Processing cabbage from pests is just a necessary measure to protect it. Indeed, quite often it happens like this: in appearance, cabbage grows beautiful, large, clean. However, when it is cleaned, they notice that the leaves have become unusable. They are covered with some kind of brown coating, similar to dried mud. Sometimes they spoil to the very stalk! Who is to blame? Of course, pests! In this article we will tell you how cabbage is processed from pests.

Not at all "master's outfit"
Yes, friends, pests can pretty much spoil the "lordly outfits" of cabbage… Now the following insects and mollusks pose a danger to it:
- cabbage aphid;
- cruciferous flea;
- cabbage white butterfly;
- slugs;
- cabbage scoop;
- cabbage moth larvae and flies.
For example, larvae of cabbage cutworms in July andSeptember, they penetrate not so much into white cabbage as into cauliflower heads! Pests gnaw their moves in them, clog the entire space with their excrement. What to do? How is cabbage and cauliflower processed? More on that later.

Processing cabbage from pests with chemicals
- For processing, take 4 ml of the solution of the preparation "Bancol". Dilute it in 5 liters of water. The resulting amount is quite enough to spray a whole hundred square meters. This remedy will rid your cabbage of uninvited whitefly caterpillars, as well as cabbage moths and cutworms.
- Shops sell ready-made chemicals for processing cabbage. Among them are Kemifos, Fury, Iskra-M and others. Before use, be sure to read the instructions, especially the proportions of the solution.
However, in addition to ready-made chemicals, cabbage can be processed with home-made products! More on that later.
Processing cabbage from pests in folk ways
- Use decoctions of herbs growing near your cabbage. For example, a decoction of tomato tops, wormwood, as well as infusions of celandine and tansy will help you destroy caterpillars of white butterflies.
- There is another popular way. You need to coarsely chop the bitter wormwood, scatter it over the cabbage. Pest butterflies will avoid this cabbage until the sagebrush on it dries. You can scatter onion peel over cabbage - the effect will not take longwait. By the way, an infusion of such a husk will be no less effective! In general, infusions of onions and green arrows of garlic are one of the most effective means of pest control.
- Slaked lime will help you in the fight against slugs. Scatter it around the plants (two or three lines). You can use superphosphate or dolomite flour.
- Prepare mustard slurry for spraying cabbage. The ratio is as follows: 100 g of this powder should be diluted with 10 liters of water. You can pollinate the soil with the already mentioned superphosphate or slaked lime. You can use a mixture of lime and tobacco dust (in equal proportions).
- Of course, do not forget about the timely care of cabbage! Weed it in time, loosen the soil, spud plants. Use special plant food (cabbage). That's when the cabbage will say "Thank you" to you and be able to repel the pests!