How to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel quickly and permanently?

How to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel quickly and permanently?
How to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel quickly and permanently?

Cockroaches are the trouble of modern hostels. They can freely move around the rooms, where they are looking for favorable conditions for life and reproduction. And it is not enough just to keep clean and regularly wet cleaning in order to get rid of insects. The thing is that the order in the hostel is not at the proper level for everyone. Secondly, a large amount of food is stored in the rooms of this institution. Therefore, cockroaches can take root in a hostel for a long time. If you are wondering how to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel, then you have come to the right place. This article will tell you the secrets of killing parasites.

how to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel
how to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel

Starting the fight against cockroaches

If you notice a cockroach in your dorm room, the first thing you need to do is contact the administration. It is she who is responsible for compliance with all sanitary and epidemiological standards in her institution. Administratorsthey must call qualified specialists who will disinfect all rooms and premises of the hostel in order to forget about such a problem as cockroaches that have taken root. If you pay attention to the statistics, then you will understand that this measure is not entirely effective, after a while the cockroaches may return. Then how do you get rid of cockroaches in a dorm room?

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods will come to the rescue. A folk remedy for cockroaches in a hostel is an ideal approach to getting rid of strangers. An important step is to unite all residents in order to carry out sanitary cleaning of their rooms and dormitory premises in time, then simultaneously carry out processing. Only such results will have a positive effect.

how to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm room
how to get rid of cockroaches in a dorm room

And then residents can try non-traditional insect control methods, they are in almost any home, they really have a minimum price. How to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel? Choose a convenient way for you and go! The most popular and effective remedies are:

  1. Essential oils of plants. The thing is that insects are afraid of strong odors, essential oils will scare them away.
  2. Ammonia, kerosene, turpentine - cockroaches cannot physically endure the pungent odors of these substances, which is why they are looking for their neighborhood in other places. Well, the use of this method is possible only with a small number of insects.
  3. Boric acid is used as a trap, as a treatmentthe main habitat of the cockroach. It has insecticidal properties. It helps not only to scare away the extraneous inhabitants of your room, but also to destroy them. Once ingested, the acid paralyzes the cockroach's digestive tract. At the same time, it is important that he does not find access to water, since water helps to remove poison from the body.

The advantages of folk remedies lies in their safety for the he alth of the dormitory resident, as well as availability and minimum price. However, they do not always help to get rid of malicious cockroaches. Then you have to resort to chemicals. In that case, how to deal with cockroaches in the hostel?


Insecticides against cockroaches are quite popular. Their cost is much higher than that of vinegar or boric acid, at the same time, high efficiency can be noted with a strong infection with parasites. The most common remedy is:

  1. Aerosols, for example, Dichlorvos. Yes, indeed, it will help to quickly get rid of cockroaches, the residents themselves can notice a positive effect within a few hours after application. But there is one significant disadvantage: it must be used in the absence of other residents, pets, using protective clothing when spraying. The thing is that Dichlorvos is highly toxic.
  2. how to deal with cockroaches in a hostel
    how to deal with cockroaches in a hostel
  3. Gel against cockroach. For example, Russian - "Deadly Force". It is most effective due to the destruction of entirecockroach colonies.
  4. Various kinds of crayons, for example, chalk "Mashenka" of a Russian manufacturer. The big advantage of this type of treatment is ease of use, minimum price and absolute safety for human he alth. As for the shortcomings, it is significant - this is low efficiency. It is unrealistic to get cockroaches out of the hostel with one small piece.
  5. Traps. They have a simple principle of use: funds are placed inside the device, the smell of which attracts cockroaches. Insects get trapped and can't get out.
  6. Ultrasonic methods. For this, special devices are used. And it should be noted right away that their efficiency is minimal.

Prevention measures

How to get rid of cockroaches in the hostel, it became clear, but how to prevent their return? After you were able to get rid of cockroaches, do not forget about prevention methods. Be sure to maintain the perfect cleanliness of your room, regularly cleaning. As a preventive measure, you can periodically treat the premises.

And remember that dealing with strangers in your room is possible only through the joint efforts of all the residents of the hostel, since it is pointless to fight them alone, since they will soon reappear.

cockroach repellant in hostel
cockroach repellant in hostel


The answer to the question of how to get rid of cockroaches in a hostel can be a simple tip. If you want to get rid of cockroaches forever and as soon as possible, then first of all you need tochoose the right folk remedies and insecticides. The best results can be achieved by combining them together. It is necessary to carry out processing not only in one room, but completely in the entire hostel in order to avoid migration. By following these recommendations, you can permanently get rid of uninvited neighbors and live in peace.