Designing a room is the most long-awaited and difficult stage of repair. If other stages are more related to the quality of the work performed, then the final result is important here. Will it be pleasant to spend time in such a room, or will it forever become a forgotten corner of the house? To do this, the owners of the living space, independently or together with designers, select the color scheme and style of the interior. This is not easy, because it is necessary to find a compromise not only between personal preferences, but also the cost of finishing. This article will focus on the malachite color in decoration, its manifestations among materials, furniture and decor.
How to choose colors?
One option is to give preference to your favorite color and experiment with its shades. Such a decision is appropriate when the tenants of the apartment have the same tastes, then there is no need to waste precious time and effort on disputes, but you can safely go to the storefor the right paint. For example, the rich malachite color of the hallway is combined with a mint living room.
Do not forget that the interior of the room is not limited to the selection of wallpaper. Lighting, furniture and decor play an important role. Sofa upholstery, carpet, curtains, pillows, figurines and vases - their color can repeat the main one, create bright accents where necessary.

The next way to find a harmonious design is to rely on the shade of the flooring. If you liked a particular color of parquet, laminate or tiles, then it is quite acceptable to fit the rest of the interior of the room to it. Perhaps the parquet will have some characteristic texture, and it will be able to determine the overall style direction of the room. Remember, if the floor is dark, then the walls and ceiling should be a few shades lighter so as not to overload the room.
Today, such a way of choosing colors as feng shui has become popular. If you do not fully own it, then you can always seek help from specialists. They will advise the solution for each room, as well as select the necessary color combination.
The apartment will look especially harmonious, each room of which will be decorated in the same style. When you abruptly enter the Greek living room from the Provence kitchen, you get a kind of vinaigrette, which only irritates. No one limits the color scheme, it is enough to fit it into the framework of a certain style. Then the house will have a single and harmonious atmosphere.
The main thing is to make compromises, because more than one person can live in an apartment, and each of them has the right to vote. We will assume that we chose the first option and decided to use malachite color in the interior. It's time to find out what this unusual shade carries.
Color psychology
Almost every aspect of our lives is associated with a color. Often we do not even realize what exactly does not suit us in the environment, why we experience tension or, on the contrary, get a boost of energy and cheerfulness. It's all about the psychology of color.
It must always be taken into account, because when it comes to decorating a room, it means that the color will be with you for more than one day.

Many are wondering: what is the color of malachite? It is one of the shades of green. For us, it is the color of spring, new life, the awakening of the forces of nature.
Green is made by mixing yellow and blue. Perhaps that is why it is interpreted as the personification of the connection between nature and the supernatural. Since this is the color of dollar bills, it began to symbolize we alth. But if you turn to history, you can find out that in the past it was the green hat that was forced to wear those who went bankrupt.
If we talk specifically about the malachite color, then it is credited with such properties as: increasing concentration, the ability to soberly assess the situation and help in making important decisions. Who knows, maybe that's why the walls of the offices used to be upholstered with fabrics of just such shades.
Magicalstone properties
For those who, when choosing the color scheme of a room, proceed not only from the concept of "beautiful / ugly", but appreciate the symbolism and magical meaning of stones and minerals, you should read this paragraph in more detail.
Malachite is one of the first semi-precious stones known to man. Where such an unusual name came from is not exactly known, there are different versions. From foreign languages it is translated as "soft" or "green grass".

The healing or magical properties of the stone have been talked about since ancient Egypt. When the cholera epidemic raged there and many people died, those who worked in the extraction of malachite did not suffer at all. Then it began to be used in the manufacture of amulets, as well as paints and eye shadows.
It was soon discovered that such a close contact of the stone with the body is harmful to he alth, because it contains a lot of copper. The Egyptians also made malachite a symbol of life and used it to decorate baby's cradles.
In the Middle Ages, it was used to make protective amulets against black magic, and was also actively used to decorate rooms.
Malachite at different times was credited with the most incredible properties. It was believed that thanks to him, a person can become invisible, as well as understand the language of animals and birds. To have such abilities, it was necessary to drink water from a malachite cup.
In the treatment, the stone is used to reduce pressure, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins from the body.
It can't be taken care ofbe exposed to strong chemicals as the soft surface can be quickly destroyed.

This green stone can change color depending on the wearer's mood. It serves as a kind of indicator of emotional state. It is not recommended to wear it during a strong nervous shock or stress.
Even in ancient Rome, malachite was credited with the ability to attract the opposite sex. This is due to the fact that the stone made a person more open and liberated. Therefore, it was worn by young and unmarried girls who wanted to get married.
Malachite figurine on the bedside table will protect from nightmares and make sleep easy and serene.
It is believed that in order to fully display the properties of a stone, it is necessary to choose the right frame. Silver and copper are best suited for this.
Shade range
The stone and its associated color has a fairly wide range of shades. It ranges from turquoise to deep dark green. This is its main advantage in the process of interior design. Malachite can be combined with both dark and light furniture.
This shade will help brightly, but tastefully change the already familiar and boring design of the room.
Different types
The quality of this green stone is divided into three types:
• Turquoise. It has the hardest surface, due to which it is especially appreciated by jewelers. The most convenient in processing. Belongs to the highest grade.
•Velvet or fleece. Atypical name for a semi-precious stone. It is due to its texture, which is characterized by a large grain size. This feature complicates the processing of malachite.
• Curly. Is the most rare. It has amazing streak patterns that resemble leaves trembling in the wind.
Interesting property
Malachite color, like other shades of green, has one amazing property: it can take on the properties of the shade that is used with it. Thanks to this “cunning”, we can attribute green to both warm and cold colors at the same time. It all depends on the shade with which it borders. Designers love to use this trick.
This color will show itself best in the bathroom. He will make her fresh, cheerful, but at the same time rich and stylish.
Malachite color tiles are perfect for the bathroom, the ceiling can be decorated in the same style. If you are still of the opinion that it should be made in bright colors, then you can make only one wall green. This will not overload a small room, but will add color to it. In small bathrooms, even the darkest shades can be used, provided that they are combined with white. It should be made dominant, but malachite will show itself perfectly at the level of accents: towels, rugs, decor - everything here is limited only by your imagination.
This area in the apartment needs a particularly thoughtful design, because andthe hostess herself and the family should feel comfortable and cozy in it. A malachite-colored kitchen is undoubtedly an original, as well as an interesting color scheme. Since green has many other shades, designers recommend playing with them, choosing the right combination.
Kitchen design in this color scheme will be successful if you skillfully use some tips:
• When finishing has not yet begun, and you are just thinking through its features, you should first decide on the choice of a headset, countertops, and household appliances. Only after that it is worth deciding where to place malachite accents.
• Green is a beautiful color, but, like everything in our life, it requires moderation. You want to use the most diverse shades on every square centimeter, but this way you can completely ruin the interior. It should be remembered that bright shades should be present only on surfaces with a small area. But malachite-colored wallpapers are perfect for large walls, where they will open up the most.

• If your kitchen faces south, then this shade of green will be a real find for it. It will also suit emerald, jade and others where there is a predominance of blue.
• The choice of color directly affects the style. Therefore, malachite, as well as other muted, deep shades, are the prerogative of classic, minimalist kitchens.
• As with small bathrooms, small kitchens need to think about color schemes more precisely. Light shades should completely dominate here. Imitation of a green stone can only make itself felt with neat strokes. For example, white curtains and a vertical horizontal strip, a malachite apron and napkins.
Sets and furniture
If everything is clear with the decoration of walls, floor and ceiling, then the question arises, what else can surprise a malachite room?
First of all, this is a headset. Remember how elegant a marble countertop looks. The texture of malachite is in no way inferior to it in beauty. Due to the versatility of the color, the headset can be either in light colors (white, beige) or dark (red-brown).

The living room can also be transformed: a chest of drawers, a bookcase, a coffee table made of green, lightly aged wood … You simply don’t want to leave such a bohemian-style room.
Malachite is appropriate in a classic interior. Here it is not just the color that is important, but the imitation of the very texture of the stone. This style is closely associated with chic and luxury, and what can demonstrate this better than gold? However, in order not to show oneself as a person without taste, one should observe the measure. Gold-plated accents look great, such as: borders on cabinets and chests of drawers, fittings, gold-plated candlesticks, picture frames, lamp legs. With just a few touches, you can turn a room into a real palace.
Earlier we mentioned the figurine on the bedside table, made of malachite. This shade is deep, "smart", festive, and therefore more calm and restrained.the interior will play in a new way with such accents. It can be voluminous vases, textiles or floor lamps. The main thing to remember is that malachite is only an accent, and in this case it should be the only bright element of the interior. All other tones should be left neutral.
Compatibility with other colors
No matter how beautiful a color is, it can be mercilessly ruined by choosing the wrong combination. But no one wants the efforts with which the repair was carried out to be unworthy of the result.
For thrill-seekers, as well as real rebels, we offer a bold option: combine malachite and red. Such experiments are best done in the dining room or hallway, but for the bedroom this combination will be stressful.

What color goes with malachite? The best combination is with white, as well as beige. Favorite combination of eco-style fans.
For those who like more modern trends, they can use it with black. Here it is better to choose light shades of malachite.
A wonderful duet will turn out when combined with a light blue color. For example, malachite-colored porcelain stoneware for flooring and light blue furniture.
With the right approach, any room can be made stylish and at the same time cozy. Malachite is multifaceted, beautiful and mysterious, with it the room will be filled with new life. A little patience, imagination, a willingness to experiment - that's what you need for the best repair!