Every person (or almost everyone) has a desire to make their home beautiful, modern and cozy. Have you ever been in apartments that have been expensively renovated, have excellent furniture, and at the same time they seem empty and cold? And the reason is the complete absence of plants in such houses.

Flowers bring joy and light into our lives, a feeling of warmth and comfort. Every florist will tell you that today there are a huge number of plants that can be grown at home. They are very different. Some require very careful care and a reverent attitude, others are unpretentious, do not need complex care and will suit even those who have never had indoor plants.
Today we will tell you about a large and very diverse family of curly flowers that are especially effective in home interiors. Most likely, not every indoor climbing flower is known to beginners. Their name sometimes sounds rather complicated. Sowe will back up our descriptions with photographs of these plants. Perhaps this will help you make a choice.
Common ivy
Climbing indoor flowers - for the most part, plants are quite unpretentious. An example of this is common ivy. Caring for him at home is not difficult and does not take much time. On the stems of the plant there are roots with which it clings to any surface.
With its delta-shaped leaves, ivy can decorate walls and shade windows (if necessary). These curly indoor flowers grow and develop well under certain conditions. It is very important to choose the right place for them. Ivy does not tolerate the direct scorching rays of the sun at all, but even in low light it sometimes loses its brightness. Therefore, it is preferable to "settle" a green pet on the northeast side. Ivy loves the cool. If the air in the room is too dry, the flower must be sprayed and bathed frequently. In the spring-summer period, it is watered more often, and in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum.

These curly indoor flowers are well known not only to experienced flower growers. They can often be found not only in apartments, but also in offices, schools, hospitals, etc. Usually this plant in pots (pots) is hung from the ceiling or any wall mount.

Impossible not to notice this climbing indoor flower. Purple leaves, small buds that appear onends of the stems, this plant wins the hearts of flower lovers. It must be said that tradescantia leaves can be painted in other, no less spectacular colors - silver, greenish-red, and so on. Such curly indoor flowers love good lighting (but not direct sunlight). In partial shade, tradescantia may lose its decorative qualities - its bright, variegated leaves may acquire a monochromatic color, and the shoots may stop growing and become lethargic. The flower is responsive to spraying and frequent watering.
Golden mustache
Photos of curly indoor flowers, which have such a funny name, have probably been seen by many. The fact is that this liana-like herbaceous plant, which can reach a meter or more in length, has not only decorative, but also medicinal properties.
The golden mustache blooms with fragrant small flowers, which are located on hanging shoots. The leaves are large, rather wide, look a bit like corn leaves.

And this plant may be of interest to owners of not very bright apartments. The fact is that scindapsus is able to grow even in the darkest corner and at any temperature. The leaves are heart-shaped, shiny, painted in bright green. Sometimes there are variegated specimens covered with spots of various shapes.
Scindapsus is also attractive for home cultivation because it grows very quickly: it can grow more than a meter in a year. Shoots deftly "climb" along the wall, hang effectivelydown from the hanging planter.

In order for the scindapsus to curl, the ends of the shoots should be cut off, and in order for the flower to be more magnificent, shoots can be planted in one pot - the plant takes root quickly and well.
This flower is often called room birch. Its leaves are bright and rich green or with silvery patches and a pinkish back. The flower always looks very bright and playful. Cissus grows much more actively near a window, preferring bright light, although it also feels quite comfortable in the shade.

The plant easily tolerates both cold and heat. In the warm season, watering is intensified; in the cold season, indoor birch should occasionally be irrigated with water at room temperature. Clinging to the support with its antennae, the flower grows rapidly.
Indoor flowers curly, blooming: hoya
This luxurious plant has glossy waxy leaves. Wax ivy, as hoya is often called, blooms with white, yellow or pink "stars" with a spectacular red edging. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped bunches. This beauty is very easy to care for: she loves light, water and warmth.

Provide the plant with abundant watering in the warm season, and water occasionally in winter, but the soil should not be overdried. Bathe your ivy twice a year to strengthen it.
Equivalent bellflower
Very beautiful, gentle and unpretentiousindoor plant. Its height does not exceed thirty centimeters. Stems creeping or hanging down shoots. Numerous bells are painted bright white for the “bride” and pale blue for the “groom”. Their size is 4 cm in diameter.

The plant is abundantly covered with flowers from June to October. For good growth and flowering, the bell needs light, during flowering - abundant watering. Both the "groom" and the "bride" love fresh air, so in summer it is recommended to take them out to the veranda or balcony.
Agree, nothing can so refresh the interior, add colors to it, like a blooming curly indoor flower. A red-flowered mini-shrub called Ipomoea is perfect for this occasion.
A climbing semi-shrub with small gramophone flowers can surprise even experienced owners with extremely abundant flowering. Its main advantage is ease of maintenance. Ipomoea needs to be moderately watered and shaded at noon, sprayed twice a day - that's probably all this climbing plant needs.

Ampelous Begonia
The sophistication of begonia lies in the fact that simple (female) and double (male) inflorescences bloom on it, which can reach a diameter of eight centimeters. At the same time, ease of care is attractive even for beginner growers.
It is desirable to grow ampelous begonia in a hanging planter or a vase with a long stem. flower followsplace in a bright room and feed frequently during flowering. Humidification should be moderate, the plant must be cleaned of dried parts. If you follow these simple rules, then from late spring to late autumn, begonia will delight you with bright colors.

This plant comes from China. One of the main conditions for the normal growth of jasmine is suitable supports. This is a magnificent curly flower (indoor). Its branches are literally strewn with white flowers. The plant is well braided coasters and twine. Jasmine has complex pinnate, dark green, leathery leaves. Each leaf consists of seven leaflets, which gives the plant a great resemblance to ferns. Fragrant bright white flowers appear in the middle of winter, flowering continues until the end of April. The flowers are small, tubular, with a "crown" consisting of six petals - they are a bit like a garden carnation. Young plants bloom much more abundantly than old ones.

Caring for climbing plants
Often, owners have difficulty watering, because usually climbing plants are located quite high. Excess water flowing into the pot can spill onto the floor and walls. To prevent this from happening, put tea bags in the tray. They quickly absorb excess moisture. You can put pieces of ice in pots - gradually thawing, they will moisten the soil.