A good remedy for cockroaches, or How to get rid of annoying neighbors

A good remedy for cockroaches, or How to get rid of annoying neighbors
A good remedy for cockroaches, or How to get rid of annoying neighbors

These insects have been accompanying man for centuries, their vitality is the envy of many higher animals. A truly indestructible creature is capable, according to scientists, to calmly endure the horrors of a nuclear catastrophe, since radiation does not in the least harm their ability to reproduce and enjoy the delights of a cockroach life.

what is a good cockroach repellant
what is a good cockroach repellant

But people who have discovered the presence of uninvited neighbors are not particularly enthusiastic about such miracles of survival. And the point is not only in the repulsive appearance of red creatures, but also in the number of dangerous diseases that they suffer. So, what good remedy for cockroaches has mankind invented in such a long history of warfare?

There are many options, take at least a variety of chemical options for destruction. Here are aerosols, and gels, and traps, even crayons with the poetic name "Mashenka".

Let's consider the most effective methods of confrontation. Probably the last onesprays will turn out: volatile substances are too unstable, and after a couple of hours, insects will not even lead with a mustache to your attempt to expel them.

But gels and traps are a very good remedy for cockroaches. Reviews of those who have tried them in practice confirm the effectiveness of this method. Gels are applied pointwise, as a rule, along the perimeter of the room, along the baseboards. Traps are also placed in several places. Insects attracted by "sweets" will not only poison themselves, but at the same time contribute to the infection of other individuals in the colony.

good remedy for taakans reviews
good remedy for taakans reviews

In addition, you can always call professional disinfectors, who have more than one good tool in their arsenal. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of cockroaches at once, but it will be possible to significantly thin out the population.

If there is no desire to pay for the services of third parties, then you can resort to popular, but no less true, methods. They are based on long-term observations of the addictions of the cockroach brethren.

So, noticing the furious dislike of mustachios to the smell of ammonia, many housewives began to add this substance to the water before washing the floors.

Another good remedy for cockroaches is borax. So that insects do not disdain it and eat poison, borax is mixed with flour and powdered sugar. The powder is then scattered in places where the presence of annoying guests has been noticed.

Boric acid is also popular - it is poisonous for the hardy organism of "redheads", but it is absolutely safe for people and their pets.

There are two recipes for cookingkiller drug. The first is based on the use of pure acid. It is only turned into powder, which is sprinkled on baseboards and nooks and crannies. Then, after a couple of days, the old powder is replaced with a new one. Processing is repeated several times.

good cockroach repellant
good cockroach repellant

The second good cockroach remedy will require some skill in preparing the mixture. First you need to hard-boil the egg and remove the yolk from it. The delicacy is rubbed with boric acid. The dish is served on paper plates in places where insects accumulate. Periodically, you need to change traps until you are sure that you have destroyed the last barbel.

Unfortunately, fighting hordes of redheaded enemies is not easy. After getting rid of some, you can again find a stranger in your kitchen in a month. Therefore, the most reliable and good remedy for cockroaches is to keep your home clean. If you do not leave crumbs and food debris in the kitchen, and close the waste container tightly, then it will be much easier to deal with insects deprived of food. So we arm ourselves with rags, mops, disinfectants and start scrubbing the apartment. At the same time, we will cover all cracks - even the most microscopic ones - in baseboards, walls and around sewer and heating systems.
