To connect sockets in the house, you need to understand the types of devices. Additionally, you must have equipment to check the voltage in the circuit. Modern sockets are sold with high-quality covers, they are very easy to connect.
To install models, contacts of different types are used. In order to understand this issue in more detail, it is recommended to consider specific socket connection schemes.

Connecting an outlet and a switch
Through a three-channel module, you can connect a socket and a switch. The circuit includes contactors of different types. First of all, it should be said that the module can only be installed through the zero phase. Modern locking sockets are produced with one or more controllers. If we consider the standard model, then the holder is connected through the current plate. In this case, the switch can be installed directly via a current-carrying contact. In this case, it is important to determine the zero phase. It is forbidden to connect the socket and switch through an open adapter. The two-button switch circuit assumescontactor application.

Double socket diagram
The diagram for connecting a double socket to a 220 V network contains a two-pin module. Directly upper contacts are closed in the first phase. The tester on the wire should show a resistance of 45 ohms. If we consider sockets with a contact module, then the socket is fixed on the overlay. The top contacts are normally installed in the first phase. The conductive wire is connected to the plate. In this case, you need to fix the clip well.
If necessary, the wire from the terminal can be extended. If we consider the connection diagrams of sockets with two contacts, then the dielectric is installed behind the plate. Contacts of the first order are allowed to be fixed on the module. Before starting work, it is important to determine the zero phase and take care of grounding. Some experts advise to carefully clean the adapter. It is also worth noting that you need to check the resistance on the module. If we consider sockets with two contacts, then the upper wires are fixed on a conductive plate.
Installation diagram for two sockets
The connection diagram of two sockets has a linear adapter. The contacts on the end plate are connected in the first phase. It is also worth noting that a tester is used to determine the resistance. The conductive plate is carefully cleaned. The lower contacts can be connected via the module. Top contacts may only be installed with an adapter.
The conductive wire is stripped and attached with a retainer. If we consider diagramsconnection of sockets with double lining, the module must be installed with a contactor. The positive contacts of the module are connected in the first phase. Only after this is grounding established. The current-carrying plate must be insulated. The holder in the connector is often fixed over the adapter.

Connecting light bulbs and sockets
The wiring diagram for a light bulb and socket includes a wired module and a holder with contacts. Directly positive contactors are connected via an adapter. If we consider sockets with a module for three outputs, then the upper contacts are connected directly to the conductive plate. The terminals must be fixed in the socket, and the module must be carefully cleaned.
It is also worth noting that the lamps are only allowed to be connected in the zero phase. Particular attention is paid to the resistance parameter. If we consider sockets with modules for two contacts, then the connection occurs in the first phase. Grounding is carried out through the upper contacts. When fixing the socket, you need to take care of fastening the clamps.
Telephone jacks
The telephone socket connection diagram assumes the use of a central node. In this case, the models in the houses are installed on two or three contacts. If you believe the experts, then it is more expedient to tighten the pins last. It is also worth noting that during operation there may be problems with the expander. The current-carrying plate must be installed above the overlay.
In this case, the lead wireattached above the adapter. The upper contacts of the socket may only be connected in the first phase. The holder can be used for two contacts. If necessary, the wire from the module can always be extended. The resistance parameter on the element should not fall below the level of 50 ohms.
Built-in sockets
Schemes for connecting built-in sockets imply the use of contact modules. Connectors can be used in different sizes. If we consider sockets for two latches, then they have one holder. The central node of the models is made for two or three contacts. If we consider devices with pass-through modules, then the contacts from the socket are connected in zero phase.
When the resistance is above 40 ohms, the order of the contactors must be changed. The holder for the device is installed above the adapter. It should also be noted that there are models for three contacts. In this case, the lower wires are fixed together at the plate. The center pin acts as a retainer and completes the circuit.

Portable sockets
Portable sockets can be connected through terminal boxes of different conductivity. Many models are made with contactors on wire adapters. The central node in this case has two connectors. It should also be noted that there are modifications for three contacts. Models for them are selected with a dielectric. If we consider simple models, then the connection of the upper contacts is carried out in the first phase, and the conductors are clamped on one plate. Retainers in socketsare installed under the adapter.
Surface sockets
Surface-mounted sockets are usually used in industrial facilities. They have several holders, and the latches are attached directly to the body. Modules in devices are used in different types. Modern models are made with linear adapters. The socket connection diagram assumes the use of a dipole contactor. There is a conductive plate for connecting the output contacts. The top positive wires of the socket are shorted to the module.
Installing an Internet outlet
The internet outlet connection diagram contains channel adapters. Modules in slots are quite often used with contactors. Some devices are equipped with wide holders. The latches on the models are on the sides. It is also worth noting that the upper contacts are fixed in the first phase, and the resistance in the circuit should be about 55 ohms.

Connecting an outlet with a cable
Sockets with a loop are allowed to be connected through modules. If we consider feed-through expanders, then they have two outputs. Thus, the connection of conductors is carried out in the zero phase. A latch is required to secure the module. The central node of the models is used with overlays. If we consider sockets for three outputs, then the module will be required with pins. In this case, the holder must be under the adapter. To check the phase, you will have to use a tester.
Installation of socket outlets
Socket outlets arevery common. Modules and controllers are used to connect devices. If we consider a standard circuit for three outputs, then the holder can be used for two contacts. Additionally, you will have to take care of grounding. The top contacts are immediately connected to the conductive plate. It is important to tighten the clamps to the end.
It should also be noted that two-pin devices are often made with terminals. In this case, the closure occurs in the zero phase. Separately, it is important to note that screw terminals need additional clamps. Pins can be used as fasteners. Sockets with two-wire modules are available with three and four outputs. Their central nodes can be of different shapes. Experts recommend first of all to determine the positive contacts and isolate the lower wires. The next step is to check the resistance. Then you can connect the top pins and connect the module.
Triple socket connection
The triple socket connection diagram assumes the use of a linear type module. Models for two outputs can be connected through one controller on the first phase, and the resistance should be about 55 ohms. If we talk about modifications with pins, then the connection can only be made through central nodes with insulators. In this case, much depends on the shape of the plate. You can always use a tester to determine the phase.
Installing an outlet in the bathroom
Sockets in the bathroom should be installed with a good overlay. Modern models are available with wide holders. If atalking about connectors with a linear module, then the upper contacts are fixed first. Before that, it is important to find out where the zero phase is with a tester. Additionally, the contacts of the plate are cleaned. Grounding is done at the end of work.
Many experts say that simple sockets can be used without holders. However, for better insulation of wiring, they should be installed. Conductive plates must be fixed at the central node. In addition, it is worth noting that new sockets with U-shaped plates are on the market. They are not well suited for installation on line adapters. In this case, you will have to use thick pads. Additionally, two insulators are required. The contacts are connected in the first phase.
Telephone overhead sockets
Sockets of this type are allowed to be connected through open modules. Many models use a wide contactor. It should also be noted that the devices differ in the number of holders. Modern sockets are available with two latches. If we consider modifications to three outputs, then the upper wires are connected through the first phase. In this case, the lower contactors are closing, the limiting resistance on them should be no more than 50 Ohm.

Electronic sockets with timer
Electronic sockets with a timer are rare on the market. They are produced with a channel module and can only be connected via terminals. If we consider models for two outputs, then they haveonly one holder. In this case, the clamps can be installed in different shapes. The wiring diagram of the electrical outlet has double contactors. These devices are well insulated and do not need to be grounded. The conductive plate in this case passes behind the adapter.

Connecting sockets with grounding
Ground sockets can be connected directly through line modules. In this case, it is important to determine the contactor. Additionally, the wiring diagram for the socket has screw terminals. Many models use a low conductivity dielectric that needs to be insulated. Modules for two outputs are connected in the first phase, and their resistance is at least 40 ohms. The conductive plate may be under the adapter.
In this case, the clamps are attached to the overlay. It should also be noted that there are sockets with dipole modules. To connect the conductor, two holders are required. The overlay must be installed first. When fixing the clamps, always check the integrity of the pins. It should also be noted that it is the output conductor that is often clamped.