Imagine, it turns out that not only people and rabbits love cabbage! Cabbage pests live in gardens and orchards, who will not miss the chance to feast on its crispy and juicy leaves. These parasites include fleas, aphids, slugs, cabbage flies, white butterflies, cutworms, and other insects. How to deal with them without the use of chemicals is the topic of my article today.
How to deal with cabbage pests with folk remedies
The main thing is not to be late!
Remember, if you do not pay due attention to protecting your crop, you will not harvest anything in the fall … Believe me, pests of cabbage (white cabbage, for example) are on the alert! Meanwhile, it is not at all necessary to exterminate them by resorting to chemical methods. You can choose less drastic methods that allow your cabbage to grow without any "complications".
Down with "skewers"!
- Keep in mind that cabbage pests, amongwhich and the fly of the same name, do not like strong odors (for example, garlic). Therefore, plant it next to the cabbage beds. These insects will fly around your garden.
- Dill is just a wonderful spice! In addition, it is a "charm" of cabbage from aphid attacks! Plant it around the perimeter of the garden.
- Peppermint and tansy are great for caterpillars and cabbage flies. You can also plant wormwood near the beds.
- Cabbage pests like white butterflies hate eggshells. The fact is that they take her for their brothers, thinking that this territory is already occupied. That is why you should stick sticks with shells hung on them into the ground between the beds. Believe me, the butterfly will "forget" the way to your precious cabbage.
- If vile slugs encroach on a vegetable, then dig nettles around the perimeter of the beds, which will scare away these creatures.
- Perhaps the most difficult battle for cabbage is the fight against filthy aphids! However, nothing is impossible. Experienced gardeners advise spraying cabbage leaves with a decoction of onion peel or a soapy solution with the addition of wood ash.
- As a preventive measure against almost any cabbage pests, it is necessary to spray a crispy vegetable with a solution of ash and tobacco. How to cook it: we take a bucket of water and dissolve in it a liter jar of tobacco mixed with ash in a ratio of 1: 1. We defend for a day, after which we filter. We fill the spray bottle- and go!
- Dangerous are such cabbage pests as cruciferous flea and the like. To prevent their mass appearance, it is necessary to engage in regular weeding of weeds from the Cabbage family (field yarutka, shepherd's purse, colza, beetroot).
- To prevent the spread of filthy aphids, remove and burn cabbage plant residues (stumps) in time, and carefully dig up the autumn soil with its subsequent leveling. Don't forget weeding too!
- Catch the cabbage scoop for molasses or for night fires, which will attract it with their light. In small areas, you can manually collect the eggs laid by this butterfly. It is better to do this in the early morning and always in cloudy weather.