Dacha in our time is called not only a piece of land intended for growing various types of vegetable crops, but also a house where you can relax from the daily worries and closeness of the city. It is very important that this haven, this island of nature, designed to give the owner the joy of inspiration, be cozy. For this reason, the country interior is becoming increasingly popular among the owners of garden plots.

In Russia, the tradition of using pieces of furniture and accessories that no longer have a place in a person's "main" dwelling, that is, in his city apartment, has become notorious for using pieces of furniture and accessories as furnishings for a country house. Used cabinets, worn-out tables and chairs, shabby sofas and other strong, solid, but already lost their former appearance furniture were brought to the dacha (and they are still being brought to this day). Naturally, such a concept as a country interior is completely inapplicable for such an environment, and there is no need to talk about any style in this case. Oftensuch dachas are gradually turning into real accumulations of rubbish, which the city "Plyushkins" take out of the apartments and carefully stack in the dachas "until better times", hoping that it will ever come in handy. Such times, of course, never come and, in the end, piles of rubbish migrate to the trash.

Unfortunately, this way of "decorating" a country house is still very popular in our country. A truly thoughtful, stylish dacha interior is still a rarity in Russia. Many believe that the very word "interior" implies incredible costs - inviting a designer, developing a plan, purchasing materials, carrying out work, etc. In fact, a country interior is quite within the power of every person who has at least a small amount of imagination. It is better to start by choosing a style in which the whole house will subsequently be decorated. With independent design development, you can focus on the traditional style, which is popular and in demand at all times. For these purposes, good classic furniture, portraits on the walls and a tablecloth on the table as a decoration are suitable. Other decorative elements that may be required in this case are fresh flowers in pots, a tea set, lace napkins, vases, pillows - in general, everything that fantasy draws.

For the bedroom it is better to choose a classic style with a little bit of romanticism. Since this room is most often used for sleeping andrest, it should be decorated in delicate pastel colors (ideal: coffee with milk, peach, warm pinkish or white). It is very important to choose the right lighting - in addition to the main light source, you can hang a couple of sconces on the wall or install a night light. The next important step is the country kitchen. The interior, like the whole environment, should be concise - several kitchen cabinets, a table, chairs and the necessary household appliances. It is better to buy wicker furniture for dining - it will fit perfectly into the interior of a country kitchen. You can decorate the room with amusing painted dishes or even a real samovar.

When choosing country interiors (photo), it is important to focus on your own feelings and not forget about the correspondence of the appearance of the house to the atmosphere that reigns inside it. For example, the oriental style would be out of place in a typical Russian log hut, but the classic style is suitable for almost any type of building.