Few houses have completely flat ceilings. Therefore, the ceiling baguette is gaining popularity and is in high demand. The market is full of offers from different manufacturers. The choice should be approached, taking into account simple criteria. These are material, room size, installation method and cost. To know how the ceiling baguette is installed, you will have to arm yourself with additional information. Only in this way will the room acquire the desired look and become more attractive.
Types of design
Most often in the sale and construction there are two types. It is decorative and fixing. The latter is required to mount a stretch ceiling, so it is used most often. This finish is in high demand. The manufacturer is trying to diversify the range and produces products from various materials:
- Polyvinyl chloride or plastic. Most often used in the installation of stretch ceilings. Panels are plasticspecial holes. The latter are needed in order to mount the canvas without problems. There are mainly white options on sale, but the manufacturer is trying to create a baguette to match the main ceiling decoration. When used in the design of the finish, the craftsmen take it in accordance with the desired color schemes. Plastic is suitable for any room.
- Styrofoam and Styrofoam. This is a budget option. Despite the cost, the material looks beautiful and lasts a long time. It is quite suitable if the surface of the ceiling will be pasted over or painted over with something. Polyfoam is considered a unique finishing material and is used in many construction works. Expanded polystyrene is used in the creation of a ceiling baguette and has its advantages. One of them is the ability to hide all the bumps and difficult areas. The material accepts dyeing well, which attracts the attention of many buyers.
- Polyurethane. One of the popular ways to create a high-quality ceiling baguette for stretch ceilings. It bends well, so mounting on uneven surfaces is convenient and easy. Polyurethane lends itself well to fastening to walls and ceilings. Often in this way they hide additional lighting located under the cornice. Ceiling baguettes are different: there are special models with recesses for such design solutions.
- The use of wood. To perform a stretch ceiling, a structure made of such material is used. Many appreciate not only beauty, but also safety, using natural, he alth-friendly materials. When the finish is in the form of a wooden lining,then such a baguette is irreplaceable. In addition, the surface can be painted in any color. The very fastening of wooden ceiling moldings is simple, so do not worry. The service life of such a finish is no less than any other.
- The use of gypsum mixtures. Oddly enough, this material was the very first to appear in decoration and began to be in demand. Various stucco moldings have been created from it for more than one year. In the decoration of any apartment, this material is relevant due to its positive qualities and accessibility. But there are some nuances of the material. So, it is difficult to work with him, and external data is called non-prestigious. Although if a professional works, you get a unique finish. Due to the complexity of the installation work, it is not recommended to use such a baguette for people without experience.

As you can see, the choice is huge. Make a better decision on the quality of the material. It is also worth looking at the design of the ceiling baguette (there is a photo in our article). It is important that the product fits aesthetically into the overall picture. Going for a purchase, you should not completely trust the opinion of the seller. The final choice is yours alone. Stock up on knowledge, and you will be able to purchase the right material and create the finish that best suits your desires.
Aluminum construction
This is the most suitable ceiling baguette for stretch ceilings. Reliability is the main benefit. Everyone creates their own design. The choice is large, so you do not have to rack your brains. Having created a design solution, you can go formaterial to a hardware store. Here are the types that are sold on the market for goods for this purpose:
- Dividing, inconspicuous. It is used to create the integrity of the canvases when they are connected. If a ceiling of a complex design is mounted, then you simply cannot do without such components. It is easy to use in the process of work.
- Universal (also inconspicuous). Used in the process of attaching the film to the walls or the frame of the ceiling. Masters most often prefer this option. Everything turns out quickly and easily.
- Ceiling. Serves to fix the canvas in the main place.
- Wall. Stretch ceilings are fixed in several places. Without such a model, it is impossible to make it perfectly smooth. With this element, the film is attached to the wall.

In the process of work, several designs are used. Thanks to this, the ceilings are unique and beautiful. These elements are indispensable in the course of finishing work. The result is a completely flat surface. This decoration will last for many years. At the planning stage of the repair, it is worth considering all the details. Installation of a ceiling baguette will not work without aluminum bases.
How to determine the color and choose the size?
When it becomes clear with the material, do not forget that this is not the only place where attention falls. Important to note:
- Relief.
- Width.
- Color.

These figures will depend on many factors, including personal preference. Although the masters say that the first indicator is attributed to individual wishes. And the color and width will affect the visual perception of the entire space. If the decoration is carried out in a room with high ceilings and a large area, then the baguette must correspond to the dimensions, that is, be wide.
It affects the perception of space by a person. The ceiling becomes closer, respectively, the room acquires notes of coziness and comfort. If narrow structures are placed at a height, they automatically become invisible. The result is a room that is cold and ugly. But for small rooms, this option is the most suitable. You should not lose sight of the visual moments, so as not to spoil the overall perception of the room.

Color is an indicator that requires an individual approach. It is important not to spoil the overall impression. Most often, a ceiling baguette is selected to match the main canvas. Here they also play with the visual perception of the room. If everything is in the same direction, it turns out the expansion of the volume of space visually. Not everyone follows the standards. It is important for some to apply contrast - the ceiling molding is the complete opposite in the color scheme of the main canvas. Do not create extravagant parallels. It is better to choose matching colors. A wide white baguette will look great with many colors in the base coat.
Finishers believe thatBefore you start, you should create a ceiling diagram. It reflects not only the dimensions of the main structure, but also the color. At the same time, do not forget about the design of the entire room. If this is a new building, then every element is thought out. In an already existing environment, it is easier to pick up a ceiling.
Installing the structure
The main work depends on what the baguette is made of. Various methods apply:
- Glue (do not buy the cheapest options).
- Screws or self-tapping screws, nails.
- Installation on putty or alabaster.

Everyone chooses a method depending on what material they have to work with. Do not risk buying low-quality glue and fasteners. Otherwise, the whole structure will eventually collapse. Therefore, before gluing a ceiling baguette, it is worth considering these issues. A beginner should first get theoretical knowledge and watch the video.

Installation of a polyurethane ceiling baguette
To fix the structure, sealant, glue or putty is taken. In order to avoid problems during the installation process, you should pay attention to the evenness of the walls. If there are bends, gaps will remain, and the decoration will go in a wave. Such a deviation will be visible, so the ceiling plinth - baguette - is attached before the walls are finished.
It doesn't matter what materials or methods are used. To remove irregularities and errors, putty is used. It's easy to do - everyone can do it. It is betteracquire compositions of non-liquid consistency. Using two spatulas, a leveling layer is applied. It should not exceed ten centimeters, otherwise it will depart. In the case when there are no errors, the baguette is fixed horizontally. Apply "liquid nails" or other high-quality glue. It is easier to work with the first composition when it has a “gun”. The material will not dry out, and excess mass will not come out. If an adhesive is chosen, it may be liquid. After application, it is worth waiting a couple of minutes and fixing the material.
Gypsum baguettes
Fixed with alabaster, and sometimes putty materials. The cracks are masked by the same composition. Do not forget that gypsum collapses under its own weight. To completely eliminate this, craftsmen use self-tapping screws (light and as inconspicuous as possible). It's best not to choose a plaster finish because it's difficult to install, reviews say.

In stores, along with the main compositions, it is worth considering the application instructions. Beginners should not take on a complex project. It is important to exclude sophisticated designs, as it will take a long time to work.
Wooden baguettes
This is the easiest and most environmentally friendly way to finish a ceiling in a living space. Everything is easier with a tree. The work is complemented by fasteners. These are screws and nails. Many people think that ugly holes form in such a design. But they are easy to hide with putty.
Fixing problems can often occur in corners. For this, they are purchased in advance, andthen wooden triangular bookmarks are installed. It is to them that the baguette will be fixed after. Without this addition, it is difficult to achieve evenness and beauty. Also, don't forget the walls. They need to be aligned first.
There is one more feature that concerns fixing the baguette with self-tapping screws or nails. It is worth first making sure that there is no wiring under the bottom. It is clear that it is the baguettes that serve to hide all the shortcomings in the places where the stretch ceiling is attached. Basically, it goes about two and a half meters long, but if necessary, it decreases. As soon as the baguette is selected and installed, the stretching of the ceiling canvas itself begins. Mounting can be anything. It can withstand heavy loads. Masters say that this parameter reaches twenty kilograms. Installation work is carried out in such a way that, if necessary, the film is changed.
In construction work, there are three main methods of fastening: wedge, harpoon and glazing bead. Each type has its own characteristics, pros and cons. The choice is made taking into account the skills of the builder and what the baguette is mounted from. When it is difficult to make a choice, you need to listen to the recommendations of experts and take into account the nuances.

It is worth noting that stretch ceilings are in demand due to their positive qualities. This is an opportunity to completely transform the interior. Before starting work, it is worth stocking up on knowledge. Work must be carried out according to a strict algorithm. Even at the first stage, do not forget aboutminor details. The technological process of installation procedures for ceiling moldings should not be violated.