Lily in the circle of flower growers has long been called the queen, because in its beauty it is in no way inferior to a rose. This flower perfectly combines such truly royal qualities as indescribable grace and dazzling splendor. Lilies… When to plant these delicate creations? What should be considered when boarding? Which variety to choose, how to care for this wonderful flower? Our article will tell you how and when to plant lily bulbs for a beautiful garden.

Any weather is good
Each season in its own way is favorable for planting lilies. Many amateur flower growers ask themselves the question: “When to plant lilies in the ground?” You can plant them in the spring. In this case, they will bloom early, and already this season you will admire your work. If you plant the bulbs in autumn, the lilies will grow taller and he althier. But you shouldn’t take too long with landing in the fall. The best period is the end of August and the second half of September. When buying, carefully study the quality of the lilies offered by the seller. Choose bulbs that are clean, with evensurface, without suspicious stains. If you like blooming lilies, when to plant them depends on the results you want to achieve. In addition, if you purchase bulbs in the fall, you can grow them without problems. In the spring, however, a lot of effort will have to be made in order to preserve the flowers.
Which lilies are not afraid of acid?

Some species grow well in an acidic environment, while others, on the contrary, love the earth with a high content of lime in it. Knowing the type of lily, it will be easier for you to choose the soil for this flower. A tubular lily is suitable for calcareous, other species prefer a more acidic one. Here we have chosen the soil for planting lilies. When is the best time to plant? - you ask. After all, in autumn there should be a lot of sun, the foliage of trees should not cover the lilies from sunlight. The soil should not be clayey, contain too much or little moisture, because in this case the flower may die.
The pit should be deep and the sand clean
The depth of the hole in which you plant the lily is very important. The standard depth is three bulbs. This distance will be ideal for the good growth of your flower. The bottom of the hole should be covered with a drainage layer - let it be sand. The best soil for a lily will be coarse sand, peat, earth.

Pour it to the very bottom and put the bulb on the ground, first spread the lily roots well when it's time to plant. In this case, it is better to sprinkle the flower with calcined sand, and not ordinarysoil, as various fungal organisms can be found in the soil. It is better not to water a freshly planted lily for several days. In this case, the earth around the roots of the flower will settle better. Mulching should definitely be done. But do not forget that you can not acidify the soil with peat, because some varieties of lilies, such as candidum, may not like it. For them, leaf humus with ash is better suited. Such lilies love shallow depth. It is also better to plant a candidum at the end of July.