In our short article we will talk about Andrey Ratnikov's autonomous sewage systems. Few have heard the name of this engineer, but everyone knows about multi-chamber septic tanks. After all, it should be noted that it is multi-chamber septic tanks that are able to purify all wastewater. But this opinion can also be called erroneous, since not every design can provide the biochemical need for such a component as oxygen (and this is about 2 mg / l). It is with this oxygen content in wastewater that they can be dumped into the ground without additional cleaning.
When it is impossible to make a multi-chamber septic tank?
Like it or not, but there are cases when it is forbidden to install septic tanks. Of course, it is possible to equip the sewer, but it is unlikely to work correctly. Septic tanks for Andrey Ratnikov's country house can not always be done, there are several cases when installation is prohibited or not recommended:
- In cases where the site is located in a sanitary protected area.
- It is also prohibited to install multi-chamber septic tanks on a rockyterrain. The reason is that the carrying capacity of the soil is very low. And it won't be able to filter wastewater.
- When the site is located on steep slopes. The reason is that even with slight waterlogging, landslides are possible.
How to choose the right place for a septic tank?
During the construction of Andrey Ratnikov's sewerage, it is necessary to pay attention to legislative norms. It is in the legislation that it is prescribed that the minimum distance from the septic tank to the building in which people live must be at least 5 meters. At the same time, the distance from the septic tank to the border with the neighboring site is more than 4 meters. These data must be taken into account during construction, otherwise the result will be disastrous - the soil under the structure will gradually erode.

In the same case, if you plan to install a treatment plant in the garden, consider the distance to the trees. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 2-4 meters so that the root system does not violate the tightness of the containers.
Correct calculation of the volume and number of chambers
When designing autonomous sewage systems for cottages, Andrey Ratnikov uses the same principles as when calculating standard septic tanks. But the design is slightly different. Let's talk about how the calculation is carried out correctly. If one person lives in an apartment (house), then he will send about 200 liters of liquid to the sewer per day (it is rather difficult to call it water). And this is the minimum amount, it is not worth taking it as a standard in calculations, since thiswill be wrong. Because the degree of wastewater treatment is reduced. Consequently, you can run into trouble, such as quarrels with neighbors due to unpleasant smells from the sewer.

For example: let's say there are 5 tenants in the house. Therefore, a septic tank designed for a three-day stay of wastewater must be at least 3 cubic meters in volume. m. In the event that precipitation is removed twice a year, it is allowed to reduce the volume by no more than 20%.
Some homeowners complain that it is difficult to work with septic tanks, which are designed with concrete rings 50 cm high. The problem is that they weigh about a ton, and sometimes more. Therefore, some engineers resort to using smaller concrete rings. And in order not to make one large container, you can put two small ones. And already connect them in series with pipes.
As a result, you should get not one, but a two-chamber septic tank. That's just it will work in the same way as a single-chamber. To use three-day septic tanks, it is important not how many chambers are in it, but their total volume. To save money, it is more expedient, of course, to equip single-chamber septic tanks.

One of the advantages of multi-section septic tanks is that additional tanks can be used to extend the life of structures that are used as underground filters. If you have finances, it is best not to sectiona three-day septic tank, and purchase additional sections to increase the volume of sewage.
Proper preparation of the pit
Please note that Andrey Ratnikov's autonomous systems are allowed to be installed if the groundwater level is at least 3 m. And if you plan to equip the floor for underground filtration, then the distance should be 1.5 m. take into account all factors. In particular, if you suddenly notice that the ground has become wetter, it is recommended to stop excavation at this stage.
In the event that the depth of the excavated pit is less than a meter, then it will not work to equip a septic tank in it. It is recommended that the pit be made 30 cm larger than the tank. This is necessary in order to then fill it in a circle with gravel. If you plan to equip a multi-chamber septic tank, then gravel should also be done. Only the last section is covered with gravel, the rest with soil.
Installing a sump
Below we will consider an example that clearly shows the installation of a two-chamber septic tank. First of all, when a foundation pit is dug, it is necessary to level its bottom and cover it with a layer of sand - about 15 cm. Then pour water from above so that the sand layer sinks as much as possible. Please note that not all concrete rings have a bottom. Therefore, it is quite possible that it will be necessary to carry out concreting of the bottom of the pit and waterproofing, so as not to subsequently clog the soil with sewage.

The second ring is mounted onconcrete mortar. To prepare, you need to add one part of cement to three parts of sand. You can add a little liquid sand to the resulting solution. Concrete mortar should be used immediately after preparation.
Please note that in the presence of ground movements, it is recommended to install metal brackets. This will allow you to more securely fix the concrete rings. When installing multi-chamber septic tanks, a sump made of concrete rings must be placed on a solid foundation. It is made of concrete, which improves stability. In addition, sewage is prevented from entering the soil.
The filtration well is necessarily sprinkled with gravel, it will clean the drains. Place a simple lid and hatch on top of the rings. The sump must be covered with hot bitumen - two layers are enough. Such waterproofing is done from the inside. From the outside, it is also recommended to isolate the well with roll materials.
Installation of a filter well
The base of the filter should be about 1 meter higher than the depth of the groundwater. If the distance is 2 meters or more, then the load may be increased by about 20%.
As a bottom, you can use a filter - small pebbles, slag or gravel. The layer of the embankment is about 30 cm. Whether the joints have permeability or not does not matter. Therefore, you can use a concrete solution prepared without adding liquid glass to it.
Installation of overflows
When laying overflows, you need to make a slope of 2 cm per 1meter. Place the inlet pipe 5.5 cm above the outlet. Do not use plastic pipes to run the line from the outside. Otherwise, the whole system will fail much earlier than expected.

To direct the flow of wastewater down, you need a sewer tee. It must be installed vertically: the water that is below will be taken through the lower outlet; and the top will clean up.
If you use this design, you will prevent small suspended particles from entering the sewer pipe. You can also avoid frequent blockages, the whole system will last much longer.
How ventilation is installed
The only requirement that is put forward for ventilation of the sewerage of Ratnikov Andrey Anatolyevich is a reliable riser, its height should be about 70 cm from the ground. In order to completely get rid of the appearance of unpleasant fecal odors, it is advisable to bring the riser above the roof of the building by about 0.15-0.3 m. Andrey Ratnikov in the articles does not recommend making this distance too large, because the pipe will begin to freeze in winter. And this means that all the equipment will not be able to function physically in winter.
Many people make one mistake in the manufacture of septic tanks - they install the ventilation riser from the outside of the surface of the house. In this case, the septic tank will be blocked by the accumulation of frost.

You can not combine the chimney and the hood - this is one of the important conditions. For organizationthrough ventilation from several sections of the septic tank, it is necessary to make holes in the partitions. And they need to be done a little higher than the level of wastewater. The second option is the manufacture of ventilation through a pipe through which drains flow. The total area should be twice the cross-sectional area of the exhaust riser.
As for the inspection hole, it is best to close it with a cast-iron hatch. Please note that they should not be sealed. If the hatch is completely airtight, then the ventilation will only worsen.
If you replace the vent part with an outlet valve, the chance of the siphon breaking increases. And this means that an unpleasant odor will appear in the house. If people are absent from the house for a long time, the siphon will dry out. Avoiding the smell is almost impossible. Only thanks to the ventilation part brought to the roof of the house, you will forever get rid of the problems associated with foreign smell.
Hardware setup
Immediately after mounting the device, you can create microflora. To do this correctly, it is necessary to load the sediment at the time of operation of the structure. The sediment should be approximately 20% of the volume of the entire septic tank chamber. If there is no sediment at startup, then its normal functioning will begin in six months. An indicator of the normal operation of a septic tank is the complete absence of the smell of hydrogen sulfide near it.
Building resource
If you believe the articles of Andrey Ratnikov, then under normal conditions, the septic tank is able to faithfully work for at least 15 years. After this time, it will be necessary to carry out a complete replacement of components. Wells for filtration work without any problems for 10 years. In this case, you need to pay attention to one feature - silting will be less if you use the maximum number of cameras. Consequently, Andrey Ratnikov's septic tank resource is also increasing.
How to clean your device

The first signal that it is necessary to unload the sediment can be considered that its level tends to the lower edge of the discharge pipe or is at a distance of about 20 cm below it. And before the arrival of the pumping machine, a lot of time can pass, and the level will rise even more. Therefore, check the sediment level as often as possible, and you need to use a different method: take a long rail, and then lower it into the well. So you can clearly see the boundary between runoff and sediment and runoff. After unloading, about 30% of the sediment should be left in the septic tank, so the process of decay in the Andrey Ratnikov septic tank will not be stopped.