Wooden products have always been and remain in vogue. Completely different products can be made from this material, it serves for a long time, is natural and provides a beautiful interior in the house. However, wood requires processing. For example, in order for furniture or flooring to look good, you need to cover its surface with some kind of agent. To do this, you can apply polyurethane varnish for wood.
General characteristics and material properties

This finishing substance today occupies a worthy place among construction products. Polyurethane wood varnish has two components in its composition: a hydro-acid-containing resin (diluted with a solvent of organic origin) and a hardener. In addition, there are substances that are water-based.
Polyurethane wood varnish has the following properties:
- Elasticity that prevents the coating from cracking after drying.
- Resistant to moisture and abrasion.
- Preserve color.
This lacquer has been much more frequent latelyused for repairs and in high demand.
Material advantages

Now we need to consider the merits of this substance:
1. The product absorbs well and adheres to the surface of the wood, making it resistant to abrasion.
2. Protects the product from moisture (even s alt water).
3. No bad smell.
4. Durability and strength.
5. The ability not to accumulate a static electric charge and not to conduct current.
These advantages make polyurethane wood varnish a really effective finish for completely different products.

Of course, even in this case, you can't do without minuses. Among them are the following:
- Some varnishes contain organic solvents, which, when applied to the surface, may adversely affect he alth.
- It is undesirable to use polyurethane wood varnish on children's furniture.
- Substandard substances may turn yellow over time.
- A really good polish can be quite expensive.
These minor disadvantages can be eliminated with the help of various additives that can change or improve the properties of the varnish.

Polyurethane varnish for wood can beclassify like this:
1. Single component. It is a common liquid that can be applied directly to the surface of the wood. The product is very easy to apply and dries quickly (about 4 days).
2. Two-component. In this case, you will have to buy two packs of the product. They are more often used in the event that it is required to process expensive varieties of wood. Such a varnish can reliably protect the product from damage.
3. Three-component. To apply such a tool, you need to use a spray gun. In addition, it can be applied in bulk. Such a varnish can give the surface a very beautiful and special look.
In addition, the presented material can be made on a water basis and without it. In this case, the coating can be matte or glossy. Water-based polyurethane varnish for wood is considered safer, so you can use it indoors, as well as for finishing children's furniture. It should also be noted that such a varnish may or may not level itself.
Applying Methods

One-component or two-component polyurethane wood varnish must be used correctly. There are several ways to apply this coating:
1. Before varnishing, the surface is treated with stain. This helps protect the wood from rapid fire, making it more durable. However, this method requires preliminary grinding of the surface.
2. Application of polyurethane primer, for dryingwhich takes several hours. In order for it to be evenly distributed over the surface, you need to use a sprayer.
3. Applying several coats of varnish. This method is not used very often due to the high cost of funds.
Painting technology

Aqueous varnish for wood polyurethane or other type of liquid must be properly applied to the surface. For this, a brush, roller or spray can be used. It all depends on the type of varnish and recommendations for its use. Coating technology is quite simple:
1. First you need to carefully treat the surface: clean it of debris, eliminate damage, sand, degrease.
2. Now you can start applying the stain. This will not only give the wood a beautiful shade, but also show its texture. Please note that after this procedure, the surface will have to be sanded again.
3. Applying the first coat of varnish. Please note that it must dry well. This takes about 6 hours.
4. Applying a second coat of varnish. It takes up to 12 hours to dry.
5. Processing the floor or other surface with fine sandpaper. This will give it maximum smoothness.
As you can see, it is not so difficult to cope with such work yourself. You just need to have patience and time. In the same way, polyurethane varnish for wood is applied for outdoor use. Here the number of layers can be large to protect the surface from the influence of external negative influences and ensure beauty.wood for a long time.
Work using such tools requires certain conditions to be met:
- In the room where all manipulations will be carried out, there must be a special temperature regime. That is, the air should not warm up to more than 25 degrees.
- If you process the floor, then you need to apply varnish from the window to the door. At the same time, think about how you will leave the room. To do this, leave unpainted stripes on the surface.
- When working with a roller, apply the product crosswise. This will provide a more even layer without streaks.
- Two-component composition before work should be diluted exactly with the proportions indicated in the instructions.
- Best applied with a brush. Thus, you will save yourself from inhaling varnish particles. However, use a respirator anyway.
- Before applying the final coat of lacquer, thoroughly vacuum the surface and wipe it with a damp cloth.
- Before work, the varnish must be slightly diluted with an organic solvent (5% when using a brush, 15% when using a spray gun).
- For applying a two-component composition, it is better to use a mohair roller.
– Please note that such a product cannot be stored for a long time and quickly hardens.
Now you know how to use polyurethane varnish. Good luck!