Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands: instructions

Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands: instructions
Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands: instructions

Slingshot weaving has become a favorite pastime for children and young people around the world, and adults sometimes join in this business, although often more to calm their nerves. This is a truly exciting activity, and the resulting jewelry is worn by children with pleasure.

What do you need to weave rubber bands on a slingshot?

Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands implies the presence of not only desire, but also a set of certain starting tools. As a rule, these can be a weaving machine, clips, a slingshot, small elastic bands of different colors.

Once you have the necessary tools in your arsenal, you need to master the process itself. This can be helped not only by attending specialized courses, but also by watching video tutorials on the Internet.

Weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot is gaining great popularity also because the resulting accessories are very stylish, beautiful and practical. It is practicality that plays an important role here. With their help, you can emphasize the originality of not only the dress, but also the bathing suit. This bracelet is not afraidwater, you can safely swim and relax on the beach.

Methods of weaving rubber bands on a slingshot

There are many ways of this creativity, using which you can get completely different and very original bracelets. When weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot, it is better for beginners to choose simple patterns and practice on them, and only then move on to more complex and sophisticated ones.

weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands
weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands

Before weaving, you need to prepare all the accessories. The rubber band is recommended to be worn on a slingshot in the form of a figure eight. Then from below, grab a few more multi-colored elastic bands. After that, the lower elastic band is crocheted on both sides. After that, another elastic band is put on from the top side and twisted. The result is a very interesting weave.

How to do a French braid with rubber bands

Weaving a figurine with rubber bands on a slingshot is a very interesting thing, but sometimes not easy. However, there are interesting and simple ways that even beginners can do. One of these can be considered the weaving of the French braid.

When using this type of weaving, the first elastic band, as usual, is fastened with a figure eight. After this procedure, two more are fixed on top, but in this case you don’t need to do the eight, just put them on evenly. At the same time, the loop of the lower rubber band is pulled with a hook and remains in the center. According to the same pattern, the same actions are carried out with the second elastic band.

weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot
weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot

Such operationsare done several times, while the moment remains very important that the loops of the lower elastic bands are removed from the slingshot and remain in the center. These actions must be performed until the length of the bracelet reaches the size you need.

Weaving a tricolor bracelet

Weaving a bracelet on a slingshot with rubber bands becomes much more fun if several colors are used in this process. The process of creating a tricolor bracelet is similar to how a French braid bracelet is made. For originality of design, when you fix the ends, you can decorate the product with a pendant. By the way, you can take optionally three colors, you can use more, but you should not overdo it in this regard, because the colors should first of all be harmoniously combined and not create excessive variegation.

weaving from rubber bands on a slingshot
weaving from rubber bands on a slingshot

In general, the procedure for creating a bracelet takes about twenty minutes. This activity may be very suitable for moms who are on maternity leave and do not have much free time.

Weaving figures from rubber bands

Weaving from rubber bands on a slingshot of a figurine is the latest fashion in this direction. As these products, we can see key chains, pendants, etc. The methods of their manufacture and design can be very different, as well as the color scheme. Using different types of machines, you can get different sizes and types of figurines.

An important point in the manufacture of figures is that weaving should be at least two elastic bands, inotherwise, the product may break. You can either come up with a design for the future figurine yourself, or use a ready-made one.

weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot figure
weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot figure

Weaving on a rubber band slingshot allows you to create such interesting figures as rabbits, strawberries, hearts, birds, etc. However, some of them require a certain color scheme of your material.

The history of rubber weaving

Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands appeared in America. Children there are very restless and do not take a great interest in needlework. In order to somehow introduce them to this skill, the idea of \u200b\u200bweaving from bright and colorful rubber materials was created. The result was not long in coming, and soon most of the children, not only in America, but throughout the world, were already engaged in weaving rubber bands. They not only wore the masterpieces they created and decorated their clothes with them, but also dressed dolls and gave them to their best friends.

weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot for beginners
weaving with rubber bands on a slingshot for beginners

Weaving material is very inexpensive and very affordable. This factor played an important role in popularizing this hobby.

Types of weaving machines

If you want to weave different types of bracelets, then you will need several types of machines that differ not only in structure, but also in size. You can build a machine tool (slingshot) yourself: it can be replaced by a kitchen fork or two pencils. However, this option will be very primitive and notwill allow you to create sophisticated and exclusive masterpieces.

A more complex device designed to create whole compositions of rubber bands is a transparent plastic base on which several rows of posts are fixed. It is on such a device that the greatest opportunities for creativity are revealed.

What else can you do with rubber bands?

Weaving on a slingshot from rubber bands is not limited to the creation of bracelets. Recently, the possibilities of this type of creativity reach infinity. We can see not only woven rubber keychains and jewelry, but also animal figurines, clothes for dolls, handbags, shoe models and many other items. The further, the more this type of needlework develops. Sometimes it seems that the imagination of the authors is limitless.

Material quality

When buying rubber weaving kits, try to choose high quality material. Firstly, low-quality products can have a negative impact on he alth, and secondly, working with them will not bring any pleasure. Poor quality materials quickly break, tear, lose their shape, which is very upsetting for a person who has already drawn a finished product in his imagination.

weaving with rubber bands a bracelet on a slingshot
weaving with rubber bands a bracelet on a slingshot

Recently, a lot of noise has been raised around banning children from weaving and wearing rubber bracelets, because this negatively affects their he alth. Here, again, the quality of the acquired material plays an important role. If it is provided with the necessary certificatesquality, then you can not be afraid for your he alth, but if the product is handicraft and does not have the proper documents, then you should not take risks and spend money on it.
