Reinforced concrete piles - one of the best foundation materials

Reinforced concrete piles - one of the best foundation materials
Reinforced concrete piles - one of the best foundation materials

When building houses, special attention is usually paid to the foundation. It is with him that construction begins, and the quality of the house depends on it. With errors in the calculations during the design of the foundation and with improper installation, the erected house can be considered emergency.

reinforced concrete piles
reinforced concrete piles

Recently, reinforced concrete driven piles are used in the construction of houses. They significantly increase the stability of the house and are able to withstand simply huge loads. This method of building a foundation is far from new. It is often used in areas where unstable ground is present or there is a risk of flooding. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the reliability of wooden piles in the construction of houses and even fortresses.

At present, with the advent of various materials that are resistant to decay and corrosion, houses where the foundation is a reinforced concrete pile can stand for a very long time. This method of construction can be called the most optimal and reliable.

reinforced concrete driven piles
reinforced concrete driven piles

Due to the design and method of installation of the foundation, the building, built using piles, gets a reliable grip with the ground vertically, and also partially, due tofriction, and horizontally. At the same time, reinforced concrete piles evenly distribute the load over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation, which together gives the most stable foundation.

For their manufacture, the best grades of heavy concrete and metal fittings are used. Moreover, the length of the final product is ideally calculated for each house separately. However, this process is quite difficult to implement on a stream, so there are certain standard parameters that characterize reinforced concrete piles in length and diameter. They all have their own margin of safety, which allows designers to choose the necessary products. It should be said that the reserve exists in any case, therefore, when using such piles in the construction of a building, you don’t have to worry about its foundation.

reinforced concrete pile
reinforced concrete pile

Such increased reliability of piles and ease of installation allows the use of this material in the construction of facilities that will be built and operated in an aggressive environment. Quite often, reinforced concrete piles are used in the construction of bridges and piers, for the installation of high-rise buildings and communication lines. Such objects are not afraid of almost any weather conditions, and some of them can withstand even significant earthquakes.

Usually, reinforced concrete piles are installed using special equipment, which drives them to the required depth at a certain angle and pressure. In this case, not only the installation of the pile itself occurs, but also a significant compaction of the upper layers of soil in the construction area, which also affectsthe strength of the foundation and the durability of the building.

Reinforced concrete piles have established themselves as an indispensable material in modern construction. They have passed the serious test of time, and the foundation based on them is one of the most reliable.
