Pom-pom dahlias are considered one of the most beloved flowers by many gardeners. And this is not surprising. After all, there are many of their extraordinary shades. In addition, the flowering period of this crop begins in mid-summer and ends in late autumn. Variegated buds are able to decorate any personal plot. It is worth noting that pompon dahlias reproduce not only by tubers, but also by seeds. Transplanting plants with roots is a rather laborious process. It is much more convenient and easier to use seeds as planting material.

How to get seeds
Pompom dahlias are flowers that can delight for a long time with their extraordinary flowering. The easiest way to get planting material is to purchase seeds from a specialized store. But if you want, you can grow them yourself. If you look closely at the buds of a pollinated dahlia, you can see the seeds of a light green hue. As they mature, their color changes and becomes dark beige. In shape, dahlia seeds resemble a small cone. If the box is completely dry, and the scales gradually peel off, then it'stime to collect planting material.
Features of obtaining seeds
When growing pompon dahlias from seeds, it is worth considering that the fruits of the plant ripen in late autumn. During this period, the humidity of the air rises and the rainy season begins. So that the planting material does not begin to rot and trample, the boxes should be covered with waterproof material. If frosts have begun, then flowering plants are recommended to be cut and placed in a jar filled with water. Seeds can ripen at room temperature for 14 days.
Seed boxes after full ripening should be cut and then carefully opened. Varieties of pompon dahlias may vary in color. However, in each box, regardless of variety, there will certainly be at least 10 seeds. You can store such planting material for up to 4 years. At the same time, it is recommended to create favorable conditions.

Preparation of soil for seedlings
The first step in growing pompon dahlias from seeds is soil preparation. To germinate seedlings, a certain soil is required. It is recommended to prepare it in the fall. The composition of the soil for pompom dahlias should include humus, sand and turf. Components should be taken in equal proportions. Mixed soil components should be sifted, while removing large lumps and stones.
So that the seedlings are not affected by diseases and pests, it is necessary to warm the soil at a sufficiently high temperature, and then treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate.
How to plant seeds
Growingpompon dahlia does not cause much difficulty. When the soil is prepared, you can start planting seeds. For starters, the soil should be moistened. After that, seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of no more than 2 centimeters. In this case, it is worth leaving a distance between the holes. It should be approximately 3 centimeters. Finally, containers with planted seeds should be placed in a room where the air temperature is from 23 to 25 ° C. It is recommended to cover the seed boxes with transparent plastic wrap and provide good lighting.
Sprouting seeds
Perennial and annual pompon dahlias can be grown from seeds. The main thing is to follow all the rules. After 7 days after sowing the seeds, the first sprouts can be seen. At this stage, you should remove the plastic film from the boxes and transfer them to a room with good lighting. Otherwise, the seedlings will begin to stretch a lot.
If you grow annuals, then seeds should be sown in early April. If you plan to breed the variety you like in the future with tubers, then it is worth planting planting material in March. This will allow you to get plants with a strong and well-developed root system in the fall.
When the first shoots appear, it is worth providing the seedlings with sufficient moisture and ventilation. It should be noted that water should not stagnate in the soil. Otherwise, the risk of infection of plants with various diseases increases. It is best to moisten the soil with a spray gun, without eroding its top layer.

How to dive seedlings
Pompom dahlias require quality care. When 3 leaves appear on the bores, they must be dived. For each plant, it is worth preparing a separate pot filled with soil, which was prepared in the fall. It is recommended to make a hole in the bottom of each container through which excess moisture will escape. The soil for planting should be sweaty and loose.
Seedlings of pompom dahlias should be planted in pre-prepared containers. To do this, it is worth digging seedlings with a small clod of earth from a common box and placing them in a cup with soil. The plant should be buried to the level of the cotyledons. Sprouts after transplantation must be moistened. To do this, you should use a spray gun. Subsequent watering of seedlings should be carried out only after the topsoil dries.
Preparation before planting in open ground
In the second decade of the last month of spring, pompon dahlias should be transplanted into open ground. By this time, the seedlings will become stronger. However, it is not worth rushing to land. You should wait for the final warming, as spring frosts can greatly harm young plants.
Before planting in open ground, dahlias should be hardened off. So the plants will take root much faster. Starting from the first days of May, containers with seedlings should be taken out into the fresh air. Initially, the duration of such a procedure should be no more than 5 minutes. Every day, the time the seedlings stay in the fresh air should be increased. At the same time, the air temperature in the room where the seedlings were grown should be gradually lowered.

Choose the right place
The pompom dahlia color mix will delight you for a long time if you choose the right place to plant seedlings. A flower bed with such flowers should be placed in an open, well-lit area. In this case, the soil must be well drained. It is worth considering that pompon dahlias do not tolerate cold air and drafts, as well as dark places. If the plants are planted in a shaded area, they will begin to stretch strongly. Because of this, the stems will become thin and weak, and the buds may not appear at all.
Besides this, water should not stagnate in the soil. Therefore, it is worth choosing a site with loose soil. A flower bed is best placed on a small hill. This will protect the plants from early frosts. In this case, moisture will not accumulate near the dahlia root system.
It is worth noting that such plants are not particularly whimsical to the composition of the soil. However, the soil must be fertile and loose. Ideal soil with a slightly acidic or neutral composition. In the autumn, it is recommended to fertilize the soil where the flower bed will be placed. Manure, compost or humus is ideal.

Planting seedlings
Growing from seeds of pompon dahlia has its own characteristics. Seedlings of these plants should be planted in open ground in late spring or inearly summer. By this time, the soil will warm up enough. It is worth noting that dahlias are unpretentious. They tolerate transplant well.
It is recommended to prepare the bed in advance. A little ash and humus should be added to each well. In the process of transplanting, it is recommended to carefully remove the seedlings from the pots so as not to damage the root system. Otherwise, the plants will be very sick.
The distance between the holes should be about 20 centimeters. After planting the seedlings, it is recommended to lightly water and then mulch the soil around the seedlings.
Growing from seeds of a pompon dahlia: highlighting the main thing
Planting seedlings in open ground has its own characteristics. Worth noting:
- If the seedlings were grown in containers made of clay or plastic, then they must be plentifully watered with water at room temperature about two hours before transplanting.
- Cups made of paper or pressed peat can be buried in the ground along with the root system of plants.
- It is better to place a flower bed with dahlias in a place protected from strong and cold winds.
- The soil should be prepared in the fall by digging it up and applying the necessary fertilizers.
- It is recommended to plant seedlings in pre-prepared holes. The distance between them should be from 20 to 30 centimeters. This indicator depends on the height of the plants. The higher it is, the greater the distance between the holes should be.
- Pits for seedlings should be flavored with ash and compost. Fertilizer must be mixed with the soil in advance.
- Water the plantedseedlings are worth a small amount of water at room temperature. It is recommended to loosen the soil around the dahlias regularly.

Mulching and watering
Mixing pompon dahlia with other varieties will make the flower bed more original. She is able to please the eye for a long time. The variety of colors is simply amazing. There are special varieties that have been glorified by many writers - black dahlias. For plants to grow well and produce buds, proper care is required.
It is mandatory to mulch the areas where dahlias are planted. This will simplify the care of plants, as there will be no need for regular weeding and loosening of the soil. In addition, mulching protects seedlings from slugs. The soil after mulching retains moisture longer. This is true during periods of drought.
As for watering, it is recommended to moisten the soil up to two times a week. As long as it doesn't rain. However, moisture should not stagnate near the roots, as pompon dahlia tubers are prone to rotting. If a dry period has come, hilling will help keep the soil moist. This should be done after watering.
What fertilizers and how to apply
Photos of pompom dahlias are beautiful and extraordinary. Outwardly, these flowers resemble neat balls of bright colors. In order for plants to bloom well, they must be properly fed. It is recommended to fertilize every 14 days. It is recommended to alternate organic supplements with mineral ones. For top dressingdahlias can be used:
- 15 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 cubic meter of water;
- mullein, infused with water, in proportions of 1 to 10, respectively;
- an infusion of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 20 parts of water.
When the first buds appear, it is worth using potassium supplements and superphosphate. To prepare the solution, 30 grams of the substance is required per bucket of water. This amount is enough to feed 8 dahlia bushes.
Don't forget about support
Pompon dahlias, like most other varieties, have a hollow stem. With heavy rain and wind, such plants break easily. It is for this reason that dahlias should be tied up, fixing with threads to the supporting pegs.
If the stalk could not stand it and broke, it is recommended to put a splint. To do this, attach a strong branch to the stem, fix it and support the plant. Otherwise, it will be pushed to the side. Attentiveness and timely care will save even broken shoots.

Should I trim
Pompon dahlias should only be pruned if you are not interested in the quantity, but the quality of the buds on the bushes. Do not leave more than three shoots on seedlings. Otherwise, the buds will be too small and not as pretty. In this case, it is worth carefully inspecting the flower stalks. It is recommended to leave only two buds on each of them. In this case, timely care of the bushes is important. Faded buds should be removed immediately. Otherwiseotherwise, they will retard growth and the formation of new ones.
Throughout the season, it is worth removing side shoots. In high varieties of dahlias, they can be used as cuttings. As for undersized plants, their lateral shoots may not be removed. The latter, by the way, include most of the pompom dahlias.
Dahlias are plants that attract many pests. The stems of these flowers are most often attacked by slugs, and the buds are most often attacked by earwigs. Therefore, during the period of activity of these insects, it is recommended to treat the plants. It is necessary to carry out such procedures in the evening. To process the bushes, you can use a decoction of celandine or wormwood.
During periods of drought, it is recommended to spray plants with systemic insecticides. They allow you to protect dahlias from attack by caterpillars, ticks, aphids and thrips. In some cases, old-fashioned methods of pest control may come in handy. It is worth noting that aphids really like dahlias. To eliminate it, seedlings can be treated with soapy water. All decoctions and remedies should be at room temperature. Do not use hot herbal infusions.