Cast iron pan rusts: what to do, possible causes and recommendations

Cast iron pan rusts: what to do, possible causes and recommendations
Cast iron pan rusts: what to do, possible causes and recommendations

Cast iron utensils are very popular among the public due to their durability, natural non-stick properties and ability to retain heat. However, cast iron also has several disadvantages. Unlike modern Teflon-coated aluminum counterparts, cast iron pans rust. What to do in case of such trouble? Polishing with a soft abrasive removes rust, and firing creates a protective coating.

Abrasive washcloth

Cast iron pan is rusting inside, what should I do? You can try to remedy the situation with a small washcloth, for the manufacture of which steel or copper wire was used. Non-metallic abrasives will not be superfluous. If rust doesn't work the first time, add water and mild dish soap, then try rubbing the pan again.

cast iron pan rusting what to do
cast iron pan rusting what to do

Many housewives start to worry if a cast-iron pan rusts. What to do? Why can't you use normalcleaners for other kitchen utensils made of other metals? The reason lies in the fact that such actions can destroy the surface protective layer, the formation of which took more than one year. The presence of rust indicates that the integrity of this coating has already been violated, and only the appropriate firing can restore it.

Baking soda

Cast iron pan rusts - what to do? In the case of light-colored, fine rust, you can turn to the mild abrasive found in every kitchen - baking soda.

cast iron pan rusting inside what to do
cast iron pan rusting inside what to do

The procedure is as follows: the cleaning agent must be mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a thick mass, and then take a rag and carefully rub the places where rust has formed. Several similar procedures should lead to the desired result.

S alt

How to remove rust from a cast iron skillet? The combination of s alt and water is another good option for preparing an abrasive mixture. The essence of this method is almost completely similar to the previous one: s alt mixed with water is rubbed into each area affected by rust.

how to remove rust from a cast iron skillet
how to remove rust from a cast iron skillet

S alt is slightly larger and harder than baking soda, therefore, the stiffness of the resulting paste also increases.

How to remove old rust?

If simple abrasive products cannot cope with rust, you should seek help from hardchemical cleaners. They usually contain hydrochloric acid, which can turn rust into wet powder.

Important! HCl is a strong acid and must be used with extreme caution to avoid chemical burns. To protect exposed areas of the body, it is recommended to use: gloves, a shirt with long sleeves and goggles. Only work in a well-ventilated area and avoid breathing vapours. Exposure to strong acids is especially dangerous for a person suffering from some kind of lung disease or bronchial asthma.

About cast iron pan care

Very often, women are faced with the fact that the cast-iron pan is rusting. The reasons for this are the non-compliance with the elementary rules of care.

There are many microscopic pores on the surface of this kitchen appliance, which are caused by air bubbles formed when the cast iron cools. This is the most vulnerable point of any cast iron skillet, so if the surface is not covered with grease, rust is guaranteed.

You can correct the situation with ordinary vegetable oil and high temperatures. High heat will char and form a hard, protective coating that will prevent food from sticking and rusting, as well as eliminating the need to constantly clean the pan.

cast iron skillet what to do why
cast iron skillet what to do why

You just need to grease the surface with vegetable oil, and then place the pan in the oven asat least 1 hour. Temperature regime - not less than 180 degrees.

So, why does a cast iron pan rust? Because the protective coating has deteriorated. After recovery procedures, it is not recommended to use fats that contain s alt (butter, lard or margarine). Naturally, steel wool and abrasive cleaners should not be used to clean a cast iron pan covered with a protective layer.

Procedure for baking a cast iron pan

As a rule, cast-iron cookware is allowed for sale only if it has technical lubrication - this is done in order to maintain its presentation and avoid corrosion. Therefore, before using, you should thoroughly wash the product with some kind of detergent.

Why does a cast iron pan rust?
Why does a cast iron pan rust?

Cast iron pan rusts - what to do? Immediately after the first wash, cover the bottom with table s alt and bake on the stove or in the oven for at least 1 hour. Then the pan should be rinsed and wiped thoroughly. Before cooking any food in it, it is recommended to lubricate it with a layer of fat, which will not only serve as a natural non-stick coating, but also protect the dishes from corrosion.

According to experienced users, cast iron pans should be lubricated with solid animal fat - lard or lard, as this allows you to create a denser and smoother non-stick surface. To wash dishes, use only the manual method, hot water, and avoid the presence of anyaggressive detergent. To store cast iron utensils, choose a well-ventilated place, such as an oven.

Preventing rust and removing years of carbon deposits

Cast iron pan rusts - what to do? Corrosion may be a signal that it is time to think about a non-stick layer (the method of its manufacture was described above). And so that the coating does not wash off too often, it is recommended to have several pans: for pancakes, for meat and fish, for scrambled eggs and vegetables.

cast iron pan rusting
cast iron pan rusting

Many families keep kitchen utensils that their parents or even grandparents ate from as it reminds them of a family holiday or the taste of a traditional favorite.

But often not only dishes are inherited, but also traces of its “work experience”. And it happens that a not so old, but often used frying pan still does not undergo a thorough wash. You can remove years of carbon deposits from a cast-iron surface using one of the following methods:

  • prolonged baking in the oven until the soot begins to fall off at the touch of a knife;
  • mechanical removal of the burnt layer with a metal brush, a drill with an appropriate nozzle or a grinder;
  • application of a chemical solution that softens hardened fat "fur coat".

Procedures to remove long-term soot are best done outdoors, as this causes such unpleasant phenomena as acrid smoke, scattering of dry particlessoot, as well as dangerous fumes from boiling the chemical solution.
