A place of honor in landscape design is rightfully given to ground cover plants. After all, they perform two main functions - protecting the soil and roots of perennial plants from drying out and decorative design of the site, emphasizing the beauty of rock gardens and rockeries. One of the brightest representatives of such plants is the subulate phlox. We will talk about planting and caring for it in this article. This flower is very popular in creating flower arrangements among ordinary gardeners and professional landscape designers. Photos of styloid phlox can often be found in popular catalogs and magazines about the decorative design of garden plots. All this is due to the beauty of the plant and its unpretentious care.

Styloid Phlox is a frost-resistant abundantly flowering plant that came to us from North America. He received special love due to the widest range of colors and varieties. On average, plant height does not exceedtwenty centimeters. Phlox stems densely line the surface of the earth with sharp dark green leaves. At the top of each shoot is a peduncle. During the flowering period, which lasts about three weeks (from May to June), the plant is covered with a large number of flowers of small diameter - from two to four centimeters. The most common are white, lilac and pink shades. Repeated flowering in August and September can be achieved with more painstaking and thorough care.
Beautiful varieties

The best representatives of the styloid phlox are considered to be such two-color varieties as Flame Eyes, Mint Twist and Bavaria. The latter is distinguished by magnificent lilac flowers, bordered by snow-white stripes. The delicate aroma exuded by the flower during the flowering period is another advantage of this variety over others. Phlox Bavaria is a frost-resistant and rather unpretentious plant with rich flowering. Varieties of styloid phlox Maischnee, White Delight, Apple Blossom are often used to complement mixborders and retaining walls.
Soil selection

In general, the plant does not require much soil fertility. Light dry soil is preferred after growing lawn grass or calendula. Too nutritious soil does not allow abundant flowering due to excessive growth of the root system and stems.
If the soil in your area is too hard, then you can loosen it by mixing it with sand. But the increased acidity of the soil will return to normala small amount of lime or dolomite.
Planting styloid phlox

The ideal time to plant this plant is mid-April. In the spring, these flowers take root better and begin to bloom a little later than those planted in the fall. Autumn planting is done in late September or early October, so that the plant has time to take root before the first serious frost. The first two weeks after planting, phlox should be watered abundantly and often. And for a better engraftment of rhizomes before planting, they should be immersed in the Kornevin solution.
The area chosen for planting styloid phlox should be cleared of weed plants, since it will be much more difficult to do this during the period of growth and flowering. Planting undersized varieties is carried out at a distance of at least 20 centimeters, tall ones - about 80 centimeters between plants. Acceleration of the fouling process can be achieved by fixing the stems with hairpins and sprinkling with earth, with their further direction in the right direction. Flower transplantation is carried out only after the end of the flowering period.
Features of cultivation

Skilled gardeners use seeds to obtain hybrid and especially valuable varieties of this plant. It is very important to properly prepare them for the landing process. In this section, we will talk about stratification - a procedure without which the seeds simply will not germinate. It is held in the fall, before winter planting. The site for planting phlox is cleared of snow, the seeds are laid out onsoil (at a distance of at least five centimeters from each other), then sprinkled with a layer of earth and sand, and on top with a thin layer of snow. Such preparation increases the percentage of seed germination up to eighty percent. The main thing is not to stratify in late autumn, when frosts become permanent.
The first shoots appear in early spring. Strengthened sprouts are transplanted into prepared, fertilized beds only after the appearance of two or three leaves. The distance between planted plants should be from twenty to thirty centimeters. One and a half to two weeks after transplanting the phlox, fertilize it with s altpeter.

Styloid Phlox, like any other plant, requires only timely watering, hilling and moderate fertilization. In extreme heat, watering should be increased to 2-3 sprays per day.
The most effective fertilizer for styloid phlox is the simplest wood ash. All micro and macro elements contained in its composition fully nourish and saturate the plant. Yes, and preparing such a solution is very simple: for this, about 200 grams of ash is diluted in a liter of water, after which it is boiled, cooled and filtered. The finished solution is diluted in ten liters of water and used as a foliar fertilizer. Too frequent and intensive enrichment of the soil with minerals leads to excessive leaf development and poor flowering.
For the winter period, phlox should be sheltered from frost. The spruce spruce branches are considered the best option, since, unlikeautumn foliage, he does not allow phlox to be forbidden. Humus can be used to restore the plant after wintering. This nutrient will quickly bring styloid phlox in order, accelerate the process of growth and flowering.
Plant rejuvenation is done every five years. Since at this age the stems of the plant coarsen, flowering becomes less intense and decorative. Moreover, an older plant becomes weaker and more susceptible to various diseases than a young one.
Reproduction of styloid phlox

One of the methods of reproduction of this plant is the division of rhizomes. To do this, use adult flowers that have a formed, overgrown root system. A phlox bush is dug up, which is divided into several parts with a shovel. An important condition for the survival of such a plant in the future is the presence of several roots and a growth point on each of the obtained parts. Delenki are planted in pre-dug holes with prepared, loose soil.
You can propagate the styloid phlox with cuttings. This method is preferred by most gardeners because of its ease. From different parts of the plant, it is necessary to cut off the strongest and he althiest shoots that are planted in a slightly shaded place. For faster rooting, frequent and plentiful watering is important. It is best to use stems, shoots, petioles and roots collected in the spring. Such planting material takes root better over the summer and gives abundant, thick flowers the next year.
To getvaluable varieties, use the method of propagation by leaf cuttings. To do this, the stalk with a leaf is planted in moistened sand and covered with a glass or plastic jar, the use of a film is acceptable. Planting and leaving the styloid phlox in open ground in this case is carried out after the final engraftment of the cutting, which must often be sprayed with water.
Diseases and pests

During the period of reproduction and growth, the styloid phlox is quite often affected by powdery mildew. Recognizing this disease is quite simple - it is indicated by the presence of a white coating on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Treatment is through the use of various chemicals.
This plant is also attractive for many pests, such as caterpillars and nematodes. Their invasion most often leads to the complete death of the plant due to the destruction of most of the leaves, stems and flowers. Having found a damaged flower, it should be immediately eliminated, and the soil infected with pests should be treated with insecticides for three to four weeks.
Frequent watering and excessive fertilization leads to various kinds of rot and rust. That is why it is important to follow the rules for caring for styloid phlox, especially since it is not difficult at all.
In conclusion
Today we shared with you a photo of the styloid phlox, planting and caring for which is not difficult at all - you could see this after reading our article. Do not be afraid to experiment with the design of your site, and it will definitely bemake you happy with your appearance.