Before sharing with the reader information about how the restoration of the table is carried out with your own hands, I would like to warn you: if you decide to breathe a second life into an object that has a certain historical and material value, then you still should not do it. Reanimate antiques should be specialists who have the appropriate knowledge and materials. And at home, you can carry out "upgrades" of modern items that are comfortable and dear to the heart, but have simply lost their former attractiveness. By the way, there are quite a few methods, and if you take them as a basis, and even connect your imagination, then the end result will, no doubt, be amazing.
So, what is such a procedure as restoring an old table, what methods and materials exist to restore its appearance? In general, how to return to this piece of furniture its youth?
General Principles
When a table is restored, the object not only returns to its appearance. We need to restore its functions. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the update process, you need to carefully check the integrity of the item: in whichthe condition of his legs, whether they are broken, whether the fittings are in place. And think about whether it's worth doing it at all. Indeed, it is unlikely that the updated rickety table, sparkling with new paint, will bring satisfaction to the owner. So first evaluate the scope of work, think about their feasibility, and then, if you come to a positive decision, first fix all the breakdowns. And then proceed to update the appearance.
Restoring the desk
As a rule, there is not much trouble with this piece of furniture. Usually, due to its bulkiness, he always stands in one place, throughout the apartment, to hang curtains or remove cobwebs, no one drags him around. And the countertop suffers from time most of all. How to revive her? Yes, very simple. Restoration of a desk is a simple procedure that does not require any special material or physical costs.

Description of work
First, find the right wallpaper that best matches your existing interior. Then paint the entire table to match their color. After it dries, wallpaper the countertop using PVA glue, and then cover it with glass. The latter can be ordered in the store. Instead of wallpaper, you can take a poster or make a custom-made photo according to the size of the countertop, or even buy a beautiful dense fabric of the desired color and also paste over the surface with it. In general, you need to fantasize. Restoring a table is a creative matter, so do it, come up with your own options.
What can you do with an old coffee table?
If this piece of furniture, albeit inexpensive, but so beloved and comfortable, has already become, to put it mildly, not very attractive, arm yourself with paints and a brush to update it. Restoring a table by painting it is a simple job. However, the way we want to propose will take time. First, paint the table with white paint. This will be the base. Then, when it dries, paint the countertop with stripes of different colors and unequal widths. To ensure they lay flat, paint the surface gradually, and use tape to define the boundaries of each.

Decoupage table restoration is perfect for those items that do not often come into contact with water. That is, with its help, you can update the written and coffee tables described above, as well as dressing tables. To do this, first the selected item must be put in order, painted and allowed to dry. And then glue images from a napkin or special paper for decoupage onto the surface using PVA glue. When the pictures are dry, the entire surface must be covered with acrylic varnish. And preferably more than once.

How to update the kitchen table
The easiest option is to paste over the surface of the countertop with a self-adhesive film, and paint the legs and side surfaces. Or, for example, paint them in different colors. And pull up a dense beautiful oilcloth and fix it below with a stapler. If the countertop is already falling apart, there are two options. Replace herglass, and under it to build a backlight. Or do not throw it away, but overlay it with ceramic tiles, such as mosaics. And then carefully seal all the seams with grout. In general, the restoration of the kitchen table has so many options available that it will definitely not be difficult to carry it out correctly.

Wooden tables
And what if a table made of solid wood has acquired an unsightly appearance over time? You can also put it in order, only, of course, the process will be quite long. If your table was at one time just varnished and has no defects, then the procedure will be quite simple. It is enough just to carefully grind it (it is advisable to use a special machine for this), and then varnish it several times. Moreover, the varnish must be taken several tones darker than the original coating. Well, if the table literally asks for a landfill, but it’s still a pity to throw it away, then you need to prepare for a long update procedure.

Restoration of a wooden table
We do the preparation first, as mentioned above. Let's think about whether we should replace the loose legs with new ones. If a positive decision is made, we go and buy. If not, we process the old ones in the same way as all other parts of the table. We take a grinder and carefully remove all the old coating. First, we work with discs with large grains. When all paint or varnish is removed, take a fine-grained disc and smooth the surface. Now we close up all the defects, even the smallest ones. We use wood putty for this. When the patches dry, we clean them too.
The whole procedure must be done very carefully, as even the smallest chips and scratches will be noticeable. Then we degrease all surfaces with a special compound that can be bought at any hardware store.
Remember: each step takes time, before applying any next composition, be sure to wait for the previous one to dry. After degreasing, apply a primer. And not the first one that came across, but acrylic. When the primer dries, we grind the surface again, but by hand, gently and carefully. And you can start painting. As a topcoat, you can choose a varnish or stop at the paint. Today there is a very large selection of all kinds of compositions, the main thing is that they are of high quality. So buy varnish or paint only from a trusted manufacturer, you should not save on coating. Also carefully approach the choice of brushes. Poor quality will shed and leave hairs behind, which will definitely not add beauty to the surface.

It is advisable to apply three layers - with a break, of course - varnish or paint. When all the elements of the table are completely dry, proceed to applying a protective coating. As a rule, wax is used for these purposes. It is applied to a cloth and carefully rubbed into the surface. In order for the updated table to serve you for a long time, wait for the final solidification of the wax. This will take a week.
As you can see, the restoration of the table is a creative process and sometimes, unfortunately, quite lengthy, but nonetheless satisfying. However, and not only. After all, if everything is done correctly, then you can save yourself from unnecessary expenses for the purchase of a new piece of furniture.