Linoleum in modern modifications is less and less reminiscent of the budgetary coverage of previous years, which was used to decorate technical rooms, corridors and hallways. Today, this material can also be used when laying in the living room - it remains only to correctly install it with the formation of even joints. The fact is that the welding of linoleum seams is not just a decorative operation. The durability of the flooring depends on the quality of its implementation.
General information about linoleum welding technologies
There are two types of linoleum on the market, to which different welding techniques are applied. These are classic residential and commercial flooring models. Materials differ in structure structure. Commercial or industrial models have a more wear-resistant and rigid base, which requires intense thermal and mechanical stress to work with. Standard versions of the coatingfeature a soft base and stretch construction.
What technology is used for residential linoleum? Cold welding of seams is safe for polyvinyl chloride, of which such floorings mainly consist. This method is the safest for PVC coatings, since during the installation process the effect is pointwise on the joining line. Hot welding, in turn, involves thermal melting, which rarely allows you to keep a solid PVC structure around the seam.

If we talk about welding technologies applied to hard commercial linoleum, then both cold and hot welding are allowed. This is due not only to the structure of the coating, but also to the characteristics of the materials used in its manufacture. Along with PVC, natural ingredients are used, including jute, chalk, oils and resins. This combination allows the use of thermal effects in styling. On average, commercial linoleum seams are welded at a temperature of 350-400°C. But this method should not be considered as more acceptable. Nevertheless, cold welding is used to perform neat figured seams and applications.
Soldering stations for welding linoleum
To implement hot welding, special equipment is used in the form of welding or soldering stations. They are based on a rigid frame with a generator set and auxiliary equipment that directs the hot air directly. The standard device also provides for a drum for winding the seam rod, which willclose up a seam. As for working qualities, the machine for welding seams of linoleum, which is average in terms of characteristics, operates at temperatures up to 600-700 ° C. The connection is usually made to a single-phase 220 V network. The choice should also take into account the performance of the equipment and the torsion speed of the pressure roller. It is determined by the power of the generator and indicates the maximum possible rate of operation. For example, a power potential of 3400 W provides a speed mode of about 12 m / min. These are average semi-professional equipment.

Linoleum Welding Dryers
A functional component of a soldering station for working with plastic and polymer alloys, the parameters of which also determine the welding capabilities. This is a kind of welding gun-hair dryer, presented on the market in the form of manual and automatic models. In the context of adding a hot air gun to a soldering station, it is important to note the difference in functional tasks. If the main base technically organizes the conditions for the formation of hot streams in a certain range, then the welding gun directly corrects the parameters of the thermal air jet, directs it and allows you to adjust the temperature regime. So, when hot welding seams of linoleum with a hair dryer, medium heating modes are used in the range from 350 to 400 ° C.
Cold welding tool
In this case, only mechanical means of processing are used, the main of which will be a mounting knife. It must have a good sharpening and preferablyseveral different sizes of interchangeable blades. A marking tool is also being prepared in the form of a ruler, level and pencil. The key technological operation when performing cold welding of linoleum seams is the supply of adhesive composition. For the convenience of its implementation, a mounting gun is used. With its help, through a nozzle of a suitable format, it will be possible to point out glue onto the line connecting pieces of linoleum. Of the consumables, masking tape is required.
Preparation for work
The work site is completely freed from debris, currently unnecessary materials, furniture and equipment. Tools and working fragments of linoleum should remain in the access zone. Beforehand, in accordance with the planned laying configuration, parts of the coating must be cut. Before installation and welding of seams, linoleum is cleaned and dried. Regardless of the welding technology used, the material must be free from the smallest foreign particles on the surface, as well as oil and grease stains. It will not be superfluous to check the integrity of the material, as floor coverings are often damaged during delivery and primary processing. Parts of the linoleum that are unnecessary for laying are also being prepared for a test check of the equipment. In particular, a suitable temperature regime of the soldering station with a hairdryer is checked on the waste material.
How to choose a welding cord?

Cord or fusible cable is a necessary consumable when performing hot welding. As soon as it is loaded into the pressure roller withsoldering station drum, and during operation, the system directs it to the gluing line by manual feed or in automatic mode. When choosing a fusible cable, consideration should be given to the operating conditions of the coating and sizing requirements. Linoleum seams are usually welded with a cord 4-5 mm thick. As for the conditions of use, today there are special modifications of the cord designed for laying in rooms with an aggressive environment. For example, these may be products made of a low melting polymer suitable for use on a moisture sensitive substrate. High-strength models are also resistant to the negative effects of wet cleaning. The optimal approach in choosing a fusible cord for operational properties involves focusing on the quality of the linoleum itself. Commercial coatings have protective properties that are always indicated on the label.
The nuances of choosing glue for welding linoleum

Adhesive compositions determine the characteristics of the connection of two fragments of the coating. Cold welding uses one of three types of adhesive:
- Type A. Solutions with a liquid consistency, so they are used only for joining linoleum with narrow seams. For large gaps, this composition is not suitable. But despite this limitation, A-group adhesives for cold welding are characterized by strength, invisibility after curing and high penetrating power.
- Type C. In a sense, the opposite of the previous composition. This adhesive is thickconsistency and is more often used in sealing large seams. Moreover, manufacturers of C-glue for welding linoleum seams recommend using it for old and damaged coatings with defects. It effectively closes wide cracks and small chips, restoring the structure of the material.
- Type T. High quality compound designed for felt and polyester types of linoleum. However, it also performs well when joining fabrics with a thick and multi-layered structure.
Varieties of glue for linoleum by composition
Recipes are different, but acrylic or polyurethane are more often used as bases. In structural and technical terms, polyurethane is more advantageous, since its ability to adhere allows laying and joining linoleum on almost any surface. They also perform repair operations in relation to floor synthetic coatings. As for acrylic compounds, they cannot boast the same high adhesion ability, but they benefit from environmental friendliness.
Instructions for hot welding linoleum

Having determined the appropriate parameters for the operation of the equipment, installation activities can begin. The fusible cord is inserted into the drum of the station, after which the heating process starts. From now on, the operator must maintain a sufficient pace of action, otherwise, if there is a delay, the melting of the cord will begin directly in the loading block, which will stop the entire process. Actually, the performer is only required to providepressure on the hair dryer so that the melt of the cord evenly fits into the contour of the seam line. If a soft cord is used for welding the seams of PVC linoleum, then with a greater probability, under heating, its excess will protrude above the surface of the coating. This is a normal technological reaction, the consequences of which are eliminated at the next stage. As soon as the soldering is completed, the hair dryer should be turned off immediately and wait for it to cool completely. Delaying gun shutdown late can cause tip to overheat.
Cutting Technique

Removal of excess welded cord is carried out with a special sickle-shaped knife. It is advisable to do this procedure no later than 15 minutes after welding in a particular area. Otherwise, the seam will simply cool and lose its pliability, thanks to which the cut can be performed neatly and cleanly. The first approach to the cut is done so that approximately 1/32 inch of the seam remains above the surface. The second approach is done at an angle - so that the cutting edge of the tool occupies an inclined position along the entire cut line. Such laying of linoleum with welding of seams will provide the effect of a concave gap. After completion of the procedure, polishing is performed with a special mastic for linoleum. It will reveal possible flaws in the completed seam, making its texture clearer.
Linoleum cold welding instructions
The method is implemented in several steps. At the first, the edges of the two fragments of linoleum should be protected from contamination with glue. For this, it is usedmasking tape, with which the joint line is glued strictly in the center.
The main part of the work is laying the adhesive. The mounting gun is filled with a prepared composition or equipped with a tube of glue. Techniques for applying the composition may be different. Some experts recommend pasting alternately both sides of the linoleum, and after laying them, apply the mass in the center of the seam. Another popular option involves the initial pasting of only one side, which is also fixed to the floor. After that, another fragment of the coating is processed along with the joint line. Both methods will provide a reliable connection of linoleum, but it is still better to weld large-sized seams with double-sided pasting and fixing to the floor. Especially when it comes to thick commercial linoleum. At the end of the work, you should wait for the period of polymerization of the glue, and then proceed to clean the joint with soft abrasives. Masking tape is removed last when the seam is completely level.

Both methods of gluing in practice are effective and efficient, if you follow the instructions for their implementation. At the same time, one should not forget about the material laying configuration, which will also affect the performance of the coating. There is a well-known rule that the joint lines should be oriented parallel to the fall of the sun's rays in the room, but, as experts note, this does not apply to welding linoleum seams and laying its fragments on glue. But importantthe role is played by mechanical influences at the junctions. Therefore, it is not recommended to place heavy furniture or equipment directly on the seams. At least not if commercial linoleum was used for the flooring.