Long-burning wood-fired boilers: do-it-yourself assembly

Long-burning wood-fired boilers: do-it-yourself assembly
Long-burning wood-fired boilers: do-it-yourself assembly

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of having blue fuel in their home. For this reason, long-burning wood-fired boilers are becoming quite popular. They have a simple design, have a huge number of advantages and can be designed by hand. Consider the features of the presented device in more detail.

General information about the device: how it works

wood burning boilers
wood burning boilers

So, long-burning wood-fired boilers are heating devices of a special design that allow you to completely heat the required area and at the same time significantly save fuel. They can be installed both in residential private houses and in enterprises. The main thing is to choose the appropriate characteristics of the device.

Boilers for long burning on wood have a fairly simple principle of operation. The design of the device includes a heat exchanger, a chamber for fuel combustion, an ash pan. Also, this type of apparatus is characterized by additional parts that provide air flow from the outside. At the same time, fuel is saved significantly. The thing is, it doesn't burn.smolders very slowly.

Device specifications

wood burning boiler
wood burning boiler

Long-burning solid fuel or wood-fired boilers have certain technical features:

- The operating temperature is 70/50 or 60/45 degrees.

- Efficiency up to 80%.

- Functioning without interruption - 12-15 hours.

- The frequency of cleaning the ash pan is once a week (with constant operation).

These key features will help you decide whether to buy such a device. Naturally, the advantages of the unit should also be considered.

Device benefits

do-it-yourself long-burning wood-burning boiler
do-it-yourself long-burning wood-burning boiler

Long-burning wood-fired boilers have some advantages:

1. High efficiency and productivity. The device is capable of providing good heat dissipation. They are very productive even in those areas whose size reaches 200 square meters. m.

2. Simplicity of design. You do not need special knowledge to operate or care for the device.

3. Fuel availability. In addition to firewood, you can use pellets, coal or sawdust briquettes. This further saves you money.

4. Environmental Safety. The device uses natural material to operate.

5. Economy.

6. Autonomy. Many device models do not require connection to an electrical network or other equipment.

7. strength andreliability.

8. Duration of continuous work.

9. Durability. Such a design can last at least 15 years.


long-burning wood-burning boilers do-it-yourself assembly
long-burning wood-burning boilers do-it-yourself assembly

Unfortunately, they also exist. The long-burning wood-burning boiler "Buran" (or another model) has the following disadvantages:

- Sufficiently large dimensions.

- Big weight. The fact is that some parts are made of cast iron. This makes the boiler more durable, but very heavy. Naturally, in this case, the installation space is limited.

- Today, firewood is becoming more expensive fuel.

- Periodically, the fuel chamber needs to be replenished. That is, you must monitor the combustion of firewood. Otherwise, the boiler will simply go out. The frequency of adding solid fuel is on average once every 3 hours.

- Some models are dependent on electricity. If it is not there, then the device simply will not work as expected.

- The need for chimney arrangement.

How to choose the right product?

real long-burning wood-fired boiler
real long-burning wood-fired boiler

A real long-burning wood burning boiler works quite efficiently. However, you need to choose exactly the model that will satisfy all your requirements. Try to pay attention to the following criteria:

1. Camera to download. If it is large, then you will have to load it with fuel less often.

2. Air supply mechanism. Naturally, it is more efficientelectric motor. However, this makes the boiler volatile.

3. Design features. You can choose a device that will be additionally equipped with a water tank.

4. A method for adjusting the intensity of smoldering firewood. Most often, a mechanical thermostat is used for this.

5. Type of own heating system. This determines which outputs should be in the unit.

Of course, before buying, you should carefully study the reviews of other users about the selected model. You need to purchase the unit only in licensed stores that will be able to present all the necessary documents for the goods.

Features of self-manufacturing designs

do-it-yourself long-burning wood-burning stove
do-it-yourself long-burning wood-burning stove

It is relatively easy to make a long-burning wood-burning boiler with your own hands. However, this process has certain peculiarities. First of all, be sure to try to draw an exact diagram of your future creation on paper. Here, make all the necessary calculations. At this stage, it is advisable not to make mistakes, because the effectiveness of the tool depends on correctly performed calculations. Naturally, you can use ready-made drawings.

Next, you need to collect all the necessary material and tools. Keep in mind that you can even use improvised means. However, there are parts that will have to be purchased at the store. This applies to the air supply system and other elements. Naturally, the device should be equipped so that it is stable, in a safelocation.

What materials and tools are needed for the job?

It is not difficult to make a long-burning wood-burning boiler with your own hands. First you need to collect all the necessary components and fixtures:

1. Rebar, bricks and concrete (for foundation).

2. Stainless steel or galvanized water tank.

3. Metal pipes for tank connection.

4. Ash pan and firebox doors.

5. Metal barrel or steel pipe. In the first case, the volume of the vessel should be 200 liters. As for the pipe, it is advisable to choose a product with a diameter of 50-80 cm, as well as about 1 m in length.

6. Metal angles and steel sheets that are 5mm thick.

7. A 5 cm thick circle that will separate the ash pan from the firebox.

8. Welding machine.

9. Drill and screwdriver.

10. Fasteners (for doors).

11. Metal shears.

12. Bulgarian

You may need to prepare some more tools. You will already think about this during production.

Production Features

long-burning boilers for solid fuel or wood
long-burning boilers for solid fuel or wood

If you decide to build long-burning wood-fired boilers, do-it-yourself assembly involves several steps:

- First, prepare the central part. Divide it into several chambers using metal circles. The largest capacity should be the firebox. Use a welding machine to fasten the elements. The following chambers should be located in the pipe:combustion, complete combustion and ash pan. Immediately cut out the doors for the first and last container.

- In order for the firewood to be systematically pressured, it is necessary to fix a special disk equipped with blades inside the chamber. Please note that a hole with a diameter of 4 cm should be made inside it. Please note that the volume of the bounding circle should be several cm less than the volume of the body.

- A smaller diameter steel pipe should be fixed at the top of the stove. It is she who will serve as a chimney.

- Now all pipes and taps can be welded to the oven, through which the device will be connected to the heating system.

- Additionally, you can equip the boiler with a special water "jacket", which will help cool the combustion chamber. It is placed between the walls of the furnace (if they are double).

- Lastly, install all the necessary devices on the device to control the power of the product, the air supply. Then the doors are attached.

Now it remains only to install the device correctly.

Self-installation of the machine

A do-it-yourself long-burning wood-fired water stove must be properly installed. In order to perform all the manipulations correctly, you need to adhere to certain installation rules:

1. First of all, you need to make a base for the product. Naturally, the place for installation should be suitable. Try to install the boiler in a room where combustible materials are not stored. It must be well ventilated. It is desirable that in thisthe room was not accessible to small children.

2. For the manufacture of the foundation, you can use bricks and high-quality concrete. The base is necessary in order for the structure to be installed evenly. Moreover, the presented boiler has a fairly large weight.

3. All connecting seams must be pre-checked.

4. After connecting the heating system, the boiler can be checked. If everything is in order, then the installation was successful.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Helpful tips

A long-burning wood-burning boiler is a unique heating device, the advantages of which we have already considered. However, before manufacturing, read some useful guidelines that will help you design a really effective device:

1. All calculations must be accurate and correct. The smallest mistake can lead to a significant decrease in the quality of work.

2. After laying fuel in the chamber and igniting it, the door must be closed. This is necessary to ensure not rapid combustion, but smoldering of the material. Heat enters the system.

3. A long-burning wood burning boiler must have a large loading chamber so that it can be densely loaded with fuel.

4. It is impossible to mount such a device where explosive and combustible substances are stored.

That's it. Be careful and careful when making this product.
