The modern hair care market offers a variety of beauty gadgets for women who want to do sophisticated hairstyles without visiting a beauty salon every time. The spinning brush dryer is one of the innovations in the beauty industry for hair styling. This invention, equipped with rotary nozzles, saves time and effort. The device has already received a lot of positive feedback. Those who are just thinking about buying a device will be interested to learn more about its capabilities.
Features of the hair styling beauty gadget

Outwardly, this mixture of a brush-comb and a hair dryer is a brushing with a handle on which the buttons are located, with the help of which the control takes place. The device was created as an alternative to the hair styling and straightening method, in which it was necessary to hold a hair dryer in one hand and a round comb in the other. Now it is enough to turn on the mechanism, and the brush itselfwill spin, straightening and drying the hair. The increased functionality of the gadget is given by the presence of all kinds of interchangeable nozzles that allow you to create curls of different sizes for your mistresses.
Hair length and density matter a lot when it comes to deciding which spin brush hair dryer you need. How to choose a suitable copy, based on the power of the device declared by the manufacturer?
- To style and dry short hair, a 600-800W appliance will suffice.
- For medium length hair, 800-1000W models are suitable.
- To avoid drying long, thick curls for a long time, you should choose a 1200 W model.
Device modes
The presence of the gadget in several modes of speed and heating temperature ensures that the capabilities of the device will always be enough to create hairstyles. However, we must not forget that high temperature can damage the structure of the hair, so the optimal value is 60 ° C.
Each of the blow modes that the spinning brush dryer has has a specific purpose:
- hot air dries hair;
- warm flow helps to model the hairstyle;
- cold blowing firmly fixes the result.
The presence of all three modes is a guarantee that with the help of the device it will really be possible to do styling and securely fix the result. Otherwise, the gadget will remain gathering dust on a shelf in the bathroom.
Overheat protection mode programmed to turn off automaticallydevice is important. It will significantly extend the life of the device.

Hair protection
If you plan to use the device daily, you need to carefully study what kind of hair protection a hair dryer with a spinning brush has. How to choose the right option for long hair that needs special care and meticulous care?
- Ionization. Most of the devices sold are equipped with this function. It allows you to save the natural moisture of the hair and protects them from the negative effects when using high temperatures. Thanks to ionization, the curls practically do not become electrified and are much less tangled when winding around the comb.
- The steam humidifier performs several tasks at once. In addition to protecting against drying out, it allows you to quickly style tight curly curls.
- Ceramic coating is considered the safest and most reliable, it will not burn the hair, as it heats up evenly.
- Tourmaline coating has healing properties, protects hair and eliminates electrification.
Natural bristle nozzles do not split ends and capture even very rare strands well.

Complete set and its influence on the price of the device
A hair dryer with a spinning brush can be both inexpensive (up to 2 thousand rubles), and have a price tag two to three times more significant. Much depends on its versatility and ability to protect the hair.
Model with multiple features -assistant in hair care every morning and on holidays. These possibilities determine the nozzles of the hair dryer. When choosing a device, you need to be meticulous about how securely the replaceable nozzles are fixed. If they do not fit tightly enough or hang out at all, then you cannot buy such a device, it will be impossible to style your hair with it. It is desirable that a special storage bag be included in the kit, it will protect the nozzles from loss and damage.
The styling brushes themselves are different. For example, models with natural bristles are more gentle on the hair, do not cut the ends and are able to capture even very rare strands. After styling with such a brush, the curls have a more well-groomed and he althy look. In turn, synthetic specimens are less likely to tangle hair. Of course, the presence of a reverse, that is, the rotation of the brushes in two directions, is a priori necessary.
Additional Features
The ergonomics of the device you choose is of great importance. Moments such as the weight and size of the gadget, the convenience of the shape of the handle of the device and the location of the operating switches that are comfortable for use determine the ease with which you can work. Assessing the device, it is worth holding it in your hands. When a hair dryer with a rotating brush is selected remotely, for example, in an online store, the final decision will be made by reviews on trusted sites made by people who have tried the model and described all its pros and cons.
Special attention in the case of buying such equipment, where the basis is a rotating element, deserves a cord. To start you needdecide if it is needed at all. Firstly, for those who choose such an assistant to create hair while traveling, it is better to prefer the wireless option. Secondly, the peculiarity of the cords to get confused and twisted is well known. But if, nevertheless, the chosen model is equipped with a cord, it is preferable that it be spiral and rotate in the plug without interfering with the styling process.

Rowenta spinning brush hair dryer reviews
There are a lot of reviews about the Rowenta Brush Activ CF 9320 with 1000 W, two nozzles, ionization, cold air and two-way brush rotation. She liked so many women, especially those with not too long hair. The gadget is easy to use, this fact proves that, while laying down, the girls managed to take photos. The advantages and disadvantages of the model for the most part repeat what can be said about devices from other brands of the same price category.
Pros of the device:
- styled hair looks he althy and well-groomed;
- gives hair shine and volume;
- hair is not overdried;
- comfortable.
What the hair dryer with a spinning brush Rowenta Brush Activ CF 9320 did not cope with:
- the roots of the hair have a clear “fluffiness” effect that worsens the overall styling experience;
- Worse than a normal flat iron can straighten hair.

Opinion on the popular model from Babyliss
The BaByliss AS550E model has less power than the previous sample - 800W. However, it is in the same price category and has features such as cold air supply, ionization, ceramic protection. Girls with wavy hair loved the Babyliss spinning brush dryer. Positive reviews confirm that the model is comfortable, does not confuse or tear out hair. The lack of a bag for storing interchangeable nozzles and the fact that the device is not very convenient are mentioned as disadvantages.

Other Popular Models
It's easier to get the full picture if we look at two more equally popular models. The first one is Philips HP8665. This gadget with a power of 1 thousand W has two natural bristle brushes and the same number of temperature settings that are most gentle on the hair structure, plus ionization and a ceramic coating. He has the following positive feedback on his credit: the ideal size of brushes that quickly and gently straighten hair, quality and safety. It makes a negative impression on its owners for the same reasons as previous models, ie the lack of a storage bag, insufficient power and the fact that it takes time to get used to.
Bosch PHC 7771 is another popular spinning brush hair dryer on the market. Reviews of the model, which has five interchangeable brushes, designed for short, long, thin and thick hair, contain fewer complaints than about the gadgets described above. Its usersconsider it a convenient and high-quality model capable of realizing all the declared possibilities. A short wire and the fact that not all nozzles are equally thought out are the main complaints about technology. It seems that this device was more liked by those who dared to purchase it.

Use Tips
In order for the installation process to cause as few difficulties as possible, it is important to heed the advice of experts:
- During modeling, to facilitate styling and prevent tangling of curls, it is worth working with small strands.
- By pre-drying the hair at the roots with an ordinary hair dryer, you can achieve a more noticeable root volume, and then continue styling with a hair dryer-brush.
- A hair dryer equipped with a brush can successfully replace a curl iron. To achieve a good result, it is enough to run it several times along the length of the hair.
- You can give the desired shape to the ends of the curls by letting them warm up and then stopping the rotation of the device.
Most often, owners of styling gadgets complain that it is difficult and unusual to use them. At first, the brush rotates all the time in the wrong direction, which is necessary. But this confusion with the parties passes very soon, because in order to adapt to the new mechanism, a certain period is always needed.