Zonal Pelargonium: description of varieties, photos, planting and care

Zonal Pelargonium: description of varieties, photos, planting and care
Zonal Pelargonium: description of varieties, photos, planting and care

Zonal pelargonium is a beautiful indoor plant. But no matter how we are used to seeing it on the windowsill, it turns out that it can also be grown on the street: in garden beds, in flower beds, in parks. It can serve as a good decoration even for city squares. The main task before planting in an open area is to determine the correct plant variety, since not all types of pelargonium are suitable for the street. Of course, caring for her also plays a big role. Despite the fact that the flower is completely unpretentious and hardy, it is necessary to follow the basic rules for cultivating this plant so that it pleases the eye with flowering for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to properly care for a flower in winter, and the requirements for care. Then the zonal pelargonium at home on the windowsill or in the garden will turn into a beautiful flower bed.

Pelargonium zonal
Pelargonium zonal

Briefly about what is pelargonium

  • This plant is from the Geranium family in the form of a shrub.
  • Its natural habitat is South America. However, it can currentlymeet in completely different countries.
  • Based on its habitat, pelargonium is very fond of light and warmth. In addition, it is resistant to dry periods.
  • The leaves of the flower are characteristic of the Geranium family - a palmately dissected form.
  • Perennial, depending on the variety, will have both a straight and creeping stem.
  • Zonal pelargonium flowers are always very colorful, consisting of textured lines. They appear for quite a long time in the summer.
  • The average duration of the preservation of the appearance of a plant is 2-2.5 years. After this time, the zonal pelargonium needs to be updated, as the appearance deteriorates.
  • Despite the fact that pelargonium and geranium are from the same family, they require different care.
Pelargonium zonal varieties photo
Pelargonium zonal varieties photo

What are the varieties of pelargonium?

Pelargonium has a huge number of different varieties - there are more than 200. But the most popular species stand out, which can often be found on the windowsill or in the garden.

  1. Royal. This variety is a wide bushes of small size, on which large flowers appear. Peduncles are located with the plant bush on the same level. Most often, the variety is used for home breeding. The appearance of a flowering crop can be compared to a fluffy bright ball.
  2. Tulip. By name, we can conclude that the type of plant is very similar to a tulip. And there is. Flowers have a close resemblance to unopened buds. Shades show variety- from light pink to burgundy. The leaves of this species are very shiny and have a hard texture.
  3. Rozebudnaya. Here you can also navigate by name. The flowering of the culture will take the gardener to a park of roses. The flower has a lot of petals, and all of them are quite close to each other, which is why they form a shape close to a small rose. Lush buds will serve as a wonderful decoration.
  4. Terry. Pelargonium inflorescences of this variety are distinguished by terry petals. Color can be found for every taste: crimson, pale salmon, lilac.
  5. Angular. The plant will be very tall - up to 100 cm. The shape of the leaves of the species is quite unusual - the leaves are short-leaved, can be compared with oak leaves. Inflorescence in the form of a bright red umbrella.
  6. Capitate. Compared with the previous variety, this crop will be half as much - about 50 cm. The shrub constantly pleases the eye with green color. The flowers are also in the form of an umbrella pink-purple hue. At the same time, pelargonium emits a simply magical aroma.
  7. Curly. This species is highly branched. The bush will not grow more than 50 cm, but will be evergreen. The leaves are shaped like a heart and grow in two rows. Their edges are torn, jagged.
  8. Fluffy. The variety of fluffy pelargonium is characterized by thick stems and lobar leaves. The flowers have a snow-white color, while the inner core is bright red. 5-6 similar inflorescences are connected together and create an umbrella.
  9. Meaty. The perennial of this species has a very small size - only 30 cm. Its leaves are in a lowered stateand have distinct venation. The flowers generally appear either white or pale beige with small red dots.
  10. Thick-stemmed. Here the name speaks for itself - the stem of the culture is very thick, and the plant itself reaches a size of about 20 cm. Compared to other types of pelargonium, this is quite small. The wide leaf has a silvery pubescence. Flowers appear in the form of standard umbels, but colors range from yellow to purple.
  11. Fragrant. This shrub is distinguished by its branches and, of course, by its strong aroma, which does not come from the flowers, but from the leaves of the plant. Inflorescences by standard take the form of an umbrella.
  12. Large-flowered. For outdoor cultivation, the large-flowered variety is not entirely suitable. He is very moody and requires special care. The plant will not be able without constant heat. Its height is from 30 to 60 cm, which is an average. The inflorescences have a corrugated structure and a large size.
  13. Klobuchkova. This species is notable for dense terry bright green foliage, which is lowered down. The flowers are purple-red.
  14. Dirty. Another variety that grows almost the tallest. Its size can reach about one and a half meters. The leaves are rounded dark green, planted on a rather fleshy stem. And the bush is decorated with bright scarlet flowers, which can be compared with lights.
  15. Ivy. As for this variety of pelargonium, it is not at all suitable for planting in open areas. Cold spells are detrimental to him. The foliage of this culture can be compared withivy. The inflorescences are very colorful.
  16. Pink. Based on the name, you can understand that the inflorescences have a pink tint. They are located on a branching shrub.
  17. Pelargonium zonal (varieties, we will consider the photo below). This is the most common and unpretentious type. It is perfect for breeding both on the windowsill and in parks and gardens. The zonal pelargonium leaf has a clear pattern. The shrub is very resistant to drought and other critical conditions. Even frost up to 5-6 0C is not terrible for him. That is why it is so popular among flower growers.

Having studied all the varieties of pelargonium, we can conclude that it is best to give preference to the zonal species.

Pelargonium zonal white
Pelargonium zonal white

What varieties does zonal pelargonium have?

In order to easily navigate when buying, you need to know the main varieties of this plant.

By height:

  1. From 42 cm in height are called tall.
  2. With a height of no more than 40 cm - medium height.
  3. Less than 12.5cm is short.

By petals:

  1. Up to five petals on a flower - simple.
  2. From 5 to 8 petals - semi-double.
  3. More than 8 petals - terry.

By bloom form:

  1. Bouquet - standard umbrella-shaped inflorescences.
  2. Star-shaped have pointed teeth on the petals.
  3. Cactus-flowered with narrow petals that resemble dahlias.
  4. Phloxflowers differ in two shades in one inflorescence - whiteand crimson around the edges.
  5. Tulipflowers correspond to the name and resemble a bud in shape.
  6. Pinkbud. Their flowers are very reminiscent of rosebuds.
  7. Carnations can be compared in inflorescence to carnations due to dissected wavy edges.

Color and leaf shape:

  1. Greens. The leaves are special in that they have circles either a shade darker or a shade lighter than their horseshoe shape.
  2. Variegated. This variety destroys stereotypes about flowers, as it is grown not because of the beautiful inflorescences, but because of the beauty of the leaves. They have a very bizarre color and shape. The color of the leaf excites the imagination - it can be pink, and bronze and yellow, etc.
Pelargonium f1 zonal
Pelargonium f1 zonal

The best varieties of zonal pelargonium: photos, reviews

  • Raffaella. The plant is distinguished by beautiful, compact, well-branched, strong, dense and dense bushes. Lush and beautiful balls have a very rich color palette. The hybrid quickly and easily grows from seeds. The first shoots begin to appear after 1-1.5 weeks. Pelargonium zonal Raffaella grows both as an indoor potted flower, and on well-lit balconies, and as an annual in garden flower beds. The plant has good resistance to heat, tolerates a short-term drop in temperature well. Planting zonal pelargonium for seedlings is carried out in January-March.
  • Chandelier Mix. A magnificent perennial compact plant with large flowers collected in spherical inflorescences. The leaves are rounded. The flowers of the mostvarious shades. Pelargonium zonal Chandelier Mix prefers sunny places and loose, fertile soils. It grows well both indoors and outdoors.
  • White. A very delicate and beautiful plant that can give any garden lightness and charm. White zonal pelargonium is a low plant, the stem of which is only up to 30 cm. It grows well at home in pots and in flower beds.

Pelargonium zonal reviews received the most positive. This is a real decoration of apartments and front gardens.

Pelargonium zonal planting
Pelargonium zonal planting

How to plant ?

Flower growers actively practice two types of pelargonium propagation: cuttings and seeds.

  • Cutting propagation. This is the most popular way that even a beginner can handle. At the same time, the characteristics of the variety remain the same. First you need to cut off the top of the shoot by 5-15 cm. All lower leaves and peduncles are removed from the finished cutting. The place that was used for the cut needs to be air-dried for several hours. Provided that the leaves on the process are too large, it is allowed to cut them only half. For rooting, it is quite possible to use an ordinary glass of water, but a mixture of peat, perlite and sand will be a priority. The prepared soil must be periodically moistened, but always monitor the stagnation of moisture and prevent this. The roots must be exposed to light, and the temperature must be warm. Complex fertilizers will help strengthen the sprouts. In the future, it remains only to transplant the grown culture intopot.
  • Growing zonal pelargonium from seeds. While one can be completely sure that all maternal characteristics will be preserved when using cuttings for propagation, this does not always work in the case of seeds. Mostly crossed shrubs grow from two varieties. In order for the seed container to sprout, it is necessary to keep it warm with a temperature of about 20-25 0C with diffused light. It is not required to cover, but it is necessary to moisten periodically. In a couple of weeks, the first sprouts should already appear. As soon as two pairs of small leaves erupt on them, the seedlings can be safely transferred to full-fledged pots.
Pelargonium zonal flowers
Pelargonium zonal flowers

How to care for a flower?

Zonal pelargonium is not in vain advised to all beginners - there are practically no problems with its departure. It is enough to follow a few basic rules. The main thing is to water it correctly and make sure that bright light falls on the pot. Consider what kind of zonal care Pelargonium needs.

Subtleties of lighting and temperature

In no case should you allow a lack of light for this beauty. Otherwise, she will leave you without flowers and will delight you with a half-empty stem with small leaves. To be able to observe a chic hat and fragrant flowers, you need to pick up a pot in the brightest place, for example, the south side of the house. But, if after some time in the sun faded yellow spots began to appear on the leaves, then you definitely need to add shadows. in winter for goodsmall lamps are suitable for lighting.

Heat for a little beauty is harmful. She will not endure 30-degree heat in any way. The standard for zonal F1 pelargonium is a stable +20 degrees, a maximum of +25. Drafts and cold glass are also enemies for the plant.

Pelargonium zonal care
Pelargonium zonal care

Air and irrigation

Rational watering must be present in caring for a flower crop. If there is too little water for pelargonium, this can be understood by yellow and dry leaves, and if you overdo it, you can say goodbye to a he althy root system. As soon as the topsoil becomes dry, moisture must be added. In winter, one or two times in two weeks is enough.

Repotting and fertilizing

Due to the accelerated growth of zonal pelargonium, it is necessary to immediately take care of the possibilities of transplantation. From spring to autumn is the best period for this. If the crop is grown outdoors, then for the cold season, starting in autumn, you will have to transplant it into pots and keep it until the summer, until the soil and air warm up enough.

In fertilizers, pelargonium is not particularly picky, so a universal fertilizer complex for tomatoes or flowering plants is quite suitable for it. The only thing that needs to be checked in the composition is a small content of substances such as phosphorus and potassium, and a minimum of nitrogen. After transplantation, it is not recommended to fertilize the crop for another 1.5 months. In the cold season, it is enough to fertilize the soil about once a month.


To form a bushremained decorative and pleased with its beauty, its formation should be monitored. Otherwise, nothing but rare flowers and an elongated stem can be expected. A species such as zonal pelargonium stands out from other varieties with very fast growth, so we must not forget about pruning and pinching.

Diseases and pests

Even if the pelargonium has grown to its full potential and began to bloom, sooner or later pests can start their attacks: ticks, worms, aphids and other insects. Then you need to immediately save the flower with the help of special preparations. The main thing is to notice the damage in time. The most common pest that attacks pelargonium is white butterflies, which are called whiteflies. They lay their larvae on the underside of the leaf, so it is difficult to notice them with a cursory glance. Soapy water is a great weapon. To do this, it is necessary to properly rinse the flower and wrap it in polyethylene for several days. If the damage is too strong, and improvised means can no longer cope with them, you can use "Aktara", but only strictly according to the instructions.

Blackleg is the problem with most young plants. It arises due to the fact that the conditions of care were not met. For example, too frequent watering or low air temperature may well contribute to the development of this disease. The same unpleasant disease is mold fungus. The most important thing is to take rescue measures in time: remove all damaged leaves and flowers in order to prevent the spread of infection. A solution of fungicides will help to destroy the infection.
