Violet Isolde: description, cultivation features, photo

Violet Isolde: description, cultivation features, photo
Violet Isolde: description, cultivation features, photo

Violet Izold Elena Lebetskaya is an original variety that cannot leave indifferent connoisseurs of saintpaulias. It fascinates with shades of pink along the edge of the petals, a variegated rosette, double flowers. Despite the fact that the variety belongs to the variegated, it develops quite quickly. Already in the tenth month you can get a beautiful flowering plant.

Le Isolde violet photo
Le Isolde violet photo

Variety description

Violet Isolda blooms with white semi-double and double flowers with pink shadows and a corrugated pink border. The plant belongs to the standard variegated. The socket is neat, round, perfectly formed. There are not many leaves. They are slightly wavy, twisted.

Isolde's violet flowers are openwork, fluffy, beautifully shaped with pink edging. White-pink foam on variegated leaves. The inflorescences themselves are collected in rosettes. The size at the first flowering is about five centimeters, at the next - four centimeters. The lack of size is compensated by a huge number of flowers, from under which the leaves are almost invisible. The duration of flowering of one outlet is about a month. Gradually, white buds open, changing color - they swim pink.

Isolde violet
Isolde violet

Features of growing variegated

Violet Isolde belongs to variegated varieties. She needs a little more care. This is due to the fact that the leaves contain less chlorophyll due to the variegated color, which leads to a slight slowdown in the development of the rosette. However, LE Isolde violet is not one of these varieties.

Caring for a plant requires good lighting. It is best to place the violet under the lamp.

In order for the plant to develop well, it needs to provide at least 12 hours of continuous lighting. Moreover, if the outlet is supposed to be placed under artificial light, then there should be a distance of 30 cm from it to the plant. If it is less, then there is a high probability of leaf burns. With more, the violet will not have enough light.

Be sure to observe the variegated variety, the color of its foliage, as an improperly selected arrangement can cause increased pigmentation of cells lacking chlorophyll. For example, the white part can change color to cream, and the cream part can turn pink.

The danger of nitrogen

To get the Isolde violet as in the photo, you need to monitor the nitrogen content in the substrate. With an excessive amount of this substance, the amount of chlorophyll increases. To achieve the brightness of the leaves, it is advisable to use fertilizers for variegated varieties with trace elements with a reduced amountnitrogenous fertilizers.

LE Isolde
LE Isolde


The temperature of the content affects the color of the foliage. With its decrease to eighteen degrees and a decrease in the amount of nitrogen in the soil, this contributes to the manifestation of a brighter variegated color. If the outlet is kept at a temperature above 23 degrees, then its color will be less variegated, a lot of green will appear on the leaves.

High temperature has a negative effect on the size of the leaves. They become smaller, begin to deform, the number of spots changes. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to place the variegated leaf on the lower shelves of the rack. In addition, this method of placement will allow you to see the beauty of the outlet.


According to the description, Isolde violet, the photo of which is presented in this article, breeds in the same way as other types of Saintpaulia. You can get new copies by multiplying the sheet, baby. In the first case, a not very young leaf is taken from the second row of the outlet with the maximum amount of green color. This is necessary so that future children have sufficient nutrition.

Then the leaf is placed in water or planted immediately in the ground, creating greenhouse conditions. The first leaves of a variegated variety are usually completely devoid of chlorophyll. Their development occurs due to the maternal leaflet. Because of this feature, you should not rush to separate them.

If you suddenly have to root a white leaf of Saintpaulia, then it is pre-treated with a weak solution of urea at the rate of 0.5 g per 0.5 l of water. Processing should be done twicefive days apart.

When propagating variegated violets, it should be borne in mind that they develop somewhat more slowly than green varieties. Therefore, in order to grow Isolde, you should be patient, although this variety is characterized by more intensive growth than other variegated.

Violet Isolde photo
Violet Isolde photo

Care instructions

To get a beautiful LE Isolde violet like in the photo, it is recommended to choose the right location, soil, and also pay a little more attention to it than other varieties.

Saintpaulia prefers to grow in nutrient rich soils with good drainage. The earth ball should always be moderately moist. If the plant is flooded, it begins to rot.

During watering, water should not be allowed to enter the center of the outlet, so experienced flower growers recommend watering from a pallet. Do not water the plant with cold water. Ideally, it should stand for at least three days and be at room temperature.

The dried top layer of soil indicates the need for watering. If it is dry for a couple of centimeters, then you need to water the plant. One hour after humidification, all excess water is drained from the trays.

You can't water all saintpaulias the same way. The frequency of watering, the volume of water depends on the capacity of the pot, the dryness of the air, the size of the outlet, and the variety. Usually, in summer, plants are watered every other day, and in winter - once a week.

Hard water is unsuitable for irrigation. So, if liquid mineral fertilizer is added to this water, and the liquid becomes cloudy, then this indicates precipitationin the sediment of some nutrients. In this state, they will become inaccessible to the plant for nutrition. Phosphate and potassium fertilizers are poorly soluble in hard water. Optimal preservation of soil acidity for Saintpaulia is 6.5-6.8 pH.

Violet cultivar Isolde
Violet cultivar Isolde


Violet variety Isolda requires regular fertilization. If the plant has just been planted, then the first feeding is carried out approximately 1-2 months after transplantation. The next top dressing is carried out every ten days. For violets, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used. During the budding period, fertilizers containing phosphorus are recommended.

Indoor violets
Indoor violets

Diseases and pests

Indoor violets can suffer from a variety of diseases. Most often they are affected by rot, spotting, mites.

In the second half of summer, spots may appear on the leaves. Such leaves gradually dry out, the rosette of the plant weakens. The infection persists for a long time. The fight against the disease involves the complete destruction of the infected instance.

Often, due to violation of the rules of watering, young violets are affected by rot. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to water the plants only with settled water at room temperature. Do not flood young plants.

Adult saintpaulias can be affected by ticks. To combat them, special anti-tick preparations are used, sold in country stores.
