Feeding apple trees has its own nuances. You need to know that young and mature apple trees need different top dressings. It is these differences that we will consider.

Feeding of young apple trees begins from the first year after planting: root - in early spring, foliar - later (one in May, one in June). For root dressing, 50 g of urea (2 tablespoons) is diluted in a bucket of water (10 l). Under each young tree, 15 liters of solution (one and a half buckets) are poured. For foliar top dressing, it is better to purchase ready-made liquid preparations, such as Effekton, Sodium Humate (a tablespoon of fertilizer in a bucket of water). To feed a young apple tree, 2 liters of the resulting solution will be required.
Starting from next year, young (not yet fruitful apple trees) are additionally fed in September with phosphorus and potassium (two buckets of water are poured under one young tree, in which 4 tablespoons of a phosphorus-potassium preparation are dissolved in advance).

Root top dressing of apple trees is carried out with a deviation of 60 cm from the tree (not under the trunk). Don't forget about the location of the roots. Similarly, top dressing of columnar apple trees (strongly growing) should take place. Top dressing of adult apple trees shouldcarried out throughout the leading growing season (four times per season). For the first feeding, experienced gardeners recommend using urea (500 g) and humus (5 buckets). This composition is scattered around the tree (already bearing fruit) in the second half of April.
The second feeding of apple trees is carried out when the buds appear (beginning of flowering). In the absence of rain (or if there is little), top dressing is introduced in a liquid state. A barrel of 200 liters will require potassium sulfate (800 g), superphosphate (kilogram pack), bird droppings (5 l) or slurry (10 l). The last components can be completely replaced with urea (about 500 g) or the Effekton preparation (two bottles). All this is mixed and left for a week. Feeding rate - 40 liters for one fruit-bearing tree. When watering, you should retreat at least 50 cm from the stem (trunk). Before feeding and after the tree is watered.

The third top dressing will be required in the fruiting phase. In a two-hundred-liter barrel, sodium humate (20 g) and nitrophoska (1 kg) are diluted. Consumption per tree - 3 buckets.
The fourth top dressing is needed in the fall (carried out after harvesting). If the autumn is rainy, top dressing can be applied in dry form - 300 g of superphosphate and sodium sulfate each. If there is little rain, the same amount of fertilizer is diluted with water.
Very fond of mature apple trees and foliar feeding. It is carried out with a solution of urea three times per season. The first time is sprayed when the apple tree is just beginning to bloom. Between feedingsbe a break of three weeks. To obtain a solution, dilute two tablespoons (tablespoons) of urea in a bucket of water. Not only leaves are wetted, but also skeletal branches and trunk.
But the feeding of apple trees does not end there. Additionally, it is not bad to spray with such trace elements as zinc, molybdenum, manganese, boron, copper, magnesium. The listed elements are contained in the compositions of mineral fertilizers, such as "Kemira" (per bucket of water - 20 g of the composition). Wood ash is also very useful (a glass of ash is poured with boiling water, then the total volume is brought to 10 liters).