How to build a roof - simple tips

How to build a roof - simple tips
How to build a roof - simple tips

The procedure for how to build a roof requires more than just certain knowledge. Experience is also important. Especially if the question arises: "How to make a gable roof?".

How to make a gable roof
How to make a gable roof

So, in order to build a roof with your own hands, you need to decide on the roofing material at the design stage. It should also be noted that the roof structure itself depends on:

  • building size;
  • floors of this object;
  • interior layout and more.

Roof selection

Before you build a roof, you should decide on its type. Most often, for private houses, including wooden buildings, gable roofs, also known as gable roofs, are mounted. The main advantages of this roof are the following features:

  1. easy installation;
  2. relatively low cost;
  3. reliability;
  4. possibility of using various roofing materials.

Experts recommend installing a hip roof for more complex structures, for example, for a house with an attic. For large houses, a broken cover is better. Flat and shed roofs -this is the optimal roofing solution for garages, saunas and other auxiliary buildings.

How to build a roof
How to build a roof

As you know, the choice of roof is carried out taking into account the combination of practicality and beauty of the future roof. Before making a choice in favor of a particular roofing material, as well as before building a roof, you must consider the following:

  • roof should be as light as possible by weight, while not creating an extra load on the walls and foundation of the house;
  • future roof should be strong and reliable;
  • simple roof construction.

Building the roof

The process of erecting a roof is a complex and time-consuming procedure that is best left to specialists. Only they know how to build a roof correctly, taking into account all the calculations. If someone decides to build a roof with their own hands, then it is better to use existing special programs with automatic calculation to carry out calculations.

Roof installation process

The roof installation procedure begins with the construction of the frame. The main elements of this design are rafters in the form of bars. These parts are interconnected by means of a "groove-protrusion" type fixing system. If necessary, you should additionally strengthen the walls of the house and create a coupler of the bars of the upper row in order to reduce the load on the sides of this building.

Next, he mounts the girders and stops. To reduce the load on the girders, crossbars are used, presented in the form of boards with a section150x40-150x50 mm.

In addition, one of the additional ways of fastening the roof are longitudinal struts. After installing the rafters, a waterproofing layer is laid. Then you can proceed to the insulation and installation of roofing material. At this stage, you should start by fixing the crate.

Build a roof with your own hands
Build a roof with your own hands

It should be taken into account the fact that the finished roof must have rectangular even slopes. Only the right choice and proper installation of layers of thermal insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing will significantly save on systems such as heating and ventilation during the operation of the house. In addition, the roof is a reliable protection of the truss system from various weather conditions, high levels of humidity and dampness.
