Any technique that we use in everyday life has a limited resource, regardless of the level of experience and qualifications of manufacturers. Of course, with a professional approach to work, these devices serve for a long time. However, it inevitably fails. The same goes for the microwave oven, and it is present in almost every kitchen. And if earlier she could heat up food in 2 minutes, then over time, it will take 5 minutes, or even more, for the same dish. In this case, most likely, this indicates the need for a magnetron test…
What is this device?
Currently, a great variety of models of microwave ovens is presented on the market of household appliances. They are all so different that sometimes you can even get confused if you really need to purchase this technique. It differs not onlycolors, design can also be found one more original than the other. And what about the dimensions of devices and their price - from compact cheap to expensive large ones?

However, all microwaves have one thing in common - the functioning of any operation of a microwave oven is impossible without a magnetron! Whether it's Samsung, Philips, or any other popular and high-quality brand, with a missing part, it's just a locker for storing various things, and nothing more.
Another question is how good his performance is. With a good magnetron, your microwave oven will last as long as possible. Although it also depends on the operating conditions.
How does an important part of any microwave work?
To test the microwave magnetron, it is worth a little understanding of its device. In fact, this part is a vacuum tube, inside which the necessary parts are located:
- filament;
- cathode;
- anode.
From the outside, the anode block is surrounded by permanent magnets. But besides this, there are also metal plates that form a radiator to remove heat. During operation of the microwave oven, the magnetron becomes very hot. And for this reason, the case of this device is not only equipped with a heatsink, but is blown by a fan to improve cooling efficiency.
For the formation of a directed flow of waves, the anode has a tip closed with a cap, which looks like an antenna. For power supplya special connector corresponds to the magnetron, which includes feed-through capacitors and inductive leads. This is, in fact, a filter that reduces the penetration of microwave radiation through the power leads.
The design of such an important detail is difficult for an ordinary consumer to understand, only a master is able to understand all the features of his work due to the specifics of the work. Although you can try to check the microwave oven magnetron yourself (more on that later).

In this regard, you should not even try to repair this part, as this is a laborious and thankless task. Misunderstanding the essence of the device does not really give anything!
Signs indicating a malfunction of the magnetron
If the magnetron is out of order in the microwave oven, it is not at all necessary to immediately go to the service center. It will not be possible to repair such a complex device on your own, but any home master can replace it. To do this, you should accurately verify the malfunction of this part. After all, if the device itself is in order, then the cause of the problem lies in something else.
The reason for checking the microwave magnetron may be characteristic features:
- The microwave oven is working, as indicated by the burning indicator, but the food is not heated enough or there is no heating at all.
- You can feel the heating of the housing from the magnetron side.
- Detection of burnt odor, deformed or charred areas on the walls of the inner chamber.
Not yetyou need to remove the back cover. In addition, there are main signs - the appearance of smoke, sparks and sounds from the furnace. But this is not always the case, and therefore it is quite difficult to determine the malfunction only by external signs. And in some cases, the rear cover will still have to be removed.
The device itself is checked using a tester, which can be purchased at any hardware store - since its cost is low.
Common problems
In most cases, after checking the operability of the magnetron, it is not possible to repair it (if necessary). However, before buying a new part, you need to find out the cause of the problem.

Among the most common problems are the following situations:
- Depressurization - you will have to go to the store for a new part, since the presence of a vacuum is strictly necessary!
- Breakage of the filament - here, as with a burnt out light bulb, nothing can be done.
- Antenna cap melting - element can be replaced.
- A failure of the magnetic system is an extremely rare situation. If only the upper magnet fails, a new element can be installed instead.
- End of life of the magnetron - everything is clear here, you need to purchase a new device.
- Faulty capacitors - in this case, the replacement of the magnetron is also shown. Of course, you can simply change the faulty ones, but such a procedure requires certain skills thatnot every home master has it. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, it is worth replacing the entire magnetron.
As you can see, after checking the magnetron of a microwave oven, it is often not possible to repair such an important component - you have to change the device. Only in rare cases can you replace a few parts yourself with little bloodshed.
Self Diagnosis
For self-diagnosis, it is also not necessary to invite a specialist to the house. However, you should purchase a multimeter - a universal tester that measures various current characteristics: voltage, resistance, etc.
Instead of buying a multimeter, you can use separate measuring instruments - an ohmmeter, voltmeter, ammeter, if they are already available. In extreme cases, they can be borrowed from neighbors. However, a universal device would be preferable and would also serve well for other purposes. In addition, you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

In some cases, checking the magnetron with a multimeter does not always allow you to accurately determine the malfunction. Therefore, if the diagnosis does not give the desired result, then in this case you will already have to go to the service center. Here, with the involvement of special equipment, a professional check will be performed.
Verification procedure
As for the procedure itself, you can use the following algorithm:
- First, inspect the insidechamber for the presence of characteristic signs - a burnt smell, deformed or charred areas on the walls. If this is the case, the conclusion is obvious.
- Now you just can't do without removing the back cover. To do this, the mounting bolts are unscrewed.
- The condition of the wires and their connection is checked. If necessary, restore contact by soldering.
- Inspect the fuse - if a broken thread is detected, the part is replaced with a new one.
- It is worth checking the operability of the equipment, and if it still does not function in normal mode, the diagnostics continue.
- At the next stage of testing the magnetron of the microwave oven, the tester should switch the device to the ohmmeter mode and measure the resistance of the filament. In good condition of the device, the display should show a value from 4 to 7 ohms. The infinity sign will indicate a broken thread.
- Now you should measure the resistance between the housing and one of the magnetron leads by setting the appropriate tester mode. Here, the infinity symbol will already indicate the absence of a malfunction. “0” means that the feedthrough capacitors are broken, and the numbers indicate a current leak. Defective parts are replaced with new parts by desoldering and soldering.
- Now in the continuity mode, you should determine the performance of all other components on the circuit board. A malfunction of at least one of the parts cannot be ruled out.
If during the diagnostic measures it was found that all the parts of the microwave oven are in good condition, but the food still does not warm up, then the reason is notmagnetron.
Replacement is smarter than repair
If checking the magnetron by a tester revealed its malfunction, then instead of repairing it, it is more reasonable to simply replace it.

This is especially true in relation to expensive models of microwave ovens. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to repair, then, as we now know, due to the complexity of understanding the device of such a part, work is done only in specialized workshops for servicing household appliances.
Replacement procedure
The very connection of the new magnetron is performed as follows:
- Remove the old defective part and install a new device in its place.
- Fix the part with fasteners and check the connection.
- Connect wires.
- Close the case with the back wall, screwing the bolts into place.
As you can see, any home master can handle this job. At the same time, if there is even the slightest doubt, it is not worth the risk!
Important points
If during the test of the magnetron its malfunction is detected, then the process of replacing the part is quite within the power of almost every owner. Just make sure you choose the right part first. To do this, pay attention to the following parameters:
- Power must match.
- Contact Compatibility - Must have all necessary holes for a secure fit.
- Correspondence of the diameter and length of the antennas (old and new device).
- The new magnetron should fit perfectly on the waveguide.
It's easier to remove the old part and go to the store with it, where consultants will help you find the right part. But if you do not pay attention to it, the money will be wasted. If all this seems complicated, then you should again contact the service center. Specialists for the appropriate fee will perform the work at a professional level.
Some useful tips
It is worth considering that extending the life of the microwave oven is a very feasible mission.

To do this, it is worth taking into account a number of useful recommendations:
- The appearance of crackling or sparks during the operation of the device should serve as a reason to stop using it and check the magnetron. It is necessary to investigate the cause of this phenomenon. In any case, troubleshooting will be much cheaper than buying a new furnace. Often, such signs indicate a burnout of the protective cap of the magnetron.
- It is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the mica lining that closes the waveguide exit to the chamber. Often grease and particles of heated products get on it, which reduces its service life. It is important to keep the inner chamber clean, otherwise sparks cannot be avoided, because the fat that has got on the pad becomes electrically conductive.
- If the voltage is unstable, it is better to power the microwave through a stabilizer. With a drop in power, the wear of the magnetron cathode increases.
Magnetron is an important detailabsolutely any microwave oven. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the equipment. In addition, warning signs should not be ignored. Detected malfunctions (this applies not only to the magnetron) must be eliminated in a timely manner.
As a conclusion
Microwave is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, as every housewife knows. With its help (depending on the model), you can not only heat food, but also cook delicious dishes.
Faulty magnetron contributes to the paralysis of the usual rhythm of life. Most faults can be fixed on your own. However, when it comes to the breakdown of the magnetron, it is better to turn to professionals in their field.

And if you can check the magnetron on your own, amateur performance is unnecessary here - this can be dangerous not only for equipment, but also for the person himself! In extreme cases, you can replace the part on your own, but that's all. After all, self-repair requires a whole baggage of knowledge, including certain skills and abilities. In addition, special tools or equipment may be required. But most ordinary consumers have neither one nor the other. It is for this reason that such work should be trusted only to specialists.