Welding transformers: application and characteristics

Welding transformers: application and characteristics
Welding transformers: application and characteristics

Today on the market there are a large number of models of welding machines designed for various working conditions. When choosing these devices, be clear about where they will be used and what features matter most.

welding transformers
welding transformers

Welding transformers are in high demand. They allow you to work both at industrial facilities and at home. These devices are quite simple in their device, have a low cost, and some craftsmen use home-made welding transformers. With their help, you can weld ferrous metals with an overlap and butt.

Devices are evaluated by such properties as the constancy of the welding process, the initial ignition and elasticity of the arc, the quality of the seam formation. Accordingly, with higher rates, one can judge the best capabilities of the device.

When choosing welding transformers, you should consider the strengthdevice current. According to this indicator, there are devices for domestic purposes (up to 200 A), professional (more than 300 A) and semi-professional, operating with current up to 300 A.

AC welding transformers
AC welding transformers

If it is necessary to use the device for simple household work, it is enough to purchase a transformer with a current of 160 A. For more complex and time-consuming actions, a more powerful device will be required.

Another thing to pay attention to is the voltage used. At home and at work, these indicators differ (220 and 380 V). Therefore, it is important to know where the device will operate. The higher the open-circuit voltage of the device, the faster the arc ignites and the more stable the arc is. Performance also depends on the type of electrode that AC welding transformers work with.

The devices use both thin and thick electrodes. The most commonly used materials are 2-5 mm in diameter. If there are difficulties in determining the type of electrodes, then it is necessary to purchase a universal device that can work with any consumables and metals. All characteristics of the transformer can be found in its passport.

homemade welding transformers
homemade welding transformers

When evaluating the efficiency of welding devices, we can say that this indicator is low, averaging no more than 80 percent. Welding transformers are not capable of making a high quality weld. This shortcoming is necessarytake into account, and to perform responsible work it is better to purchase inverter equipment. However, this gap is more than compensated by the unpretentiousness of the device and low cost.

Devices are quite easy to use and are not inferior to any type of welding equipment. Any person who has at least minimal knowledge of welding is capable of performing work using a transformer. The main condition for using the device is compliance with safety regulations and the use of special protection. To ensure the safety of welding, you should purchase a shield or mask that will protect your eyesight.
