How to root hibiscus at home?

How to root hibiscus at home?
How to root hibiscus at home?

In the collections of plant design, hibiscus is far from the last place. This majestic flower has long been loved by flower growers for its highly decorative leaves and a variety of colors. The Chinese rose is especially beautiful during its flowering period. There are many varieties of room culture, the most popular is a plant with large red roses. Flowers are good because they can be propagated at home. Although these houseplants are considered unpretentious, beginner growers still need to learn the basic rules of how to root hibiscus.

General information about the flower

Hibiscus is a grateful plant, with good care it pleases flower growers with lush greenery and incredibly beautiful flowers. Among its many varieties, there are both garden specimens and indoor ones. The hibiscus family has collected the entire available palette of colors with the exception of blue and black. ATThe average life cycle of a Chinese rose bush is 18-20 years. Indoor plants should be protected from negative external influences - direct sunlight and drafts. At the same time, the culture should not be deprived of a sufficient amount of light.

How to root hibiscus at home
How to root hibiscus at home

Methods of reproduction

If you are a beginner grower, then you most likely want to plant crops that are easy to care for. Chinese rose is one of the simplest plants, despite the fact that it looks very luxurious. It is very easy to propagate. The easiest way that does not cause much trouble is cuttings. Many houseplant lovers share their experience on how to root hibiscus at home. To propagate it yourself, you can use the following methods:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cutting;
  • seed propagation;
  • by layering (rooting shoots).

Choice of propagation material

How to root a hibiscus from a cutting correctly, not everyone knows, but the further development of the plant depends on the choice and preparation of planting material. A few valuable tips will help you do it right. You need to choose shoots for reproduction immediately after the flowering of the Chinese rose. If manipulations are performed at the most beautiful period for the plant, this will make it weak. It will direct all its efforts to healing the cut points, and at this time the hibiscus needs nutrients to form buds. It is necessary to cut the branches only from the middleparts of the bush. You should carefully examine the plant and choose shoots that have already covered with woody skin. Segments about 14-15 cm long are cut off from them with a knife. In order not to expose the bush to excessive traumatism, an oblique cut is made. There must be at least three internodes on the cut off part.

How to properly root hibiscus
How to properly root hibiscus

Preparatory stage

It is necessary to properly arrange the segment of the plant obtained from the shoot. The upper part of the handle should be slightly shortened. On both sides, remove two extreme sheets. Prepare all necessary supplies in advance:

  • small capacity;
  • expanded clay to create drainage;
  • peat tablet;
  • vermiculite for loosening soil;
  • stimulator for the formation of the root system;
  • polyethylene or glass.

Important conditions for the procedure

There are two options for how to root hibiscus from cuttings: in water and soil mixture. When using the first method, it is imperative to regularly moisten the soil. If you ignore this condition, then in an insufficiently moist substrate, the shoots will not give root shoots. Regardless of which method you choose, it is recommended to create a greenhouse effect for future seedlings. You can cover the container with cuttings with glass or make a cap for this purpose from a plastic film. To avoid their decay, it is necessary to ventilate the so-called greenhouse. The optimal level of moisture in the substrate will help support the sphagnum moss. With the advent of sever althe first root shoots, the young plant must be placed in a more nutritious soil, where it will continue to develop. At the same time, the top two or three sheets need to be cut off a little, and several lower ones should be removed.

How to root a hibiscus branch
How to root a hibiscus branch

Sand Landing

So, in more detail, how to properly root hibiscus. Usually shoots for propagation of Chinese roses are cut at the end of winter. Prepared branches are placed in well-moistened sand, covered with a film. The temperature regime is obligatory here, the indicators on the thermometer should not be less than + 22 o С.

In the substrate

How to root a hibiscus branch in the ground? It is necessary to prepare a container with loose nutrient soil. Then the substrate should be well moistened and a branch of the plant should be immersed in it by 2 cm. A bag should be put on top of the container with the seedling, thus maintaining the temperature and water balance. Caring for it consists in the timely elimination of condensate. It is necessary to periodically remove the bag and shake out drops of water from it. With this method, the seedling will be ready for transplanting to a permanent place in a month.

How to root hibiscus
How to root hibiscus

Competent procedure

Another way to root indoor hibiscus is as follows:

  • must soak the peat tablet in water;
  • carefully cut off the desired length of the segment and dry it a little;
  • put drainage on the bottom of the potlayer;
  • mix soaked peat tablet with vermiculite;
  • pour the resulting substrate on top of the drainage;
  • the place of the cut on the dried part of the shoot must be treated with the drug - "Kornevin";
  • then we immerse the segment in the substrate by two centimeters;
  • create greenhouse conditions;
  • next we monitor soil moisture.

Airing the seedling should be done every 10-14 days. Root shoots should appear after two months. After that, you need to wait another two weeks until they get stronger, and then transplant the young plant into a beautiful flowerpot. When it takes root in a new place, you need to take care of it in the same way as an adult flower.

How to root hibiscus from cuttings in water?

This is the easiest way. Despite the fact that adult plants themselves do not tolerate high soil moisture, parts of the shoots feel great in water, they release shoots well. The process consists of several sequential steps:

  • necessary to cut and prepare parts of the shoots, as described above;
  • prepare containers, it is better to choose opaque, dark-colored glass;
  • to speed up the process of root formation, you can add a growth stimulator or activated carbon to the water;
  • you need to immerse the branches in the liquid halfway, periodically topping it up (the water will gradually evaporate).

Saplings obtained in this way are slightly weaker than those rooted in the ground, but quickly grow stronger and take root well.

How to root hibiscus from cuttings
How to root hibiscus from cuttings

Reproduction of elite plants

There are many varieties of hibiscus. Among them there are plants with double flowers. Also with extraordinarily beautiful colors and shapes, which are significantly different from ordinary culture. In view of this diversity, many flower growers have a question about how to root a varietal hibiscus. Here you will have to be patient. The fact is that elite specimens produce root shoots much longer than classical ones. Sometimes this process drags on for six months.

It is best to root varietal hibiscus in water. Three basic conditions are required: heat, light and sufficient humidity. Zip bags can be used as a material to create a greenhouse effect. With such a device, you do not have to constantly disturb the seedling. It will be enough just to open the bag once a week and release excess moisture from it. On the part of the cutting that is in the water, a light coating (callus) will first appear, after a while the roots will gradually begin to grow.

How to root indoor hibiscus cuttings
How to root indoor hibiscus cuttings

Propagation by shoots

Sprouts formed on the stems of the plant can also be used for propagation. They take root well in the warm season. It is necessary to select suitable branches (section 0.5 cm), cut off the top from the branch by 15 centimeters. Then place it in water or moist soil and send it to a well-lit place. Moisturize as needed.


How to root indoor hibiscus cuttings, we figured it out. Next, let's move on to preparing the soil in which the flower will grow constantly. It would be good to purchase a special composition for citrus crops, add some sand and vermiculite to it. You can prepare the substrate yourself. For this purpose, it is necessary to take: three parts of leaf and soddy soil, one each of humus, charcoal and sand. When these proportions are observed, hibiscus usually develop well, get sick less and live long.

The Chinese rose feels as comfortable as possible in peat soil. Experienced flower growers advise adding sphagnum moss to it to adjust humidity.

Features of cultivation

Failure to follow some of the nuances can cause the plant to look lethargic and eventually die. In the end, all your hard work will be in vain. It is important not only to successfully carry out the rooting process, but to continue to take care of this wonderful flower. To constantly admire the flowering of the Chinese rose, you need to create an optimal atmosphere for it. She does not like too dry air, so it is better not to place a flowerpot with a plant near the battery. To avoid flower wilt, spraying procedures must be carried out.

You should not choose too wide a flowerpot for plant transplantation. They seem to feel the size of the container and stop developing intensively - the smaller the flowerpot, the more buds there will be on the bush. It is important to understand here that the roots of the plant should not be left with too much space. They feel bad andplastic containers. Chinese roses bloom long enough.

Plants need to be fertilized starting from March. This should be done once a week. For maximum absorption of nutrients, you need to alternate fertilizer application - first feed the crop with a mineral complex, and add organic matter in the next dose.

It is important to regularly dust the leaves or carry out hygiene procedures by spraying. It is also necessary to protect the bush from direct sunlight. It is especially necessary to pay due attention to the culture if you have central heating, where the air is usually too dry. All care activities should be done in moderation.

How to root indoor hibiscus
How to root indoor hibiscus


According to experienced flower growers, the best time to reproduce hibiscus is in May. It is at this time of the year that the plant has the most active growth. It was noticed that after spring rooting, the bushes continue to develop better, their survival rate increases. Although you can propagate the plant and year-round.

It is recommended to use various growth stimulants: both special and prepared by yourself. Without such funds, the root system of seedlings develops slowly, especially in elite specimens. They can only form a callus and then stop growing.

Flower growers do not recommend practicing the propagation of Chinese roses with seeds. This is the most unproductive method. Doesn't leave much of a chance of success. First, the seeds must be pollinated, which is extremelyrarely. Secondly, such plants almost do not take root or are too weak.

The cut must always be treated with a preparation that promotes root formation. You can not use young green branches for propagation. Sometimes weak plants grow out of them, but there is a chance that they will begin to rot. The use of mini-greenhouses during the rooting process is also a must.

How to create a vibrant hibiscus bouquet

By grafting individual segments from different varieties of Chinese rose, you can get an incredibly beautiful composition that will become a real pride of your plant design. For this purpose, a young plant is used, which is taken as a basis. No more than 4-5 cuttings of other varieties of room culture are grafted to it in the crown area. Such manipulations can be performed only in the summer months. Of course, the art culture will need enhanced feeding and careful care.