Flooring with wooden boards is mainly made in houses built from similar material, but such a coating is perfect for both an apartment and a block house, and will also help in the formation of a normal microclimate. Laying does not cause any particular difficulties, as it is an easy process that does not require special skills. Before starting work, it is advisable to study the theoretical part and pay attention to important aspects.

Floor on concrete base
In private homes, this variant of coating formation has become most widespread. Wooden flooring can be used both for the basement or the first floor with an arrangement on a ground basis, and for a floor on the second and subsequent floors with overlapping on beams. The design changes significantly if the base is reinforced concrete slabs or concrete screed, and modifications are also possible to simplify installation and reduce the overall cost.
Work is optimal at the end of the heating season due to the relationship between wood moisture and ambient air. At this time, the likelihood of moisture absorption by the boards is reduced. If wood decking is required in the summer, it is necessary to choose a time when there will be dry and sunny weather for a long time. The lumber involved, like the wood used in construction, must be treated with flame retardants and antiseptics.
The most suitable air humidity for floor installation and use is approximately 60%. With an increase in this indicator, the wood begins to deform and dampen, and if the humidity is too low, it will crack. The optimum indoor temperature is at least +8 degrees.
Underfloor space must be sufficiently ventilated, for this special holes are provided in the basement. At the point of contact between the log and the pillars, a double layer of roofing material is placed, thanks to which rotting of the material can be avoided.

The floor can be formed from the following materials:
- folded board;
- glulam;
- sheet materials (plywood, chipboard);
- unedged board.
The last two options are used for the subfloor, which implies the subsequent laying of the top coating. The creation of a finishing one is carried out from glued laminated timber and folded boards. They are varnished or painted, becoming the basis. It is desirable that the board be solid and correspond to the width of the room. Cedar, larch and pine became the most widespread, hardwoods are not so popular. On average, wooden flooring prices range from 300 to 1600 rubles per square meter.

Preparatory work
When laying on a base of soil, it is required to ensure a tight fixing of the lag. In addition, due attention is paid to thermal insulation and waterproofing of the underground space. To prepare the base, a layer of soil is removed around the perimeter of the room, the thickness of which should be a value that allows you to make a recess below the soil level near the house by 25 cm. Then crushed stone and river sand are poured. Each layer is wetted with water in turn and kneaded tightly.
Several brick pillars are being built on a sandy base to support the log. The width of the pillars is basically two bricks. They are placed during construction on the mortar and placed in the same level along the upper edge. A fixed and stretched mesh on the walls or a laser device is used to check the level. Each log requires at least two poles, this should be taken into account when distributing them. With a significant length, it is possible to add an additional column. The distance between the supports is calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the board and the estimated weight carried on them. Calculations can be carried out independently, starting from GOSTs, if difficulties arise, a builder-designer or a specialized organization will help.
For a residential building, boards with a size of 50 x 100 mm are suitable as a log, which are installed at a gap of 60 cm. Poles are fixed on the sides, an intermediate one is used if the log is more than 3 meters long.

Interfloor beams
There is no need for preparatory work when installing on interfloor beams, so you can immediately start laying floors with a wooden board. A layer of waterproofing is placed on top of them, which are roofing sheets. The logs are placed on plates with a width of 3-4 cm and are fixed with anchors on the posts. Thanks to the plates used, it is possible to bring the face into a common plane. Initially, two logs are mounted at different ends of the room with an extreme support on each. They are brought to the required level with clarification of the correct installation using a water level, bubble or laser type.
Level detection: details
The best option is to first draw a line around the entire perimeter a meter from the future floor and then compare the position of the lag with this level. In such works, the bubble level has less reliability and often gives an incorrect result due to low accuracy. The fishing line should be stretched flush with the lags located at the edges. Starting from it, mount the remaining elements. To create a rough coating, identical bars are stuffed along the bottom of the log. If they are on poles and have a soil base, bars are attached across them over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room at a distancefrom each other in 50-70 cm. Self-tapping screws or nails are used to fix the bars.
After the elements of the rough coating are cut from sheet material or unedged boards. They are located on the bars between the lags.

DPB technology
Recently, a new technique has been created that simplifies the construction of wood decking. Due to it, problems such as deformation, shrinkage and cracks are eliminated.
The main part of the technology is a hollow type block, assembled from elements that are cut off from high-quality materials with a small diameter. It is such a block construction, consisting of two bars tightly fixed with partitions. There is a free cavity between frequent designs.
Wood decking requires insulation with a material that has high vapor permeability. It is possible to use bas alt slabs and mineral wool. Thermal insulation does not cause difficulties when placing a log at a distance of 600 mm. Precise cutting of material according to the dimensions of the gaps is not allowed. It is necessary to insert the strips tightly so that there are no free gaps. For normal ventilation, a small space should remain between the bars and the heat insulator. The function of the heat-insulating material also includes sound insulation. Before making a wooden flooring, a vapor-waterproofing membrane is laid on the logs. Stripes are spread with an overlap of at least 25 cm. Joints are glued with adhesive tape. Vapor barrier layer depending onversion is fixed with brackets or rails. The material of the floor covering affects the fixing method.
Special wood deck board with air vent does not require batten stuffing.

Concrete base: preparatory work
It takes much less time and effort to equip a wooden flooring with your own hands on a concrete structure, since the base is already ready and the logs can be fixed as often as needed, thereby reducing the bending weight. So, there is no point in using a log with a large cross section. A beam of 50 x 50 is optimally suited as the main material. The logs are fixed with construction studs with a diameter of up to 10 mm. The stud in the lower part is limited by the nut, which, together with the washer, sets the level of the end of the log from the bottom side.
Holes for studs are drilled in the bars, which are strengthened every 60 cm at the level of the lag installation. The holes in the top must be wide enough to accommodate the nut and washer for the fastener.
At opposite ends of the room, two logs are mounted and placed with the help of studs in level. The installation of the rest is determined by the fishing line located between them. An angle grinder removes excess protruding parts of the studs. Then you can start laying a wooden floor with your own hands using sheet materials or a floorboard. If it is a leveling intermediate element for a finishing coat, then plywood will become rational.
Installation of boards is made on logs prepared in advance. The first board is fixed parallel to the entrance near the window. There must be free space between the array and the wall. Fastening is possible with the help of nails with a length several times greater than the width of the boards, or self-tapping screws, the dimensions of which are two thicknesses. Nails are driven at an angle into the grooves at the ends. After several rows of boards are mounted. An ordinary steel bracket is inserted into the logs with a slight deviation.
Wooden wedges are used between the laid wood and the staple to increase the density of the joints. The material is fixed with nails. So the floor is covered to the very end, just like the wooden decks of the bridges.
If the width of the floor exceeds the length of one board, they must be cut so that the ends in one row are in the center of the log. Boards are installed in rows adjacent to each other in a checkerboard pattern.
The selection of adjacent boards is carried out taking into account the direction of the annual rings - they must go in different directions. The last board is installed from the wall at a distance of 15 mm. To close the gaps at the end of the work, plinths are used. To increase ventilation under the floor, the plinth is fixed against one wall with an indent of at least 10 mm. After a few weeks, it can be replaced with a regular one. You can protect wooden floorings from moisture penetration under them during cleaning with the help of low rails installed around the perimeter of small rectangular holes in two corners of the room.

Final elements
For laying sheet material, additional fastening of the jumpers between the lags is required to increase the strength of the installation over the entire area. There are no other differences in floor installation. Finally, wooden decks are scraped, sanded and coated with paint or varnish. It is possible to use wood putty to seal existing cracks, due to the content of drying oil in the composition, it is not subject to cracking. Rare wood species can be imitated by toning technology. You can also use a special wax or oil to add a matte, pleasant surface shine. After the coating has dried, the floor is ready for use.