Poor water quality, rust, low pressure and bad taste are the main signs that it is time to replace the water supply system. However, it is not necessary to wait for their manifestation. If the communications in the house have not changed for many years, then when carrying out repairs in the bathroom, first of all, you need to replace the water pipes. What materials should be chosen for these purposes, and whether the process of their installation is complicated, we will consider in this article.
Why did metal pipes stop being popular?
Houses of Soviet buildings were equipped with a metal water supply and sewage system, but in modern buildings such communications are already used quite rarely. Firstly, this is due to the complexity of the installation of these structures, since a reliable connection of pipes can only be ensured using welding. A significant role is played by the main properties of the material - susceptibility to corrosion and oxidation. They significantly shorten the life of the entire system, and owners are forced to carry out a complete replacement of water pipes.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of moisture insidehighways, rust is formed, on which various water impurities settle. As a result of these changes, the diameter of the hole gradually decreases, and the owner of the premises notices a significant deterioration in water supply. After a certain time, the appearance of metal pipes also suffers, which spoils the interior of the entire room. For this reason, modern and more practical materials are used today.
Varieties of modern water pipes
When planning the replacement of water pipes, the first thing to do is to choose the material for arranging the main line. Today we have two main options available:
- Polypropylene plumbing. This variety is now the most popular. It is valued for its increased wear resistance, ability to withstand high temperatures, ease of installation and affordable cost. The disadvantages of such pipes can only be attributed to the fact that the finished line cannot be disassembled, since all elements are soldered together. However, this fact also indicates the reliability of these connections. Replacing water pipes with polypropylene options guarantees no leakage and the possibility of installing water pipes in enclosed spaces and inside walls.
- Metal-plastic systems. This option is valued for its beautiful and neat appearance. It also has excellent flexibility. To form an angle of 90 degrees, it is enough to gently bend the pipe with your hands, which greatly simplifies the installation of the water supply. The weak point of such highways is the connection points (fittings). Leaks are often observed in these areas, especially whenIt's about hot water. After several cycles of heating and cooling, it becomes necessary to tighten the connecting nuts. This makes it impossible to use pipes in closed structures.
Preparation for work
Since the most preferred and best option today is the installation of a polypropylene water pipe, we will pay attention to this particular variety.

Replacing water pipes can be done by hand, but for this you will need the following tools:
- grinder (for dismantling railway lines);
- cutter (plastic pipe cutter);
- soldering iron and nozzles for polypropylene products;
- plastic pipes;
- Angle and thread elements.
Before starting work, make sure that the gate valves are reliable. It is important that they do not leak water. If these devices are not available on the risers, then you should contact the house management company, which will turn off the water for the duration of the work.
Getting Started
Before proceeding with the replacement of water pipes, you need to carefully consider the work plan and draw a diagram of the future water supply (taking into account the actual length and width of all segments). This plan will help you calculate how much material you need to purchase for repairs.

Next, start preparing the surface. At this stage, allinterfering elements of furniture and plumbing. If the pipes will be mounted in the wall, strobes must be made for their installation. Further work is performed in the following sequence:
- Replacing the riser. At a height of about 15-25 cm (from the floor surface), a special tee (fitting) is installed. If a plastic pipe comes from the floor, then the tee is simply soldered onto it. In the case of a metal terminal, an adapter from metal to plastic is used. It must have the correct diameter. The junction of two pipes is best located above or below the floor slab.
- Valve installation. At the outlet to the apartment, you should immediately install a valve that will shut off the water if necessary. After the valve, an adapter is fixed to a metal pipe, onto which a filter for water purification is screwed. It has a lid to the floor so that the accumulated debris does not enter the apartment's water supply network.
- Installation of water meters. A non-return valve is installed immediately after the filter. After it, a water meter and an adapter from metal to polypropylene are mounted. Next, the plumbing is soldered using tees and corner elements (according to the plan).
Plumbing soldering process
In order for the replacement of water pipes in the bathroom or kitchen to be successful, it is important to correctly solder all the components of the system. This process looks like this:
- The two necessary elements are put on the nozzle of the soldering iron (it must match the diameter of the pipes) and pressed tightly against it.
- When pipe ends are sufficientmelted, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on them and wait about 10 seconds for uniform heating of the edges of the element.
- Next, the pipes are removed from the nozzle of the soldering iron and pressed tightly against each other. This stage is carried out quickly and accurately enough to avoid cooling the ends of the pipe and sealing its internal space.

Thus, the entire internal plumbing system is mounted. To install mixers and connect various equipment, adapters with threaded connections are installed at the ends of the pipes.
Cost and service life
At the end of the topic, prices for the replacement of water pipes and their service life should be announced. As for durability, polypropylene lines can last without replacement for about 30-40 years, which significantly exceeds the warranty period of metal systems.

The cost of 1 running meter of such a pipe is 500-600 rubles. Additionally, you should consider the price of various adapters and faucets. If the work will be performed by the master, then the payment for his services must be added to the final cost. It is about 1000-1500 rubles for the connection to 1 element (toilet, washbasin, washing machine, etc.).
If you add up the cost of purchasing the material and its installation, then in any case the total amount will be much lower than the cost of arranging a metal water pipe. And if we take into account the service life of polypropylene systems, then we can safely say thatthat this material is the most optimal today.