Cabbage is one of the main vegetables that gardeners love to grow. A vegetable is both tasty and he althy, but it has a lot of enemies. Cabbage pests, if not de alt with, can leave you without a crop at all.

Cabbage white is a very common pest, a white butterfly. It is not the butterflies themselves that cause harm, but their larvae. Butterflies lay their eggs on the lower surface of the cabbage leaf, then caterpillars grow out of them and literally devour the entire leaf, leaving only veins. How to process cabbage from pests of this category? Here, the preparations "Fufanon", "Spark", "Anometrin", "Etaphos" are suitable. You can just collect the caterpillars by hand, but you will have to do this daily.
Cruciferous fleas are small bugs that eat leaves. Their larvae and they themselves feed on the green mass of the leaf, bite into the pulp

leaving holes, causing the leaves to dry out. To combat these pests of cabbage, the drug "Spark" is suitable. It is necessary to breed it for spraying according to the instructions. From folk methods, you canuse infusions of garlic, tomato or potato tops, as well as infusion of dandelions. These plants should be passed through a meat grinder before insisting. Dilute one glass of the resulting "minced meat" in a bucket of warm water. Let stand for 3 hours, then add 1 tablespoon of laundry or liquid soap - and the solution is ready for spraying (1 liter per 10 m²).
Cabbage scoop - these cabbage pests can gnaw through heads of cabbage, leaving green discharge behind. Harm is brought by the caterpillars of this nocturnal butterfly. For spraying, you can use the drug "Iskra DE" or "Iskra M". If you do not want to use chemistry, then you can use a folk remedy: dilute 2 cups of ash and 1 tablespoon of soap in a bucket of warm water. Spraying is best done in the evening, in dry weather.
Cabbage fly - these cabbage pests develop in the ground. Young seedlings are affected around mid-May. The insect lays eggs in the soil, larvae emerge from them and eat the roots of young seedlings. To fight the fly, they fumigate the ground around the seedlings or cultivate the soil before planting with the following mixture: they take wood ash and tobacco dust in equal parts, add a little ground red pepper there. You can use the drug "Spark M".
Medvedki - these insects live in the soil, only adults do harm. They gnaw through young plants at ground level. There are no effective drugs to combat Medvedka. You can only protect the seedlings mechanically, for example, plant them inside a metalcanned food jar with the bottom cut out.

Aphids - these small pests of cabbage feed on its juice. Plants affected by aphids literally dry out and die. The most effective method of controlling aphids is spraying with karbofos. It should be diluted like this: 60 g per bucket of water. Spray in the afternoon or evening, in dry weather. There are also folk remedies - in a three-liter jar of hot water, brew 1 tbsp. shag, 1 tbsp. ash and 1 tablespoon of soap. Close the jar tightly and leave for one day. Then pour this infusion into a bucket and fill it with water to the top. Strain and spray. Repeat the treatment with this infusion several times with an interval of 5-7 days. Of course, pest control of cabbage is a troublesome business. But it could save your harvest.