UShM (Bulgarian) "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E: scheme, reviews

UShM (Bulgarian) "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E: scheme, reviews
UShM (Bulgarian) "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E: scheme, reviews

In the household and in industrial production, it is often necessary to cut and grind metal, stone or other products made of hard materials. Very effective for these purposes is such a power tool as the grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E.

interskol ushm 125 1100e
interskol ushm 125 1100e

What is this tool?

Angle grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is an electronic device. In everyday life, it is often called a grinder and is used to work with iron, stone, concrete and other materials. "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is an angle grinder using nozzles with a diameter of 125 mm and a power of 1100 watts. It is a product of the Russian company Interskol. Working with a grinder is not limited to cutting. This electrical device can also, if necessary, grind and polish the surfaces of products. Wide versatility in application is possible due to the design features and technical capabilities of the angle grinder.

interskol ushm 125 1100e scheme
interskol ushm 125 1100e scheme

Bulgarian "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E. Design Features

Grinding and polishing work on the surfaces of concrete products is often accompanied by abundant dust emissions, which is very undesirable for power tools. Settling dust adversely affects the operational life of any angle grinder. Bulgarian "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is assembled in such a way that the dust formed during polishing / grinding does not penetrate into the mechanism. This is made possible by guiding the armature impeller, which sends air through the front of the gearbox.

In these angle grinders, the gears are keyed and pressed onto the spindle shaft. The entire mechanism of the grinder UShM-125/1100E is assembled in one case, in the back of which there is a comfortable handle. This grinder is a very convenient and powerful machine designed for professional use. The two-handed design (main handle + auxiliary handle included) provides comfort and convenience during the operation of this power tool.

What is the grinder equipped with?

"Interskol" UShM-125/1100E has an electronic system that allows you to adjust the speed if necessary (from ten thousand per minute to three). The owner of this power tool can reduce them to the required level without worrying that the power of the grinder will also decrease. This quality possessed by the grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is especially appreciated by professional craftsmen -tilers. By lowering the RPM, glazed tiles and other delicate surfaces can be easily processed.

In addition to the electronic system, the angle grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E contains a special soft start board, which greatly facilitates the operation of the grinder. The presence of a soft start system is especially in demand when working with heavy grinding discs and diamond nozzles for stone surfaces.

What ensures reliable retention of the angle grinder?

Comfort during operation is provided by special handles - holders. They are included with every angle grinder. "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E has one more handle, additional. Although this power tool is compact enough to be held with one hand, an optional handle is included and is essential for metal cutting jobs.

ushm grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
ushm grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e

Technical indicators

  • Power consumption of the power tool is 1100W.
  • Voltage - 220 V/50 Hz. Power comes from the mains.
  • Revolutions - from 3000 to 10,000 per minute.
  • Weight is 2.2 kg.
  • The power tool is designed for a 125 mm wheel.
  • Main handle - three positions.
  • Smooth start.
  • There is a speed adjustment function.
  • Fixed spindle available.

When selling "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is equipped with:

  • additional handle;
  • spacer set;
  • special wrench for installing discs and attachments.


One of the most reliable and durable Russian-made products is the grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E. Customer reviews testify to the good performance and high reliability of this electric tool.

Among users, the strengths of this angle grinder are:

  • the ability to easily turn the gearbox 90 degrees in case of an inconvenient or unusual location of the release key;
  • high power;
  • presence of speed controller. According to consumer reviews, the ability to reduce the speed makes this angle grinder indispensable for tasks such as cleaning welds, removing rust or old paint from metal structures using various grinding wheels and attachments;
  • complete set with a long cord makes it much easier to carry and makes it possible to work as a grinder at long distances from the outlet and in other rooms;
  • small dimensions and weight make it possible to use Interskol UShM-125/1100E to work with small products, since heavier angle grinders are very inconvenient for this purpose;
  • presence of a quick-clamping protective cover, for installation of which tools are not required;
  • presence of a low rpm power block;
  • acceptable product cost;
  • presence of a smooth descent;
  • presence of the main handle, which can be used in three positions;
  • equipment with an additional handle.

The combination of power, dimensions, weight and additional functions are the positive qualities that distinguish the Interskol angle grinder UShM-125/1100E. User reviews confirm the well-deserved popularity of the tool both among craftsmen who professionally use this angle grinder in production, and among amateurs who like to make crafts at home.

Disadvantages of UShM-125/1100E

According to numerous consumers, the weaknesses of this angle grinder are:

  • Possibility of breakage of speed controllers. Mostly this happens as a result of voltage surges from 220 to 260 V. In this mode of operation, the regulator quickly breaks down.
  • High cost of spare parts.
  • Poor ventilation and lack of armor on the windings. The lack of ventilation, according to user reviews, leads to the fact that the engine located inside the grinder burns out after several weeks of operation. This is due, according to the owners of the tool, to the fact that the plastic casing does not protect the engine from dust.

Long service life of the angle grinder-125/1100E is possible under the condition of high-quality lubrication and timely replacement of its carbon brushes and bearings.

grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e


Any power tool fails sooner or later. Is no exception and "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E. You can repair this machine yourself.

All breakdowns of angle grinders are divided into mechanical andelectric.

For successful and quick troubleshooting you will need:

  • instruction containing a detailed algorithm for disassembling and assembling the structure "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E;
  • product diagram;
  • open-end wrenches, hammer, vise, press. These tools are used in mechanical troubleshooting;
  • IK-2 tester for detecting short-circuited turns (used for electrical breakdowns of angle grinders);
  • lubricant, flushing liquid, wipes (auxiliary materials).

Before starting work, you should ensure high-quality lighting of the workplace.

Guided by step-by-step instructions and a visual diagram, you can successfully repair the tool yourself.

Stator failure. Symptoms of malfunction

The most common stator failure is its burning. Mostly it occurs as a result of burning a power tool. Before proceeding with the repair of the grinder, it is necessary to inspect the structure and determine the nature of the malfunction. When the stator burns out, the rotor of the angle grinder begins to spin uncontrollably.

How to fix?

To begin with, the angle grinder must be disassembled and the defective stator removed from the housing. You can also check its performance without removing it from the case.

But such a procedure is possible only in a specialized workshop. At home, for such a check, you can use a special device for monitoring short-circuited turns IK-2. It is designed to detect breaks orshort circuits in the stator windings, which for this does not have to be removed from the housing. A burned out stator needs to be rewound or replaced.

angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e

How to rewind the stator?

If it is not possible to purchase a new stator, then you can repair the old one by carrying out repair measures, which consist in covering the stator with a new winding.

Sequence of actions:

  • from one end you need to cut the old winding;
  • count the turns and determine in which direction the winding was made;
  • measure wire diameter;
  • calculate the percentage of filling of the core slots;
  • after removing the damaged winding, it is necessary to check the insulation and clean the grooves, wind the required number of turns;
  • put an insulating wire on the ends of the windings;
  • solder the ends of the windings.

When winding the stator, it is important to impregnate new windings using alternating current. After impregnation, traces of impregnation must be cleaned, both inside the stator and outside, on its body. During operation, it is necessary to check from time to time whether the rotor moves freely inside the stator.

Rotor failures

There are several reasons for malfunctions:

  • carbon brush wear;
  • power outages and short circuits;
  • wear of armature collector lamellas;
  • destruction or jamming of rotor bearings.

Experience is needed to eliminate a rotor malfunction. Best to buya new tool or have your angle grinder repaired at a specialized service center. If the work is done on your own, then it is very important to have the necessary material and follow the procedure:

grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e reviews
grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e reviews
  • unscrew the nut and the key that fixes the drive bevel gear of the rotor (11);
  • gear is removed from the rotor shaft (8);
  • removing the rotor from the gearbox housing (19);
  • using a special puller or improvised means (vice, steel strips, hammer), bearings (9) are removed from it.

What other breakdowns are there?

One of the common electrical breakdowns are:

1. Broken carbon brushes. You can also deal with this problem on your own. Procedure:

angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
  • The design of the grinder "Interskol" UShM-125/1100E is designed in such a way that the carbon brushes are located in special brush holders. You can get to them after removing the back cover in the stator housing;
  • unscrew the screws that secure the brush holder;
  • determine the level of carbon brush wear. This can be done after measuring their remaining length. If the brush is in working condition, then its length should be at least 0.5 cm.

2. Breakage of the power cable. This fault mainly occurs at the points where the wire enters the tool and the plug. Twisting in these cases will not solve the problem. Faultythe power cable should be replaced.

interskol ushm 125 1100e repair
interskol ushm 125 1100e repair

Final stage

After carrying out all the necessary repair measures, the angle grinder is assembled back in the same sequence as it was disassembled. But before the assembly itself, it is necessary to lubricate all the mechanical components of the grinder.

angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e
angle grinder interskol ushm 125 1100e

For this purpose, experts recommend domestically produced lubricants. On the shelves of stores selling household electrical appliances, you can find lubricants from foreign manufacturers, but they are much more expensive, although their quality is no better than domestic ones. Among the huge selection of lubricants, you should choose those products that have high adhesion rates (they are recommended for gearboxes of all angle grinders). Such lubricants adhere better to the surface.
