Cultivation of strawberries is laborious, but very rewarding. The berry has excellent taste and is one of the first to ripen.
At the end of the growing season, strawberries continue to consume nutrients, laying new flower buds for next year's crop and renewing the root system.
How to cover strawberries for the winter and what measures to take to improve the frost resistance of juicy berries?
Autumn chores

Strong he althy plants, grown according to all the rules of agricultural technology, tolerate winter frosts well. How to cover strawberries for the winter should be taken care of ahead of time. It is necessary to apply all fertilizers by the beginning of September and stop loosening the soil so as not to injure the root system. In October, it is necessary to hill the roots with peat or humus.
Strawberries winter well without any shelter if the snow cover reaches 30-40 cm. But in a changing climate, little snowy winters are not uncommon.
When to cover strawberries
It is necessary to warm the bushes for the winter not earlier than the first frosts settle. The soil mustfreeze completely, otherwise the plants will dry out. In addition, strawberries must be hardened in order to survive the cold more easily.

Uncovered bushes in the absence of snow cover begin to freeze at temperatures below -8 0С. When the temperature drops below -12 0C, they may die.
When planning events, it is necessary to take into account the climate and the location of the site. In some regions, it is enough to protect the roots with mulch without covering the growing point, in others it is necessary to cover it.
How to cover strawberries for the winter
Methods depend on the growing region. It is important not only to keep strawberries from frost, but also not to let them rot. Shelter for wintering bushes should be not only warm, but also breathable.

Snow is the best blanket for strawberry beds. If enough of it falls in winter, simple fences are installed around the landing, and several branches are placed between the bushes for better snow retention. In winter, you can move snow to strawberry beds from other areas.
How to cover strawberries for the winter if there is little or no snow at all? You can use natural covering material: spruce branches, leaves, straw, and so on. Young rosettes should be covered completely, adult bushes will be enough to wrap around.
With frequent thaws and increased dampness, some plants may dry out by spring. In addition, mice like to settle in the straw, and the foliage can fall off and increasethe likelihood of spillage. Spruce spruce branches are preferable to use. It must be thrown on the beds when the snow falls. You can use coniferous litter: one bag is enough for 25-30 bushes.
How and how to cover strawberries for the winter if it is not possible to use spruce branches and other natural materials? It is very convenient to wrap strawberry ridges with agrofibre.

It can also be used at the beginning of the growing season to prevent freezing of flower buds during spring frosts and to achieve a harvest about 2 weeks ahead of schedule.
In small areas, you can install arcs and stretch artificial materials (spunbond, agrospun, and so on) on them. With this air-dry method, the plants are perfectly protected from the cold, the evaporation of moisture passes unhindered, and the sun's rays penetrate the bushes. In addition, the covering material does not come into contact with the plants, which excludes their freezing.
Simple activities will keep the plants until spring and enjoy a new rich harvest.