Exterior Wood Lacquer gives a glossy sheen to the surface of the product and enhances the beauty of the natural material. This coating also protects the surface from external influences and mechanical damage and allows you to save the texture of wood for a long time.

Where to start choosing?
According to the field of application, wood varnish is distinguished for outdoor use and for indoor use. In the first case, compounds are used that form an elastic film, which is highly durable and will not crack when the wooden surface is deformed. Such varnishes have good resistance to temperature extremes, moisture and ultraviolet radiation. For interior work, on the contrary, a hard coating with increased resistance to abrasion is required. This is their difference, since the hardness and elasticity of the film are completely opposite concepts, and it is impossible to combine both of these requirements in one composition.
Outdoor varnish contains special components that protect wood from the damaging effects of solarrays, as well as some additives that prevent mold and mildew. Typically, outdoor wood varnish is used on garden furniture and other products that are used outdoors and are constantly exposed to cold and heat, snow and rain.

Varnish for wood (the price of this finishing material is widely presented in specialized catalogs) is divided into categories and according to the degree of gloss that it gives. There are high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte or semi-gloss varnishes. This factor does not affect the protective characteristics of the composition, therefore, when choosing a varnish according to the degree of gloss, it is worth starting from personal preferences. On sale today you can find both colorless and colored varnish for wood for outdoor use. However, if desired, it is possible to tint a colorless composition in almost any shade.
Yacht varnish
Yacht or boat lacquer for wood for outdoor use has recently gained particular popularity. This protective composition is resistant to sea s alt water and got its name due to the fact that it is actively used to treat wooden boats. This semi-gloss varnish most effectively combines hardness and elasticity, it is able to create a durable protective layer for up to ten years. Such a protective coating has good resistance to temperature extremes, aggressive environmental influences and any detergents.

How to apply?
A thin layer of thoroughly mixed composition is applied with a roller or brush on a dry, clean surface of a wooden product. This procedure must be repeated at least three times at intervals of 12-14 hours (until the layers are completely dry).
Window frames, wooden steps, front doors, patio furniture, garden arbors, fences, etc. can be coated with this composition. This wood varnish for outdoor use does not turn yellow over time and perfectly emphasizes the natural pattern of wood.