Power tools: repair and self-diagnosis of problems

Power tools: repair and self-diagnosis of problems
Power tools: repair and self-diagnosis of problems

All household electrical appliances are inherently fairly simple equipment. If you do not go into particular, then most often the engine, gearbox or working body fails. It is due to this that many professional builders prefer power tools. He does not need repairs so often, but due to his simplicity, he is much cheaper than gasoline analogues.

power tool repair
power tool repair

We think that in the case of the same saw, even a complete layman will visually determine the breakdown of the saw bar or an open circuit, and therefore we will immediately talk about some principles of repair and engine troubleshooting.

So, if your faithful assistant does not turn on at all and does not show other "signs of life", then you will not be able to do without a multimeter, but if there is no opportunity to buy it, it is quite possible to use an ordinary incandescent lamp for the same purpose. It will help bring your power tool back to life. Repair should begin with preliminary preparation for it.

You can guess that the most important preparatory step should be considered the removal of all external parts that may interfere with the disassembly process. After that, we turn on the tool in the network, and, using the control lamp we mentioned, we “ring” all connections. Needless to say, how important safety is in this.

power tool repair in Moscow
power tool repair in Moscow

If all the conductive paths work, then the most unpleasant thing happened: the engine flew. In most cases, it has to be changed, but you can try to remove and diagnose. It should be noted that only a highly qualified specialist in such a situation will be able to bring the power tool back to life. Repairing it by an ignorant person will lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

If we talk about diagnosing malfunctions of the mechanical part, then we have already said that in most cases this can be done by a simple visual inspection. Most often, the damaged part is simply replaced. Especially good in this regard is the repair of Bosch power tools. The fact is that in its service centers, and simply in retail trade, you can find almost all the details for it, which almost never happens with competitors.

When examining the "innards" of the affected tool, you can often see a collector that has become unusable. Often it may seem that there is simply no reason for such a serious breakdown.

bosch power tool repair
bosch power tool repair

Most often leads to this outcomeextremely strong heat generated by sparking brushes. By the way, very often they start sparking with existing shaft defects. In addition to brushes, due to the same faults, their holders fail. Determining the cause in this case is quite simple, so you are unlikely to need a service repair of a power tool in Moscow, since it is not so difficult to replace the brushes yourself.

If we talk about the engine, then most often the cause of breakdowns is some kind of malfunction in the stator windings. Often there are short circuits between them, which almost certainly disable the power tool. Repair in this case consists in replacing the engine, since it is too difficult to rewind on your own.