Eggplant. Diseases and pests

Eggplant. Diseases and pests
Eggplant. Diseases and pests

Eggplant is grown not only in regions with a warm climate. Almost throughout Russia, they learned to cultivate such a vegetable crop as eggplant. Diseases and pests cause irreparable harm to this plant. If they are not de alt with, the crop may completely die.

Diseases and pests of eggplant

Climatic conditions in Russia in different regions are significantly different. But this does not stop summer residents, and they grow exotic plants on their plots. Eggplant has become a familiar vegetable in the garden of even the northern regions, although the cultivation of this crop is mainly produced there in greenhouses. Gardeners have learned to grow eggplant in almost any climatic conditions on their plots. Diseases and pests of this plant can destroy up to a third of the possible crop. Consider the most common pests of this crop.

Eggplant pests

Eggplant diseases and pests
Eggplant diseases and pests

One of the most dangerous eggplant pests is aphids. This insect appears on the leaves, flowers and stems and sucks the juice of the plant. It should be noted that aphids usually appear where there are garden ants that cultivate aphids, transfer them from one plant to another.the other, because they feed on the sweet, sticky secretions of these parasites and thus make a supply of food for themselves. Therefore, the fight against ants must go simultaneously with the destruction of aphids. Before planting, you can treat the places of their accumulation with hot boiling water or ash, and use karbofos from aphids according to the instructions.

Spider mites also feed on plant sap. It settles on the underside of the leaf,

Diseases and pests of eggplant
Diseases and pests of eggplant

forming a cobweb around itself, it can be seen. The tick itself is much more difficult to notice, it is very small. Eggplant leaves affected by spider mites become spotty. To combat this pest, you can use an infusion of onion or dandelion, adding a little liquid soap there. These infusions can be used even in the fruiting phase.

Naked slugs can damage not only the leaves, but also the fruits themselves. To combat them, it is necessary to carry out weeding in a timely manner and treat the soil around the plants with s alt, ash, red pepper or tobacco dust - any means that irritates the bare abdomen of slugs. They simply cannot get close to the plant.

Eggplant diseases

Diseases and pests of this vegetable crop are widespread almost everywhere. In regions with a hot and dry climate, eggplant often suffers from fusarium and verticile wilt. These are fungal diseases, so it is better to remove the affected plants, and for prevention, do not use too dense plantings, and also use hybrids that are resistant to these diseases. With this type of fungal infectionthe plant withers, it is extremely difficult to cure it, since not only the root, but the entire conducting system of the plant suffers.

Eggplant seedling disease photo
Eggplant seedling disease photo

Blackleg can also attack young eggplant plants and seedlings. This disease occurs at low temperatures and high humidity. If only the first signs of a black leg appear (the stem at the border with the soil becomes somewhat thinner and darker), then the plant can still be saved. To do this, watering is stopped, the soil is loosened, and the next watering is carried out only after the soil dries well. Eggplants do not like waterlogging. Seedling diseases (photo), or rather their signs, look like this.

Stolbur is a disease caused by phytoplasma. The main carrier is cicadas. Signs - the plant is low, with purple leaves, the leaves are corrugated and thickened at the top, the flowers develop, but the fruits are not tied. Prevention - keeping plantings clean. The drug "Actellik" will help reduce the number of carriers of the causative agent of stolbur, which is dangerous not only for such a vegetable crop as eggplant. Diseases and pests will not damage your plantings if preventive measures are taken in a timely manner. Have a good harvest!
