Indoor flowers perfectly complement and enliven the interior of the house. Artificial plants in pots look dull and gloomy. In addition to creating home comfort and beauty, fresh flowers purify the air and absorb harmful substances. As you know, in closed and rarely ventilated rooms a lot of dust, carbon dioxide and other harmful substances accumulate, but for residents of megacities, even frequent ventilation will not be a salvation. Therefore, potted houseplants play an important role in human life. They are divided into two types: flowering and non-flowering. Among the blooming ones there are those that please with a riot of flowering all year or at a certain time. We study flowering plants in pots, the names of which will be given below.

Abutilon is popularly known as indoor maple. It got its name from the broad leaves.wedge-shaped, although it has nothing to do with a woody plant. The closest relatives of abutilon are stockrose and Theophrastus weed rope. With proper care, indoor maple pleases those around you with lush flowers on long stalks all year round. Depending on the variety of this plant for pots, the petals can be red, yellow, peach or pink. Abutilon leaves may be speckled with yellow, but the leaves are mostly dark green.
In order for the plant to form a dense crown, you need to cut the branches of the plant by a third every spring, before the period of active growth. In the summer it is necessary to pinch individual stems. With regular pruning, you can keep the plant lush and low - no more than 50 cm in size. To get a taller plant, tie branches to supports, and when the plant reaches the desired length, pinch the stems to increase the density of the plant.
Aphelandra protruding

Aphelandra bulge, better known as the "zebra" plant, is distinguished by green glossy leaves, on which white veins create a characteristic pattern. Thanks to him, the flower got its name. In the wild, this plant reaches a height of more than a meter. In room conditions, aphelandra, like other plants for pots, grows to a height of no more than 40 cm. The zebra plant rarely blooms, under favorable conditions a delicate yellow inflorescence forms on the bush, and bright yellow bracts appear around, whichlast about two months. After the withered petals are removed and the plant is left for a couple of months in a cool place. In late spring, it is better to move the aphelandra to a western or southern window, protecting it from direct sunlight. It, like other large potted plants, grows best in cramped containers. For a zebra plant, the brightness of the light is important, not its duration. If you always keep it in the shade, then you can not wait for flowering.
Winter Begonia

This plant was bred in 1955 and for a long time in honor of its creator was called "Rieger's hybrid". These flower potted plants appear in store windows at the beginning of winter, with buds already formed but not yet opened in a variety of shades. Nevertheless, breeders do not let up and bring out new subspecies of this plant. An adult plant reaches a height of 30-50 cm.
Winter begonia during the period of active flowering is dotted with camellia-shaped flowers, each of which is no more than 5 cm in diameter, while the color can be very diverse: red, yellow, pink, orange, etc. To increase the flowering period, on time remove faded twigs.
Winter begonia varieties are pot plants that only live for six months, but can be propagated from stem cuttings if desired.
Bilbergia drooping
Other names for drooping billbergia are "tears of the queen" and "flower of friendship". This plant lives for about three years and requires an annual transplant. The name "tears of the queen" bilbergia received due to its unusual properties: during flowering, drops of nectar similar to tears flow from the inflorescences. This plant is very generous and throws out a lot of shoots. They can be shared with loved ones. Hence the second name of bilbergia - "flower of friendship".
These potted flowering plants are 40 cm wide and 75 cm high. Billbergia begins to bloom in the third year in spring. The plant throws out red or crimson bracts, in the middle of which are green, purple or yellow flowers. Billbergia tolerates dry air better than other flowers from the bromeliad family, but it is advisable to spray the plant often.
Hippeastrum garden

Hippeastrum garden belongs to the Amaryllis family. Basically, its flowering period falls on winter time. Therefore, this plant is so popular at Christmas time. Hippeastrum begins to bloom 8 weeks after planting. Its inflorescences are red, pink, white, orange. In addition, there are varieties of the Amaryllis family, in which the buds are two-colored.
To achieve hippeastrum flowering, plant the bulb in a tall and narrow pot of soil, leaving a 5 cm space between the walls and the root. One-third of the bulb should peek out above the ground. Water the plant and place it for a month in a cool place. Then, when the shoot is more than 15 cm, put the plant in a well-lit place and fertilize it every 10 days. Very soonflower spike will appear. At a faded plant, cut off the pedicel and continue to water and feed the plant. At the end of summer, let the plant dry and, after cutting the leaves, send the bulb to a dark, cool place.
Lily longiflora
This plant is characterized by snow-white flowers, which are considered a symbol of spring. Therefore, it is often called the Easter lily. In a normal environment, this plant blooms in summer, but in nurseries, subject to strict temperature conditions, watering and lighting, growers manage to achieve flowering by a certain date.
In order for the plant to please you with its lush flowering for a long time, give preference to lilies with a couple of opened buds. The rest will be revealed later. Remove the purchased packaging from the plant, nothing needs to be done about the pot, leave the plant in the container in which it was bought. A blooming lily will not tolerate a transplant, and all the buds will fall off. Water the plant as needed and maintain the temperature at 16-18°C. In areas with warm winters, after the lily has faded, the plant can be planted in open ground.
Schlumbergera belongs to the cactus family. It is better known under the names "Christmas cactus", "Christmas cactus" and "holiday cactus". This plant has many varieties of flower colors. Despite the fact that this plant belongs to the cactus, contrary to all stereotypes, the Christmas tree blooms very profusely.

He is unpretentious, and the intensityits flowering depends on climatic conditions. However, during flowering, in any unfavorable situation, he drops all the buds. Therefore, when the first flower buds appear, it is better not to disturb the Christmas tree.
Cyclamen is sometimes called the Persian violet. This is the main decoration of window sills in winter. At this time, the period of active flowering of cyclamen begins. The plant has dark green leaves and long-stemmed flowers that look like small butterflies thanks to the petals folded back. They come in red, purple, pink and white. Cyclamens are potted plants with a long flowering period. When the old inflorescences die off, they are replaced by new ones, while the main leaves do not lose their brightness and remain the same green.

After cyclamen stops blooming in spring, do not rush to throw away the plant. It may bloom again. Let the leaves of the plant dry, then carefully remove them and move the dormant plant to a cool, dark place for three months. Water the cyclamen occasionally to keep its roots from drying out. Late summer is the time to return the plant to a bright spot. When the plant begins to grow, transplant it into fresh soil. Regular watering and top dressing will ensure re-blooming in a couple of months.

Gloxinia belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. Life expectancy from two months to several years.
Gloxinia is fara relative of the Uzambara violet and was previously considered a perennial plant that died off every season and hibernated for three months. After that, the flower was transplanted into fresh soil, and the plant bloomed again, delighting its owners with large inflorescences. Then, when the plant faded, it went dormant again, and the cycle began again.
Today, most gloxinia are annual plants. These flowers grow very quickly from seed. Due to the absence of the need to accumulate energy in the root system, the plants bloom very violently. But with repeated flowering, the buds are no longer so lush.
When buying, choose a plant with unopened flowers. So the plant will delight you with its decorative appearance for a longer time. In general, gloxinia blooms for two months, and each individual flower - no more than a week.
With the help of the colors listed above, you can make your home cozier and more comfortable. And properly selected pots for indoor plants will only emphasize their elegance and beauty.