in such apartments are more difficult. It is also difficult here for those who need to be alone from time to time.
But for lovers of big companies, an ideal option is an apartment like "evrodvushka". The layout allows you to comfortably accommodate many people and have a good time. If you are satisfied with the "euro-room", the layout, design and all the details should be thought out for a comfortable life.