Nettle bell: planting, care, photo

Nettle bell: planting, care, photo
Nettle bell: planting, care, photo

Nettle bell (photos are presented in the article) is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Bellflower family. Occasionally there are annual bells. The flower is common in meadows, fields, and also in the mountains. For many years, the plant has been of interest to breeders. Connoisseurs have flowers of unusual shape and color. There are currently varieties with double flowers, as well as edible varieties.

Nettle bell: description

The plant can reach a height of one meter. Its stem is straight, reddish, the roots are thick. The middle and lower leaflets are petiolate, ovate along the edges, and the upper ones are sessile. On small pedicels, which are located in the axils of the upper leaves, there are two or three flowers.

nettle bellflower
nettle bellflower

They can be blue, white or blue-violet. Flowers are usually large. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the end of August. The nettle bell prefers shady forests, ravines or thickets incentral Russia. This species has been cultivated by gardeners for a long time. Bluebells with double flowers are quite widespread among garden forms. The flower is undemanding to the soil, feels good in the shade. The nettle-leaved bell also loves moisture. Its varieties are not numerous, these are:

  • Bernice is a wonderful variety with purplish-blue color double flowers collected in beautiful inflorescences. The leaves are toothed, dark green. Blooms over a long period of time.
  • Alba - perfect for a summer cottage. It has flowers 4–7 centimeters in diameter along the edges of white, and pink inside. The leaves are shaped like hearts.

Planting a bell

The bell is planted in partial shade or shade. The plant is adversely affected by stagnant water and closely spaced groundwater. In winter, close proximity to stagnant water will lead to the death of the bell. The plant develops well and grows quickly in light soils. Poor soils are fed with fertilizers, and heavy ones can be supplemented with river sand and rotted grass.

nettle bell variety
nettle bell variety

It is recommended to prepare a landing site in advance. Initially, the site is dug up, all weeds are removed, fertilizers are applied. And besides, you should take care of a good outflow of water. The nettle bell is planted in the ground with a neutral reaction of the environment. However, there are species that need slightly alkaline soil. Gardeners do not recommend adding peat and fresh manure to the soil, as there is a high risk of developmentfungal diseases. If there is slightly acidic soil on the site, it is diluted with wood ash.

Caring for the bell

The nettle bell, planting and caring for which does not cause difficulties, needs moderate and regular watering. In the spring, when the plant grows, it should be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. From time to time it is necessary to mulch the soil near the bell with rotted manure. Mineral fertilizers of low concentration are applied before the appearance of buds. Regular weeding and loosening will benefit the bell. In order to prolong the flowering period, you need to remove wilted flower stalks. Brown seed pods should be cut to prevent self-seeding.


Bells can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively depending on the species. For example, annuals are propagated exclusively by seeds, and biennials are propagated by cuttings and seeds in the spring. Perennial species in most cases propagate vegetatively, with the exception of those species whose rhizome shape is similar to a brush or rod. They are vegetatively immobile, for this reason reproduction occurs exclusively by seeds. Bluebells with a long root system are propagated by segments of roots. Plants with short, branched roots reproduce vegetatively and by seed.

nettle bell planting and care
nettle bell planting and care

As soon as the seed pods turn brown, they are collected and dried, then their pores open and spill outsmall black seeds. You can sow them in the fall before the onset of cold weather or in the spring. Seeds are sown at a distance of two centimeters from each other. Then they are sprinkled with wet earth. In the spring, the seeds germinate in about three weeks. Seeds can also be planted in seedlings. When three leaves appear and after spring frosts, they are planted in the soil.

nettle leaf description
nettle leaf description

If you propagate the bell vegetatively, you will get a flower similar to the parent one and it will retain all the best features. Such reproduction is necessary for terry and semi-double species, as well as southern forms of the plant, since their seeds do not have time to ripen. Starting from the third year of vegetation, the bell can be divided. When dividing, one must remember that the plant must have time to take root. How to divide a plant? First, you should dig out the mother bush, then cut off the shoots of the aerial part. After that, you need to divide the rhizome into divisions with renewal buds. Then they are planted in a recess so that the renewal bud is on the surface.

Diseases and pests

Nettle bell (photo and description was given above) is practically not susceptible to diseases and pests. However, if the growing conditions are not observed, fungal diseases, rust, powdery mildew can develop. To prevent the further development of diseases, the soil should be treated with foundationazole or a solution of copper sulphate. In rainy weather, snails, slugs, and aphids can attack the plant. Superphosphate is suitable for the fight, as well as variouschemicals.


Herb nettle herb is widely used in alternative medicine. Leaves and stems are used for medicinal purposes. Fresh leaves are poured with boiling water and insisted for three minutes.

nettle bell photo and description
nettle bell photo and description

For warming diseased joints, medicinal raw materials of the bell are used in the form of poultices. With hoarseness, sore throat and other sore throats, dry herb tincture successfully helps. The roots and leaves of the bluebell are used to make salads, and the young leaves are used for cabbage soup.

Interesting facts

According to the legends, the bell brings happy love to girls, and the elderly - a calm old age. In ancient times, this plant was considered a strong love spell. To attract her beloved, the girl had to pick a flower at dawn, and then attach it to the shutter. Bouquets of wild bluebells wither almost instantly.

Choice for every taste

There is a huge variety of bells, so you can always choose the most suitable for your flower bed. Most bluebells will look great in sunny flower beds. They bloom massively in the summer and are not lost in combination with large and bright flowers. The bell is great for both group and single landings.

nettle bell photo
nettle bell photo

Nettle bells are one of the largest and most beautiful herbaceous plants that will serve as a decoration for any summer cottage.plot.
