Podium for the bed: a modern functional solution

Podium for the bed: a modern functional solution
Podium for the bed: a modern functional solution

We attach great importance to the interior: it should not only please the eye, but also be comfortable and functional. How does a podium for a bed differ from standard solutions? First of all, the fact that such a piece of furniture is capable of performing several functions.

podium for bed
podium for bed

The podium under the bed (we present photos of the most interesting solutions below) can be a "recreation and relaxation area", but not only. In it, with a successful design, you can hide various little things that are always in sight, you can store - like in a chest of drawers - clothes and bedding.

If we choose the standard solution, we need to decide on the place that we can allocate under the bed. Whatever we hide "under the bed", everything will be in plain sight. Well, unless we find a long floor-length bedspread. The bed platform solves these problems radically: it can be used both as shelves and as storage boxes, or you can also combine these two functions.

bed podium price
bed podium price

This solution has its downsides. The podium for the bed is usually mounted towall or to the floor, therefore, it will be difficult to move it. In addition, if we want to create a multifunctional recreation area, we will have to allocate quite a large space for it. At least it should be 2-3 meters wide and the same length. However, in small rooms, just a podium for a bed will justify itself better than a bulky bed. By spreading pillows and bedspreads in an oriental style on it, we can create an atmosphere of bliss and relaxation. In the minimalist version, everything that you can do with your own hands from improvised, even, one might say, junk materials, is perfect for us. Pallets, boxes - a great idea for such a piece of furniture as a podium bed. The price of this item may actually be extremely low.

Take six to eight medium-sized pallets. It is important, of course, to carefully process them: sand, sand, paint (optional). It will be most convenient to fasten them in two tiers (you can use steps) with metal corners. We put the mattress on top - the bed is ready!

podium under the bed photo
podium under the bed photo

If you want, in addition to simplicity, to get a functional place to store small things, think about how the drawers will slide out. You can simply put them on wheels, or you can attach retractable guide rails to their side walls. For a children's platform bed, this is the perfect solution: firstly, it will give a lot of space for toys and entertainment. Secondly, there is no danger that the child will fall or roll down at night. And in the living room such furniture will come in handy. Often, after all, in modern apartments "salon","bedroom" and "dining room" (and sometimes also a work room) are all in the same room.

By the way, this bed is also convenient because in the blink of an eye it can turn into … a dance floor, an office, a mini-stage. It will be enough to hide the mattress, put the bed in drawers - and the podium is ready. In this case, it is more expedient to make it as if built-in - using the same coating for the surface itself and the steps, which is applied on the floor. Such furniture is also interesting in that the sleeping area can be arbitrary. So you don’t have to limit yourself in movements and you can sleep even along, even across, without feeling the edge.
