The tiny bathroom combined with a toilet is a familiar reality for most city dwellers. Moreover, they manage to shove a rather large washing machine into this space. As a result, there is catastrophically little space left, but this is not so bad. From the chosen interior depends on how the room will look like. Today we're going to take a look at small bathroom ideas that you can implement in your home to visually expand and optimize the space.
Today there are a large number of fashion trends that offer to make the bathroom bright and extraordinary. Pink and blue, green and black, red and yellow shades are combined with each other, and the result is absolutely amazing results. Analyzing ideas for a small bathroom, we came to the conclusion that light, pastel colors hide space much less and reflect light optimally, which also visually expands the boundaries of the room.

However, we are not saying that the whole room, as in Soviet times, should be white:walls, ceiling, plumbing. The pattern of black corners on a white ceiling looks very good. Additionally, you can decorate the floor with black tiles or linoleum.
Cool shades
If the white color is already thoroughly tired and the soul asks for something new, then do not deny yourself the pleasure. Cold, light shades will help visually enlarge the space and bring some colors into it. For example, a light, salad shade of decor will look great on a white background. Experts recommend taking green or pink shades, and not the most saturated ones. Light contrast will allow the room to sparkle with new colors, as well as surprise with its freshness.

Furniture (lockers) and plumbing can also be non-uniform. Do not be discouraged if you do not find a ready-made solution for your interior. Everything can be solved with a self-adhesive film, which can be used to cover the facade of a cabinet or make a decorative insert on a shower cabin, toilet bowl or sink. It is recommended to make a bathroom mirror with a shelf to order, and not look for a ready-made solution in stores. In this case, it will be the right size, illuminated if necessary, and the shelf will accommodate all the accessories that you may need for a shower.
Open floor
While looking at ideas for a small bathroom, we came across an interesting solution. The basis here is a self-leveling floor with any image that you like. It can be, for example, a sandy beach with shells. The whole point is that the floor should be completely open.

To implement this solution, a hanging toilet and sink are used, as well as shelves at a convenient distance from the floor. As for the shower cabin, it should be chosen without a pallet and with transparent glasses. And of course, no washing machine - feel free to take it to the kitchen! Ideas for a small bathroom really make you think about the appropriateness of the arrangement. You can arrange the same set of necessary furniture and household appliances in a completely different way.
More gloss
This is an important point, as the reflection of light leads to an optical increase in space. Therefore, tiles for a small bathroom should be glossy. Such a simple solution leads to the fact that a tiny room moves apart before our eyes. However, recommendations may vary. Some experts believe that it is best to opt for a small tile in a light shade or with a mosaic pattern.

Others say that large tiles in white, soft pink or beige with a gloss will look much more profitable. An additional source of light is the ceiling. The ideal option is stretch, with spotlights. If the tiles on the walls are matte, then you can choose white gloss.
Mirrors for the soul and goodness
They are needed in the bathroom not only to admire yourself after taking a shower. Even the most inexperienced designer will recommend installing a bathroom mirror with lighting. At the same time, there is no need to go to extremes and takethem all the walls. The maximum amount of mirror surface is the third part. You can take such an insert the entire wall along the bathroom, behind the washbasin. Add to this large glossy tiles, as well as hanging plumbing. All this creates a feeling of increasing space.
Main and secondary light sources
No wonder we touched on such an element as a backlit bathroom mirror. Of course, there must be a light source in the room. This is usually a ceiling light or spotlights. However, designers believe that this is not enough. To create an additional effect of volume, side lighting is used. It can be a regular soffit, located on top or to the side of the mirror.

The view in this case will only benefit, as well as the interior of a small bathroom. In addition, modern technologies make it possible to create frame lighting using LEDs. It can be yellowish or white, as well as multi-colored. Some people create two lighting contours around the mirror, but this is already an amateur.
Minimalism comes to the rescue
The interior of a small bathroom can be very interesting if enough effort is put into its creation. You will be required to save space, which means that functionality is most important. Set aside decorative elements, remove numerous shelves and drawers. It is best if you pre-prepare niches in the wall into which you can build all the drawers and the toilet tank. Then the flat surface of the wall will create a feeling of comfort and absenceclutter.
Remove corners
A small bathroom can be very interesting, especially if you put some imagination and effort into its arrangement. One of the most effective techniques is to smooth the corners by moving from the ceiling to the floor, and vice versa. The result is a somewhat egg-shaped space, very cozy.

In this case, you can use a single mosaic finish of the ceiling, walls and floor. Usually it somewhat hides the space, but if you take a glossy mosaic into work, then this effect disappears. With this option, there should be a large mirror on one of the walls (preferably opposite the front door). Optimum lighting will complete the picture and make your bath very cozy.
Instead of a conclusion
As you can see, there are many options to make the bathroom modern, beautiful and spacious enough. Therefore, you will need to draw up and discuss the project with all family members. It is best if the designer is also present at the meeting, he will help with the details. The main thing is to expand the space with functional furniture, modern plumbing, as well as special techniques with light and color. Even the smallest space can create a masterpiece