The body of the "snail" fan resembles the shell of this mollusk. This equipment is used in a number of industrial facilities, housing construction, ventilation systems. The principle of operation is the force created by the rotational movement of the rotor blades, they penetrate into the inlet holes in the form of a snail, capture the air flow and drive it through the outlet holes. Are located at an angle of 90 degrees to the entrance hole.
A solid do-it-yourself "snail" fan is obtained during the assembly process only if you know the design. The installation and the impeller create a rotational moment for the movement of air. The need for an exhaust device increases when space is limited, then installation takes place with specialized equipment. The body of the "snail" of the fan is made in the form of a spiral and serves to direct the air.
Homemade fans of this type are verypopular lately. However, in the absence of skills and the necessary time, buying ready-made equipment will be one of the best options.

To create an air flow in the inside of the snail fan mount, you need to position a radial element - a wheel attached to the unit. The discharged space is created by the curved impeller blades.
The air mass enters through the inlet pipe. The inlet pressure drops and ambient air is sucked in. As a result of the rapid movement of air in a spiral in the outlet hole, the speed increases significantly and high pressure is created. An air stream is rapidly flowing from the outlet pipe. If the branch pipe is on the left, then the rotor rotates clockwise, if it is on the right, then it is opposite.
When assembling with your own hands, the curvature of the "snail" blades used is taken into account.
Created streams
Centrifugal "snails" - power taken into account in three positions.
Low pressure fans - no more than one hundred kg/cm squared. Temperature not more than 80 °С. They are used in equipping production shops and building houses. "Snails" are installed on the roofs.
Models with medium pressure - from one hundred to three hundred kilograms per centimeter square.

High pressure equipment - three hundred and two hundred kg/centimetres squared. High-pressure air flows of exhaust "snails"are usually located in the combustion zones of fuels of different grades in boiler houses, in warehouses with fuel and lubricants, air duct systems of paint shops.
The snail centrifugal fan requires a secure fit and a solid foundation. In order to avoid vibration, the case is qualitatively fixed. Ignoring this phenomenon will cause the device to fail.
Do it yourself
A rhetorical question that requires in the process of owning the skills of a welder or a tinsmith. After all, the assembly is carried out from sheets of metal of various thicknesses.
Making the blades yourself, and then attaching them to the rotor with high quality, is quite a difficult task. After all, if the balance is disturbed, the fan will shatter into pieces due to the significant rotation of the rotor in the very first minutes of operation.

When assessing the power and speed of rotation, the electric motor is selected correctly. At the same time, craftsmen use snails dismantled from equipment, vacuum cleaners and hoods. This serves as a guarantee of determining the power and parameters of the case.
It is possible to assemble a "snail" fan for household needs in a workshop, it will be a feasible task. In other cases, only factory-made fans are used.
Instructions for creating.
- Calculate the parameters and dimensions of future equipment. At the same time, damper pads are inserted in order to avoid vibration during operation. These measures will save the "snail".
- Using improvised material whenproduction of the fan case from plastic, plywood. When performing assembly work, once again find out that there are no gaps and the seams are sealed.
- You must first analyze the power circuits of the unit. This is where power comes into play. With high fan power, a belt drive is used. At low powers, a shaft is used, the connection of the rotor with the gearbox.
- Fastening elements are used, namely plates with the letter "P" for mounting on the case. A strong foundation is needed for powerful units.