Do-it-yourself wall puttying for wallpaper and painting is not an easy process and requires certain knowledge and skills. It is immediately worth noting that those who decide to do this work will need to be patient. However, with a great desire, everything is possible: work with spatulas, learn how to use a level, maintain a plane, etc.
Of course, theoretical knowledge is not enough, in order to master this art perfectly, you will need a little practice. It is better to study in those places where you can later hide defects without much damage. But you still need to know the technology and the sequence of work. The theory should not be completely excluded, since puttying the walls under the wallpaper with your own hands without observing certain standards will not give the desired result. But it is this process that is responsible for the overall perception of the finish. These works not only give the walls evenness, but also protect them from cracking.

Types of putties
Wall puttying is the basis of any repair - both major and cosmetic. However, in order for the end result to meet the stated requirements, it is not enough just to master the correct application technique, you will also need to select the appropriate material. Currently, many brands offer different types of putties. Their difference is in price, composition and, of course, quality. Those who have already encountered the choice of this material noticed that the mixtures have different names. As a rule, this is explained quite simply: each of them meets certain requirements. Consider the most common of them.
- Universal putty for wallpaper. Do-it-yourself puttying of walls with this type involves the application of both draft (starting) layers and finishing ones. With its help, you can even out small differences up to 3 cm, as well as fully prepare a smooth surface for a fine finish. However, it should be noted that this type of finish is not suitable for painting, as small scratches may be noticeable.
- Special putty. The cost of such material is slightly higher than usual. This is mainly due to certain properties that are not present in other types of putties. Using it for other purposes is unprofitable.
- Starting putty. According to the technical characteristics, it resembles plaster. However, it is much easier to work with her. First of all, such a putty is used to level surfaces with large differences. Heran indisputable advantage is the thickness of the applied layer at a time (up to 5 cm). It is also worth noting that such a mixture is very plastic, and this greatly facilitates the workflow.
- Finish putty. This view is not recommended for alignment. It serves only to apply a finishing layer that completely covers the defects on the starting coating. Puttying the walls under the wallpaper with your own hands with the help of this composition will greatly facilitate further finishing work.
The base of the walls: types and features
Brick or concrete slabs are used to build apartment buildings. But country buildings can be built of wood. It is worth noting that all these surfaces must be puttied before finishing. For each base, it is necessary to correctly select not only a certain type of mixture, but also the application technology.

- Brick walls, as a rule, must be plastered. After this layer dries completely, it is necessary to give it time to shrink, since small cracks may form during this period. The next step will be priming. For this, a special solution is used, which acts as an adhesive. Before applying putty, the surface of the plaster layer must be thoroughly cleaned. And only after that putty is applied under the wallpaper.
- Do-it-yourself wall puttying in prefabricated houses requires a slightly different sequence. There is no need for plastering work. Howeverbefore applying the putty, you need to examine the surface of the concrete base for unevenness, since multi-level seams, protrusions and other defects are quite common. If possible, then it is better to cut them off, if not, then level them with starting putty.
- Wooden bases are much harder to process than those described above. First of all, you need to choose the right putty. Mixtures that include drying oil are suitable here. In order for them to hold well on the tree, you can use a special acrylic primer.
So, let's take a closer look at how to work with different bases in such a responsible process as wall puttying.
How to putty walls under wallpaper (concrete slabs)?
The peculiarity of the concrete base lies in the smoothness of the surface. In order for the putty to hold on to it firmly enough, it is necessary to make it rough. To do this, it is recommended to use a special primer, which includes quartz crystals. You can also use a reinforcing mesh, it is made of plastic, it is very light in weight, but the adhesion of the solution to the base is quite strong.

You need to start puttying concrete walls with the starting mixture. It will completely cover all defects in the slab and, if necessary, correct irregularities. For ordinary walls in a room, a 30 cm spatula is perfect. After the correction layer dries, the surface is lightly sanded and primed. For large fluctuationsthe application of the starting solution is repeated several times. At the end, a finishing putty is applied very thinly. This preparation is enough for wallpaper, but if you need to paint the surface, you will need 2-3 layers.
Putting brick surfaces
Brick walls are most often far from ideal, here you can encounter large level differences. Unlike panel, it will be quite difficult to evenly putty the surface. As a rule, such work is performed on lighthouses, for plasterers this concept is very familiar. The starting putty should not be liquid, because the layer will be thick enough. Up to 5 cm of solution can be applied at a time. Puttying the walls under the wallpaper with your own hands is applied both from below and from above. In order to avoid irregularities, you need to use the rule: you can put putty on with a spatula or trowel. Depending on the thickness of the layer, the drying process can take from 2 to 5 days. The technology for applying subsequent layers is the same as with concrete surfaces.

Apply putty on a wooden surface
For work with wooden surfaces, use a special acrylic putty. It is easy to apply with a spatula, very elastic. However, the maximum layer thickness should not exceed 2 mm. If there is a need to cover deep defects, then putty is applied in several approaches. Before wallpapering, it is recommended to paint the surface with oil paint. There is another way to puttywooden walls. To do this, you need to take the grid, attach it with brackets to the base, and you can apply the solution. If the irregularities on the surface do not exceed 3 cm, then only the finishing putty is sufficient. However, layers must be applied in several passes.

Working with starting putty: highlights
- In order for the rough putty of the walls under the wallpaper to stick well on the base with your own hands, it is recommended to use a paint grid.
- Big irregularities on the walls are aligned with the lighthouses.
- In order for the putty surface not to crack, apply the mortar in layers no thicker than 3 cm.
- The base for starting putty should not be too smooth.
- It is advisable to cover each subsequent layer with a primer.
Do-it-yourself finishing wall putty: instructions
- The thinner the solution, the more elastic it lays on the surface.
- Finishing putty layer should be as thin as possible.
- If the surface is to be subsequently painted, then the movements must be in the same direction during the application of the layer.
- In order for the surface to become smooth after drying, it is sanded with a fine mesh or sandpaper.

Typical mistakes
Any repair is an expensive pleasure. However, you can save a lot if you do some of the work yourself. This is where wall putty comes in.with your own hands. How to eliminate the mistakes that a novice in this business can make? Consider the most common of them.
- The recommended layer thickness is not respected, as a result of which cracks form.
- The use of certain types of putty for other than its intended purpose, for example, leveling surfaces is done with a finishing solution.
- Poor-quality application of a primer causes the top layer to fall off.
- Cracks and seams are not processed properly, for example, without sewing or using sickles.
- Applying successive layers of putty on an unhardened base leads to a loss of plane and sagging levels.