Frame house: scheme, construction stages, pros and cons, photo

Frame house: scheme, construction stages, pros and cons, photo
Frame house: scheme, construction stages, pros and cons, photo

When building frame houses, you can save a lot. In addition, it is a very practical option. All work can be done independently. In this case, you will save even more on construction. In the article, we will consider step-by-step instructions for building a house. We will divide all the work into stages - we will start with marking the site and finish with insulation. The article will also consider specific schemes of frame houses.

Site preparation

Before starting construction, it is necessary to prepare the site on which it will be carried out. First you need to completely remove all vegetation. In this case, you will significantly facilitate the marking of the site, make it more accurate. In the event that the slope on the site is very large, you need to level it.

frame house construction scheme
frame house construction scheme

This is usually usedspecial equipment. It is not recommended to neglect the preparation procedure, because if you spend a couple of hours cleaning the site, you will be able to make your work easier in the future. It should also be noted that it will not be possible to take measurements in vegetation with great accuracy.

Building markings

This stage is very responsible, since it directly depends on how even the corners of the walls of the whole house will be. When building according to the scheme of a frame house with your own hands, difficulties may arise. In the event that the markup is found to be inaccurate, you are unlikely to be able to correct such an error in the future. In order to mark the foundation for a frame house, it is necessary to install pegs. The essence of the procedure is that you mark the external and internal walls. Between the pegs, you need to pull a fishing line or rope to outline the contours of the future base.

Pile-screw foundation

The advantages of frame structures are that any foundation options can be used for them. The restriction imposes only what kind of soil in a particular area. The most common option is the pile-screw type foundation. This is a fairly cheap and easy option. When building a frame house with your own hands, a detailed scheme for arranging the foundation will be useful to you. The article provides detailed schemes for the construction of frame houses, as well as foundations for them.

frame house diagram
frame house diagram

The installation of this foundation can be done even with your own hands. Such a base is ideal for any soil, except for rocky. In particular, pile-screw foundation can be used in swampy soil, dense rocks are very deep. It is quite difficult to make a strip foundation in such conditions.

Shallow types of strip foundations

This design is also used often, but it depends on what type of soil is on the site. The cost of building such a foundation is quite low, and most importantly, concrete floors can be used in the house. But you will need to strictly follow the manufacturing technology, since the base is rather fragile.

Often, a shallow strip foundation is used only if the soil is good. It should not be installed if the soil is marshy or the water table is too high.

Slab base

This is the latest version of the foundation that is gaining popularity. The cost of this option is not very small, but it has big advantages. For example, such a base is very reliable, versatile, durable. It can be used as a subfloor in the house. In the scheme of the frame of a frame house, such a structural element is best used.

In this case, when carrying out interior decoration, you do not have to spend money on making a subfloor. Quite often, slab types of foundations with stiffeners are used. In this case, you can save on the bookmark, as well as strengthen the structure of the house as a whole.

Wood and concrete floor

There are no special differences between the floor in a frame house and any other. You can use both concrete and wood. This directly depends onwhat are your opportunities, desire, and most importantly - the type of foundation. As a rule, concrete floors are made in frame houses if a strip or slab foundation is used.

In the latter case, the slab itself is the floor for the first floor. When installing a tape-type foundation, floors can be made of expanded clay concrete. In this case, you will make an additional warming of the frame house according to the scheme. Mineral wool is also best for floors.

Next, we will consider the construction of wooden floors when using a pile-screw foundation. Similarly, all work will be carried out for strip foundations, the only difference is in the lower piping.

Foundation binding

Before you build the walls of a frame house according to the existing scheme, you need to make a base and floors. Arrangement of a floor made of wood must begin with tying the base. This is usually done using a beam measuring 150x150 mm. You can even use a bar with a section of 150x200 mm. It all depends on how thick the walls are, as well as on the distance between adjacent piles.

frame house assembly diagram
frame house assembly diagram

As you understand, the greater this distance, the thicker it is necessary to use a beam. In this case, sagging will be avoided. With the help of strapping, you give rigidity to the foundation, as well as evenly distribute loads on it. Also, the strapping will serve as a support for the flooring.

Let's single out several stages of manufacturing the lower harness:

  1. A beam is laid along the perimeter. Check the lengthwalls and all diagonals. Be sure to make an accurate and final marking of all walls, while clearly following the project. It is very important to make waterproofing under the strapping. As it is possible to use the usual roofing material. Next, you need to outline the docking points of the bars. They must be placed on piles, because these are the most vulnerable points. This is especially true for those houses whose walls are longer than the beams.
  2. Next, it is necessary to join the beam, leaving an overlap of up to 30 cm. Locks must be cut in the end part. It is this scheme of the frame house floor that is the most reliable.
  3. Docking corners is done in the same way.
  4. Fix the timber to the foundation with studs or bolts. To do this, drill holes in the foundation and bars. All parts that protrude must be deepened to simplify installation. All joints are recommended to be pierced with nails to improve fastening.
  5. As soon as the beam is laid around the perimeter, you can proceed to the final stage. It is necessary to carry out the binding of the foundation under the walls. For this, a beam is used, which is attached to an already mounted external one. In order to make reinforcement, you can additionally use metal corners.

Once the strapping is ready, you can start making the frame.

How to make a frame

And now let's look at the scheme of assembling a frame house. In this case, it is imperative to mark the location of all communications. Next, install the lags on the harness. In the event that there are 4 m between the supportsand more, it is best to use bars, the size of which is 150 x 200 mm. It is allowed to install products with a size of 50 x 200 mm, but you will have to connect them in two.

do-it-yourself frame house construction detailed diagram
do-it-yourself frame house construction detailed diagram

If the distance is up to 3 m, it is allowed to use bars measuring 50 x 150 mm. Installing a lag is not a very difficult stage, but you will have to take into account the nuances. Pay attention to these points:

  1. There must be a distance equal to the size of the insulation material. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee in advance which version of the insulation you want to use. In the event that mineral wool will be used with a sheet size of 100 x 60 cm, it is necessary to make the distance 2-3 cm less. In other words, there should be a distance of about 57 cm between the lags.
  2. The lag is fastened with the help of corners and nails. They are installed 5 cm below the strapping. This is done in order to install more bars, as a result, it will turn out to close all the holes around the perimeter. Be sure to follow the frame house construction scheme.
  3. In order to increase the rigidity of the floor, it is necessary to install boards between the lags. Commonly used bars are 50 x 200mm or 50 x 150mm.

Insulation and waterproofing of the floor

And now you need to perform insulation work:

  1. At the bottom, at a right angle to the joists, you need to fix the board (25 mm). In the event that the lag is fixed rigidly, it is enough to install the boards at a distance of 40 cm. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws.
  2. On toplag it is necessary to fix the board and fill it with waterproofing.
  3. Insulation is installed on top of the waterproofing material. And the thickness of this layer depends directly on the climatic conditions in which you live. Usually choose a thickness of about 20 cm.
  4. Insulation should be laid in such a way that all joints are covered with subsequent layers.
  5. On top of the insulation, you must first stretch the vapor barrier, and then sew everything up with plywood or OSB-plate. It all depends on what your preferences and desires are.

Please note that the vapor barrier and waterproofing should be installed with a slight overlap. It is advisable to strictly follow the instructions for the material, it is not allowed to get moisture into the insulation material. Be sure to draw up a diagram of the frame house. You can do the construction and insulation with your own hands without much difficulty.

Walls of a frame house

Now we will look at the construction and installation of walls. As in the case of floors, fastening timber and boards must be done using metal corners and nails. Please note that in some cases it is allowed to use hairpins. The entire frame can be assembled from boards measuring 50 x 200 mm. You can use a smaller section, it all depends on how thick the walls need to be.

frame house floor plan
frame house floor plan

The whole procedure can be divided into three stages:

  1. Assembling walls, making door and window openings.
  2. Mounting walls in a vertical plane.
  3. Strengthening the structure,making the top harness.

Window and door openings

Walls must be assembled on a fabricated floor. In this case, you will work much more conveniently. Be sure to take into account that all dimensions must be observed. Your walls should not be shorter or longer than the already installed floor. In order to understand the essence of all procedures, it is necessary to consider a step-by-step guide:

  1. First you need to decide what the height of the building will be. For example, the draft ceiling may be at a height of 2.8 m. This means that it is necessary to make vertical racks about 15 cm lower.
  2. There should be a distance between the posts, which is selected based on the width of the insulation material. The standard size is about 60 cm. In the event that the insulation material is of a cotton type, it is recommended to reduce the distance between the posts to 57-58 cm, in this case you will ensure a tighter contact of the sheets.
  3. The bottom and top boards must be laid out on the floor and mark the places where the racks will be installed. Then it is necessary to spread them out and pierce them with nails 120 or 150 mm long. Additional fastening with corners is allowed.
  4. If the wall is too large, it is necessary to assemble it from several elements. This can also be done if the work is done alone. The fact is that a large structure has a corresponding weight. If you reduce the mass, then it will be easier to work with it. All work must be carried out strictly according to the scheme of the frame house. Make it happen with your own handsquite realistic, but recommendations will have to be taken into account.
  5. In order to give rigidity to the structure, it is necessary to install jumpers between the racks. Typically, 1-3 jumpers are used in the gap between adjacent racks. Very often, masters mount jumpers in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. According to the plan of the house, it is necessary to equip door and window openings.

Often, craftsmen forget to take into account the thickness of the boards when assembling. In this case, the walls are not the length you would like.

Wall mounting

Before insulating a frame house according to the scheme, you need to assemble the walls. This procedure is quite simple:

  1. The wall is installed and fixed to the floor. At the same time, it is also necessary to install temporary props that will keep it from falling. Then you will need to take turns raising and exposing the remaining walls. All of them must be fastened to each other with studs or nails. In the event that the wall consists of several elements, it is necessary to ensure that the lower and upper parts are the same.
  2. It is recommended to install insulation in the corners, not bars.
  3. Next, you need to make temporary fasteners. This can be done using any thin boards that break through diagonally. These are jibs, they need to be installed on all walls.
  4. Need to watch how vertical the corners are. Use a plumb line to make sure the walls are vertical.
  5. When assembling the walls of a building, it is necessary to use a cord. It needs to be stretched between the corners. In this case youensure the evenness of not only the corners, but also the walls.

Reinforcement and top strapping

After the walls are assembled, you can perform the top trim. In this case, the same board is used as in the walls. With the help of the upper strapping, a stronger grip of all corners is carried out. This will also make it possible to give unity to all elements of the walls and distribute the load among all. Along the perimeter, it is necessary to break through the timber with nails. It is desirable to use it with a cross section of up to 150 mm.

do-it-yourself frame house schemes
do-it-yourself frame house schemes

At the joints, it is necessary to overlap up to 30 cm. In the corners, it should be equal to the thickness of the wall. Next, you need to strengthen the entire structure. Usually, OSB boards or plywood are used for this purpose. If you sheathe the whole house with OSB boards from the inside or outside, the frame will become quite rigid.

Production of internal partitions

Internal partitions are almost the same in design as external walls. True, they do not have such serious requirements regarding insulation and thickness:

  1. It is allowed to make partitions of small thickness. It all depends on your preferences and comfort requirements.
  2. Inside the partitions, the insulation will primarily perform soundproof functions. Therefore, the frame house insulation scheme can be made as simplified as possible.
  3. It is allowed not to use a vapor barrier or a waterproofer in internal partitions.


For frame buildings, any roof can be used. This structural element is notdepends on what material the walls of the house are lined with. It is worth noting that it is much easier to mount a roof on a frame house than on a brick or block house, because fastening its elements to the walls is greatly simplified.

In order to make a high-quality roof, it is necessary to use materials such as natural tiles, metal tiles. It is allowed to use slate, metal profile, etc.


frame house insulation scheme
frame house insulation scheme

At the final stage of construction, it is necessary to carry out insulation. Everything needs to be insulated from floor to ceiling. To do this, you can use the following instruction:

  1. From the outside, a special membrane must be stretched onto sheets of plywood or OSB. It will act as a waterproofing agent.
  2. Insulation material must be laid between the uprights. In the event that a house is being built in a cold region, it is necessary to lay the insulation in two or three layers. In this case, of course, the walls must be of appropriate thickness. Avoid the appearance of cold bridges, for this, make an overlap at the junction.
  3. Insulate the floor of the house in the same way.
  4. In order to insulate the ceiling, it is necessary to fix an insulating film on the beams below. It must be hemmed with a board or plywood. The material can be used, as in the case of the ceiling, almost any. Even expanded clay can be used. But it is best to use mineral or stone wool.
  5. After installing the insulation, you muststuff a film on top of it. It will protect the material from moisture from the outside.

It is also allowed to stuff a lath or board over the skin. But this is done in the event that you need to perform a fine finish. OSB sheets are stuffed onto the film.
